Leonardo's Laptop: Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies

Leonardo's Laptop:
Human Needs and the New Computing Technologies
Ben Shneiderman Copyright September 4, 2001 ben@cs.umd.edu
Dept of Computer Science, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742
Leonardo da Vinci's integrative spirit, that combines science with art, engineering with esthetics,
can guide us to envision the next generation of information and communications technologies.
Chapter 1. Inspiration for the New Computing
Leonardo’s humble start
Envisioning the new computing
Old computing gives birth to the new computing
About this book
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 2. Unusable at any bandwidth
Introduction: Raising public awareness
Unusable interfaces
Getting to the new computing
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 3. The quest for universal usability
Introduction: Defining universal usability
Coping with technology variety
Accommodating diverse users
Bridging the gap between what users know and what they need to know
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 4. New methods, new goals
Introduction: Shifting to the new computing
Methods for achieving user-centered designs
Moore's Law re-examined
From AI to UI - artificial intelligence to user interfaces
Guidelines for user-centered designs
Why focus on human-computer interaction?
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 5. Understanding human activities and relationships
Introduction: Why do we use computers?
Four circles of relationships
Four stages of activities
An Activities and Relationships Table (ART)
The Eyes Have It! Visual Information
Mobility and ubiquity: palmtops, fingertips, InfoDoors, WebBushes
The skeptic’s corner
Draft: Leonardo’s Laptop
Proposal -1
Ben Shneiderman
Chapter 6. The New Education: E-learning
Introduction: Why can’t every student earn an A?
Teaching and Technology
Applying Collect-Relate-Create-Donate
A science festival scenario
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 7. The New Business: E-commerce
Introduction: Why shouldn’t you get the deal you want?
Opportunities for merchants
Advantages for customers
Personalization and customization
To trust or not to trust
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 8. The New Medicine: E-healthcare
Introduction: Why should you ever be sick?
Enabling physicians
Empowering patients
A medical scenario
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 9. The New Politics: E-government
Introduction: Why shouldn’t you get the government you want?
Getting what you want from government
Getting the government you want
Open deliberation
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 10. The quest for mega-creativity
Introduction: Structuralists, inspirationalists and contextualists
Three levels of creativity: Revolutionary, evolutionary, everyday
A framework for mega-creativity
Integrating creative activities
An architectural scenario
The skeptic’s corner
Chapter 11. Grander goals
Introduction: old computing and new computing
The next Leonardo
The skeptic’s corner
Draft: Leonardo’s Laptop
Proposal -2
Ben Shneiderman
Draft: Leonardo’s Laptop
Proposal -3
Ben Shneiderman