MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING Models for Integrated Supply Chain Management • Descriptive modeling - forecasting, data mining, activity-based costing, performance metrics, simulation, systems dynamics • Prescriptive modeling - optimization models (mathematical programming combined with heuristic methods) Scope Supply Chain Modeling System Hierarchy Top-Down View Strategic Analysis Tactical Optimization Modeling System Long-Term Tactical Analysis Production Planning Logistics Optimization Optimization Modeling Modeling System System Production Scheduling Optimization Modeling Systems Short-term Tactical Analysis { { Demand Forecasting and Order Management System Strategic Optimization Modeling System Distribution Scheduling Optimization Modeling Systems Transactional IT Operational Analysis Formulate LP Model • Identify the parameters (activities/values you cannot control) • Identify the decision variables (activities/values that you can control and need to make a decision on) • Identify the objective function (function of the decision variables for minimization/maximization) • Identify the constraints (limitations you cannot control) LP Terminology • • • • • The allocation of limited resources to competing activities for maximizing the value of these activities Activities, n Resources, m Decision variables – or level of activities, x Objective function – or value of activities, Z Constraints – functional – non-negativity LP Terminology • • • • Feasible region, feasible solution Infeasible solution Optimal solution Extreme-point – or corner-point feasible solutions • Parameters Standard (Canonical) Form of an LP Model Maximize Z = c1x1 + c2x2 + … + cnxn subject to a11x1 + a12x2 + … + a1nxn ≤ b1 a21x1 + a22x2 + … + a2nxn ≤ b2 … am1x1 + am2x2 + … + amnxn ≤ bm Other Forms that can be Converted into Standard Form • Objective function: Minimize Z=cx (instead of Maximize Z=cx) • Functional constraints: Ax ≥ b or Ax = b (instead of Ax ≤ b) • Non-negativity constraints: x unrestricted in sign (instead of x ≥ 0) Assumptions of Linear Programming • Proportionality • Additivity • Divisibility • Certainty A Transportation Example • A company has 2 plants and 3 warehouses • Supply at plants 100 units in Plant 1, 200 units in Plant 2 • Sales potential at warehouses 150 units, 200 units, and 350 units at Warehouses 1, 2 and 3, respectively • Revenue 12 $/unit, 14 $/unit and 15 $/unit at Warehouses 1, 2 and 3, respectively Warehouse • Cost of manufacturing one unit at plant i and shipping to w/h j: Plant 1 2 3 1 8 10 12 2 7 9 11 Mixed 0-1 Integer Programming max cx dy Ax Gy b x j {0,1}, l j y j u j Why Use MIP ? • • • • • • Indivisible commodities Binary choices Logical relations Start up or fixed costs Economies of scale Combinatorial modeling Applicability • Tremendous increase of the use of MIPs in the last decade • Large-scale MIPs are solvable (provably good solutions) on PCs with commercially available software Recent Applications • • • • • Transportation planning and operations Facility location Production scheduling Supply-chain management Many others Transportation planning and operations • Aircraft arrival slot allocation at American. Network optimization used to allocate arrival slots of canceled flights, leading to reduced delays, translates into direct annual operating cost savings of $5.2M (1991) • Optimizing airline scheduling of planes and crews. Delta's Cold Start solves its fleet assignment with expected savings of $300M over three years (1994) Facility location • Base closing in Germany (US Department of Defense). 0-1 IP used to determine base closures and optimal stationing plan for US troops in Europe after force reductions, annual savings of up to $58M (1996) Supply-chain management • Global supply chain management (Digital). MIP used to design production, distribution and vendor network so as to minimize cost of production and distribution times, saved $100M (1995) • Restructuring the supply chain (Proctor and Gamble). MIP is used to help restructure the supply chain (1997) LP Based Branch and Bound • Implicit enumeration tree • At every node, an LP relaxation is solved • Upper bounds come from LP solutions; lower bounds come from MIP feasible solutions LP Based Branch and Bound Initialization zip=-, xip= List empty? Choose problem Solve LPzlp,xlp If infeasible, then fathom If zlp zip, then fathom If xlp integral, then zip zlp,xip xlp and fathom Branch xip optimal How to improve performance? 1. Faster computer 2. Faster linear programming optimizer 3. Smaller zlp 4. Larger zip 5. Improved branching 6. Smaller linear programs Formulations • Most MIPs have many correct formulations, but while one formulation may be easy to solve, another may be very hard to solve • Failure to solve a MIP may not be the fault of the algorithm, but the result of a “bad” formulation • Smaller size formulations (number of variables and constraints) may not be better and can be much worse