Document 14998944

: D0174/ Pemodelan Sistem dan Simulasi
: Tahun 2009
Pertemuan 17
Learning Objectives
• Terminologi Model Antrian
• Struktur Dasar Model Antrian
• Implementasi model antrian pada single station dan
Struktur Dasar Model Antrian
Struktur Dasar Model Antrian
Struktur Dasar Model Antrian
INPUT: Batches of raw materials.
WORKSTATION: one or more identically capable processors
OUTPUT: Completed products.
– Batch size = 1 ; Server size = 1
– Exponential intearrival and service times
– FCFS service policy
– Service time = set-up time + processing time
Single Station (cont’d)
• Average arrival rate: 
• Average service rate: 
• Utilization factor (expected number of items in process): 
• Expected number of items at station: L = Lq + 
• Expected throughput time: W = Wq + 1/
• Actual number of items at station: n
• Probability of having n items at time t: pt(n)
Single Station (cont’d)
• Probability of n = 0 at t
pt+t(0) = pt(0) (1 -  t) + pt(1)  t
• Probability of n > 0 at t
pt+t(n) = pt(n) (1 -  t -  t) + pt(n+1)  t +
pt(n-1)  t
Single Station (cont’d)
• In rate form:
• For n = 0
dpt+t(0)/dt = -  pt(0) +  pt(1)
• For n > 0
dpt+t(n)/dt = - ( +  ) pt(n) +
 pt(n+1) +  pt(n-1)
Single Station (cont’d)
• At steady state pt+t(n) = pt(n) = p(n) :
• For n = 0
 p(0) =  p(1)
• For n > 0
( +  ) p(n) =  p(n+1) +  p(n-1)
Single Station (cont’d)
• Steady state probabilities:
• For n = 0
p(1) =  p(0)
• For n > 0
p(n+1) = [( +  )/] p(n)  p(n-1)
Single Station (cont’d)
• Steady state probabilities (cont’d):
p(n) = n p(0)
• Constraint:
 p(n) = 1
Single Station (cont’d)
• Combining:
p(0) = 
• Also:
p(n) = n
• Expected number of items in system
L =  n p(n) =  /
Single Station (cont’d)
• Expected throughput time:
W = 1/ 
• Little’s Law:
L = W
• See summary in Table 11.1, p. 366
• See Example 11.1
Single Station (cont’d)
• Poisson arrivals, general FCFS service
• M/G/1
E(S) = expectation for service time (1/)
E(T) = expectation for throughput time T
E(N) = expectation for number of jobs N
• See Example 11.2, p. 367
Single Station (cont’d)
• How about other that FCFS policy?
• If multiple parts with different priorities are being
processed then priority service may have to be instituted
• See Sec. 11.2.3 and Example 11.3, p. 369
Networks of Workstations
• Consider M workstations with jobs moving between
workstation pairs following a routing scheme.
• If an external arrival process generates jobs that enter
the network anytime, we have an open network.
• If the number of jobs in the network is maintained
constant we have a closed network.
Facts about Networks
• The sum of independent Poisson random variables
is Poisson.
• If arrival rate is Poisson, the time interval between
arrivals is Exponential.
• If service time is Exponential , the output rate is
Facts about Networks (cont’d)
• The interdeparture time from an M/M/c system with
infinite queue capacity is Exponential.
• If a Poisson process of rate  is split into multiple
processes with probability pi, the individual streams
become Poisson with arrival rates equal to  pi
Open Networks
• Illustration of Facts:
– See Example 11.4, p. 372
• Poisson Arrivals and FCFS policy
Parts are taken from Warehouse for Kitting
Kits are sent to Assembly station(s)
Finished parts are sent to Inspection/Packing
See Fig. 11.2, p. 373
Open Networks (cont’d)
• Kitting-Assembly-Inspect/Pack Problem
Kitting queue has always 1 hr worth of work
Kitting rate = 10 kits/hr
Assembly rate = 12 parts/hr
Inspection/Pack rate = 15 parts/hr
Assume all times are Exponential.
Serial System with Random Processing Times.
Output rate from Kitting is Poisson.
Arrival time into Assembly is Exponential.
