Racine County Family Resource Network Network Provider Meeting Minutes: April 10th , 2012 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M. Next Generation Now Attendees: Network Details: Announcements: Aidana Lira – Children’s Service Society of WI ; Emily Vance-Welsh-Children’s Service Society of WI; Tatjana Bicanin, Children’s Service Society of WI; Tasha Doss, 4-C For Children, Joan Elger, Children’s Service Society of WI; Joella Eternicka, Central Racine County Health Department; Alicia Gollaz, Advancing Family Assets; Diane Graebner, Racine Unified School District; Sarah Hawks, U-W Extension; Mari Hernandez, Advancing Family Assets; Wendy Johnson, Children’s Service Society of WI; Julie Lehner, Teens Moms; Melinda Miller, Wheaton Fransiscan Healthcare; Maria Moller-Gunderson, Aurora Health Care; Samantha Perry, Racine Kenosha Community Action Agency; Judith Roehrich, Racine Unified School District; Sara Rogers, Advancing Family Assets; Alison Schneider, Next Generation Now, Carrie Scruggs, Next Generation Now; Jessica St. MartinTrejo, Children’s Service Society of WI; Lynn Tetzloff, Racine Unified School District; Kathy Vesel, Central Racine County Health Department; Tamekia Shaw, Advancing Family Assets; Chip Wood, Family Service of Racine; Dave Maurer, United Way Racine County; Tammy Grauer, Energy Services Inc. Racine County Welcome, New Partners-Chip Wood, Executive Director, Family Service of Racine, Tammy Grauer, WHEAP Coordinator, Energy Services Inc., Introductions of Network Members, Network Mission CSSW Racine was sponsored by UW-Extension (Milwaukee) and SFTA to host State Child Abuse and Neglect-Mandatory Reporter Trainings. They will be held on Wednesday April 18th, one session from 2:00-4:30 held at Mount Pleasant Town Hall, and the next from 6:00-8:30 at Next Generation Now. Parents, child care providers, and anyone who cares about children are invited to this training. We will identify examples of child abuse & neglect, describe risks and protective factors for abuse and neglect, and teach what steps to take if you suspect a child is experiencing abuse. Early Childhood professionals who want registry credit must pay $5-donations are welcome but not needed. For more information and registration for either training, contact Kathleen O’Hara, UW-Extension #414-256-4674, email Kathleen.ohara@ces.uwex.edu Healthcare Professional Opportunity Program, (HPOPS) offered through Gateway Technical College in Racine Kenosha and Walworth Counties- participants must for TANF recipients or other eligible low income, new student, spoke with Lisa Roberts, Case Manager for HPOPS in Racine, will begin open enrollment for Fall Semester on May 30th, Gateway Racine Campus Contact #619-6442. The Racine Family YMCA is rolling out Salsa Sabor y Salud, which is a program of the National Latino Children’s Institute to encourage healthy lifestyles among Latino families. Contact #262-635-3844 to register. The Workforce Development Center is currently accepting applications for the Transitional Jobs Program. Applications are available in the Resource Room. Deadline to return application is Friday, April 20th. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact christine.henning@goracine.org. Mount Pleasant Police Department no longer has free car seat program available. Presentations: Upcoming Classes/Events: U-W Extension, Sarah Hawks #(262)767-2929, sarah.hawks@goracine.org Life Course Initiative-Healthy Birth Outcomes, Samantha Perry #(262)637-8377, sperry@rkcaa.org Advancing Family Assets, Alicia Gollaz, Mari Hernandez, Sara Rogers, Tamekia Shaw-Contact, Kimberly Payne, AFA Program Director, #(262)456-4701, kpayne@afaracine.org Central Racine County Health Department, Joella Eternicka, Kathy Vesel-Contact Margaret Gesner, Health Officer, #(262)898-4463, mgesner@crchd.com April-Child Abuse Prevention Month: Preventing Child Maltreatment and Promoting Well Being: A Network for Action, http://www.childwelfare.gov/preventing Upcoming Community Forum: Keeping Babies Alive, Hosted by LifeCourse Initiative for Health Families, April 25th 5:00 pm, Gateway Technical College, Great Lakes Room, 1001 Main St. Racine WI, to RSVP, contact Samantha Perry, #262-637-8377, sperry@rkcaa.org. Just Add Kids Expo-Saturday, April 21st at Case High School, 7345 Washington Ave., Racine WI, 10:00-3:00, www.JustAddKidsOnline. Parent Support Group-Next Generation Now, Starting May 16th, 2012-Every third Wednesday of month, 6:00-7:00pm,1220 Mound Ave Racine WI 53405 Group is Free of Charge, Includes dinner and childcare Contact Alison Schnieder or Alison Haas, #262-635-1920 Mini Presentation Calendar: May 8th: Presentations-Touchpoints Program/Coalitions, Family Smart Kid Friendly, Birth to Three Program, Energy Services Inc. Please email Emily.Vance-Welsh@cssw.org to sign up for a mini presentation in June! Please email any announcements/updates to Emily.Vance-Welsh@cssw.org We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting, May 8th!