Interactive Flash Applications with ActionScript Khoo Yit Phang CMSC 434 September 26, 2006 What is ActionScript? What is ActionScript? Prototyped-based programming language closely related to Javascript (superficially resembles Java): /* Hello World module */ var HelloString = “Hello World!”; function getHello(name:String) { var welcome:String = “ Welcome ” + name; return welcome + HelloString; } Adding ActionScript To a KeyFrame, or symbol instance Strangely, the “Action” item is sometimes grayed out in the context menu; click on instance and use the “Window” menu instead. Adding ActionScript (cont’d) ActionScript is also organized into Layers/Frames (and symbols) Writing ActionScript A Two-minute Primer Variables Local variables (to timeline or function): var name = “MyName” var x:Number = 1; // optional type Global variables: _global.y = 2; // cannot be typed! trace(y); // implied _global.* Objects Objects are associative arrays: var point = new Object(); point.x = 1; // properties cannot be typed! point.y = 2; /* equivalently */ var point2 = { x:1, y:2 }; _global is an Object Arrays Arrays are generalized collections: var list = new Array(1, 2, 3); /* equivalently */ var list2 = [ 1, 2, 3 ]; list2[2] = 10; // => [ 1, 2, list2.push(“a”); // => [ 1, 2, var x; x = list2.pop(); // => [ 1, 2, delete list2[0]; // => [ 2, 10 10] 10, “a” ] 10 ] ] Statements if (x == 1) {...} else if (x > 10) {...} else {...} switch (x) { case 1: ...; break; } for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {...} while (!x) {...}; do {...} while (!x); Functions Named functions: function sqrt(x:Number) { // optional type return Math.pow(x, 0.5); } Functions are objects too! symbol.sqrt = sqrt; // from above, no ()! symbol.onRelease = function() { /* anonymous function */ } Etc. ActionScript also supports: Classes Exceptions Modules (i.e. code libraries) Refer to Flash Help Symbols Revisited Using Symbols Reusable content stored in Library Create instance from symbols, and name Components Predefined symbols with behaviors: Button TextArea RadioButton and other “standard” controls Custom Components Basically: MovieClip symbols+ActionScript MovieClip symbols are symbols with their own timeline The idea: create multiple frames (in the symbol) to represent multiple states of the control use playback methods: movieClip.stop(), play(), gotoAndPlay(), gotoAndStop() Event Handling Tying user input to output on(event) Handler Edit an instance’s action: /* e.g. ComboBox instance */ on (change) { RedRoute.gotoAndStop(; /* implied this.selectedItem */ } What Handlers are Defined? Refer to Flash Help -> Component Language Reference or Use the Behaviors panel: events code generator typically, I add some random behavior; browse the events; and then edit the generated Action to the correct behavior Other Handlers Other event handling models available: onClipEvent() addEventListener() Refer to Flash Help on() handler is easiest to use, but has limitations (e.g. only statically defined instances); hopefully won’t be encountered Tips & Tricks Debugging trace(exp) function outputs the result of exp into the “Output” window. The debugger can be started from the menu item: Control -> Debug Movie: Breakpoints are set in the Debugger Controlling Playback Playback can be controlled using: stop(), play(), gotoAndPlay(), gotoAndStop() _root object represents the entire movie: /* e.g. in the last keyframe */ _root.stop(); /* or just stop(), since root is implied in the main timeline */ Referencing Instances Instances are defined under _root hierarchy: _root.button1 _root.movieclip _root.movieclip.nestedClip Relative references are also possible: _root.movieclip._parent == _root Hiding Instances Use the _visible property (events disabled): /* e.g. in Button */ on (click) { route._visible = false; } or Use the _alpha property (events still enabled): on (click) { route._alpha = 20; // 20% translucent } Questions