Output from Assembly is Poisson.
Arrival time into Inspect/Pack is Exponential.
State of system described by number of jobs at
Assembly and Inspect/Pack (n1, n2)
• States and transitions diagram (Fig. 11.3)
• Steady-state balance equations (Eqn. 11.13, p. 373)
• Product Form Solution
p(n1,n2) = (1 - 1) 1n1 (1 - 2) 2n2
• Recall for single workstation
p(n) = n
Important Note
• The product form solution allows the analysis of the
M-station network by first analyzing the M individual
stations separatedly and then combining the results.
• See Example 11.5
Jackson’s Generalization
M workstations with cj servers each.
External arrivals are Poisson with rate j
Service times are Exponential w/mean 1/j
Job at station j transfers to k with probability pjk
Queue sizes are unlimited.
Jackson (cont’d)
• Effective arrival rate = External arrivals + Internal
j’ = j + k k’ pkj
• Note this is a system of linear algebraic equations for
the various j’
• Utilization factors must then be computed using the
Effective arrival rates.
Jackson (cont’d)
• The state of system is given by the vector
n = (n1, n2, n3, ..., nM)
• The probability of the system being in a state n is
p(n) .
Procedure for Open Networks
1.- Solve for the effective arrival rates in all
workstations (Eqn. 11.15)
2.- Analyze each station independently using
Table 11.1.
3.- Aggregate results across stations to obtain
performance measures.
• See Example 11.6, p. 377, Ex. 11.7, p. 378
Closed Networks
• Sometimes it may be convenient not to introduce
new jobs into the system but until a unit is
completed and delivered.
• This maintains the number of jobs in the system at a
constant level N .
• In this case WIP becomes a control parameter not an
output statistic.
Closed Networks
• As N increases, both peoduction rate and throughput
• Production rate is limited by lowest service rate station.
• Worsktations are not independent now.
• Set of possible states is such that
 nj = N
Mean Value Analysis
• Assume P part types ( njp = Np; Np = N)
• Mean service time for part p on station j = 1/jp
• Throughput time of part p at j
Wjp = 1/jp + ((Np-1)/Np) Ljp/ jp +
 Ljr/ jp
MVA (cont’d)
• Throughput rates
Xp = Np/( vjp Wjp)
• Number of visits of part p to station j = vjp
• Queue lengths
Ljp = Xp vjp Wjp
MVA (cont’d)
• Iterative Solution Procedure
1.- Guess the values of Ljp
2.- Obtain Wjp
3.- Compute Xp
4.- Compute improved values of Ljp
5.- Repeat until satisfied.
• See Example 11.0, pp. 388-392
Product Form Solutions for
Closed Networks
• Probability of selecting part of type p to enter the
system next dp
• Station visit count vj =  vjp dp
• Total work required at station j
j =  vjp dp jp
• Service rate at j
1 jp = j / vj
Product Form Solutions for
Closed Networks (cont’d)
• Rate station j serves customers under n
rj(n) = min(nj,cj) j
• Probability of job leaving station j for k pjk
• Steady state equation (Eqn 11.32, p. 394)
p(n)  rj(n) = p(njk) pjk rj(njk)
• See Example 11.10, p. 394-
Product Form Solutions for
Closed Networks (cont’d)
• The solution to the balance equations is
p(n) = G-1 (N) (f1*f2*f3 ...fM)
• Where, if nj < cj
fj(nj) = j nj/nj!
• And if nj > cj
fj(nj) = j nj/(cj! cjnj-cj)
• And
G-1 (N) =  (f1*f2*f3 ...fM)
1. Di Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Umum (SPBU),
sering terjai antrian. Buatlah suatu studi kasus di SPBU
terdekat dengan mengimplementasikan model antrian
2. Jelaskan manfaat dari implementasi model antrian !
3. Jelaskan yang dimaksud dengan Model Transportasi !
Daftar Pustaka
Harrel. Ghosh. Bowden. (2000). Simulation Using
Promodel. McGraw-Hill. New York.
RG Coyle. (1996). System Dynamics Modelling : A
Practice Approach. Chapman & Hall. United Kingdom.