Abnormal Psychology Study Guide #3 Ch. 8

Abnormal Psychology
Study Guide #3
Ch. 8
Understand the different types of Anorexia Nervosa (restricting type or binge-eating/purging
type) & Bulimia Nervosa (purging-type & non-purging type)
Know the symptoms of Anorexia & Bulimia
What personality factors are associated with Anorexia?
Know what compensatory behaviors are
What are the medical problems associated with Anorexia & Bulimia?
How are men & women different in regards to eating disorders?
What psychological problems are most often associated with eating disorders?
Understand the different causes of eating disorders (societal, family, psychological, biological)
What is psychosis?
Know the positive & negative symptoms of schizophrenia (thoughts, perceptions, thinking,
speech, behavior)
Know what hallucinations & delusions are & the different types
Know the psychomotor symptoms
Understand the diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia
Know what neurotransmitters have been implicated with schizophrenia
Understand the research on viral infections & schizophrenia
What is the social breakdown syndrome (know what is a result of, as well as the symptoms)?
Understand the token economy approach & the downfalls of this form of treatment
What treatment(s) is(are) most effective?
Know the side effects of antipsychotics
Why do some believe that psychotherapy is ineffective in treating schizophrenia?
Know the different types of psychotherapies used to treat schizophrenia
What is the “revolving door” syndrome?
Ch. 10
What are the similarities in all of the personality disorders?
Why are personality disorders difficult to treat?
Know the different symptoms of the personality disorders
Know the different theoretical views on personality disorders
What disorder is most similar to the schizotypal personality disorder?
What are some of the treatments options for personality disorders?
Ch. 9
Understand the different classes of drugs (stimulants, depressants, etc) and specific drugs under
each class, as well as their short & long-term effects on the body/brain
Understand the following terms: substance abuse, dependence, addiction, tolerance, withdrawal
Understand the biological & sociocultural causes & treatments of substance-related disorders
Know what neurotransmitter is most linked to addiction
Other Info you should know from throughout the quarter
Know the historical and modern views on the causes of psychological abnormality
Know the symptoms and general causes of the various disorders covered in class
Know the different types of therapies covered in class