HCCP PHILOSOPHY ( Conduct a Hazard Analysis, Determine Critical Control ) Pertemuan 11

: V0152 / Hygiene, Keamanan &
: 2009
( Conduct a Hazard Analysis, Determine Critical
Control )
Pertemuan 11
HACCP is an abbreviation for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point
HACCP is a written food safety system to enable the selling and serving of
Safe food.
The HACCP philosophy simply states that biological, chemical, or physical
Hazards, at certain points in the flow of food, can either be
•Reduced to safe levels
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1. Conduct a hazard analysis
A hazard analysis is the first principle in evaluating foods in your operation. The
Analysis looks for food safety hazards (biological, chemical, and physical) that are
Likely to occur in your operation if not effectively controlled. According to the 2005
FDA Food Code, a hazard is a biological, chemical, or physical property that may
Cause a food to be unsafe for human consumption.
A foodborne infection is caused by ingesting pathogens or diseas-causing
Foodborne intoxication is caused by ingesting a toxin that is present in food. Toxins
Are poisons.
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Biological hazards include bacterial, viral, and parasitic microorganisms. These
Microorganisms are of the most significant concern with regard to food safety. The
Majority of biological hazards are bacteria that can be controlled through time,
Temperature, activity, and water activity. Some bacteria form spores that are highly
Resistant and may not be destroyed by cooking and drying.
Viruses can exist in food without growing, but they can rapidly reproduce once they
Are on a living host, most typically a human being. Viruses can best be controlled by
Good personal hygiene, because that limits the transmission of virusses from one
Source (human) to another via human contact or common food contact.
Parasites also need a host. They are mostly animal – host – specific, but they can
Survive in humans. Adequate cooking or freezing destroys parasites. So special
Attention should be given when preparing foods such as pork, fish, and bear, since
they are known to carry parasites
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Chemical hazards may also cause foodborne illness. Chemical hazards may occur
Naturally or may be introduced during any stage of food production. Dangerous,
Naturally occuring chemicals can be found in some species of fish (scrombroid,
ciguatera, puffer fish) or shellfish (molluscan, lobsters, red rock crabs), some plant
Foods (red kidney beans), or mushrooms, and allergens. Allergens can be biological
Or chemical hazards.
Some chemical added to foods also make them unsafe. These include preservatives
(sulfites, sodium nitrates, monosodium glutamate, or MSG), environmental additives\
(fertilizers, pesticides), and cleaning agents (sanitizers, lubricants). High levels of toxic
Chemicals may cause acute cases of foodborne illness, while chronic illness may
result from lower levels.
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A physical hazard is any physical material or foreign object not normally found is a
Food that can cause illness and injury. These physical hazards may be the result of
Contamination, carelessness, mishandling, or implementating poor procedures at
Many points in the food chain from harvest to consumer, including those within the
Food establishment. These hazards are the easiest to identofy because the consumer
Usually finds the foreign object and reports the incident.
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2. Determine Critical Control Points
HACPP Principle 2 is to determine critical control points by first idetfying all the
Standard control points i the flow of food.This helps you to identify which points are
More critical than others.If a critical ste is not controlled,then people can get a foodborne
Illness.Before determining control points and critical control points,you need to have a
Clear understanding of what they are.
1. Control point (CP).This is any point,step,or procedre in the flow of food where
biological,physical,or chemical factors can be controlled.If loss of control occurs at
this points and there is only a minor chance of contamination and there is not an
unacceptable health risk,then the control point is not critical;it is simply a control
point in the flow of food.Control point examples can be operational steps such as
purchasing,receiving,storing,and preparation of the food,because if loss of control
occurs,there are additional operational steps that will control the hazard
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2. Critical control point (CCP).This is an essential step in the product handling
process where controls can be applied and a food safety hazard can be
prevented,eliminated,or reduced to acceptable levels.A critical control point is
one of the last chance you have to be sure the food will be safe when you
serve it.This may include cooking,cooling,hot/cold holding,maintaining spesific
sanitation procedures,preventing cross-contamination,or ensuring employee
hygiene.It is the critical step thet prevents or slows microbial growth.Every
operation is different,so critical control points will vary from one operation to
another.While not every step in the flow of food will be a CCP,there will be a
CCP in the least one or more steps whenever a potentially hazardous food is in
the recipe.Lack of hazard control at this point couldlad to an unacceptable
health risk,which is why it is critical.Common examples of CCPs include cooking
cooling,hot holding,an cold holding of ready-to-eat potentially hazardous food
(time/temperature control for safety of foods).Due to vegetative and spore and
toxim forming bacteria that are associated with raw animal foods,it is apparent
that the proper execution of control measures at each of these operational steps
is essential to prevent or eliminate food safety hazard or reduce them to
acceptable levels.
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