Matakuliah : V0152 / Hygiene, Keamanan & Keselamatan Tahun : 2009 K3 DI KITCHEN Pertemuan 6 PRODUCT INSTRUCTION Things to do at Kitchen : 1. Developed menu 2. Created recipes 3. Decided on the process and product instructions Product instruction is one of the important things in food service operation. Bina Nusantara EQUIPMENT The equipments in kitchen divided by two : 1. Big equipment 2. Small equipment The benefits using the right equipment are food safety and efficiency, plus better quality of food that increases sales and productivity, thereby saving labor cost. Dirty equipment, no preventive care, or waiting to make repairs is not working efficiently, pottentialy causing more damage and in some cases completely destroying the piece of equipment. Bina Nusantara THE BASIC LIST OF MINIMUM EQUIPMENT STANDARDS - Equipment should come with written specification. The equipment specification are normally required by regulatory officials for your plan reviews. These psecifications also provide instruction and how to install, utility (electrical/gas) requirements, information on performance tests including maximum performance capability, and recommendations on equipment maintenance. -Equipment construction requires food-contact surfaces to be smooth, nonphorus, corrosion-resistant, and non-toxic. All corners and edges must be rounded off. If coating materials are used, they must be USDA or FDA approved to resist chipping be toxic and be cleaneable. -All equipment must be simple to disassemble and easy to clean and maintain. The key is to have all parts of equipment readily accessible for cleaning, sanitizing, maintenance and inspection and equipment calibration schedules. Bina Nusantara KESEHATAN MAKANAN Untuk menjaga higienitas makanan maka diperlu diperhatikan dari segi : 1. Man / SDM kebersihan diri sangat erat kaitannya dengan keracunan makanan buat ketentuan untuk memastikan pekerja dalam keadaan bersih (potong kuku, menggunakan ikat kepala, mencuci tangan dsb 2. Material / bahan makanan pastikan semua makanan dalam keadaan baik, atau tidak kadaluarsa, tidqk berjamur 3. Methode / perlakuan terhadap makanan menangani makanan sesuai ketentuan seperti : menyimpan dengan suhu yg benar, memasak dalam waktu dan suhu yang tepat, tidak membiarkan makanan dalam keadaan terbuka, dsb. Bina Nusantara 4. Equipment / peralatan yang digunakan - perhatikan kondisi kelayakan peralatan, - patuhi prosedur penanganan penggunaan peralatan. kedua hal diatas perlu dilakukan karena peralatan secanggih apapun peralatan tidak memastikan aman untuk digunakan apabila hal – hal seperti diatas diabaikan 5. Environmental / lingkungan apakah lingkungan dalam kondisi yang kondusif, seperti kebersihan, pencahayaan yang cukup. Sirkulasi udara yang baik, suhu yang tidak terlalu panas (apabila diperlukan menggunakan exhaust fan dan atau cerobong asap untuk mengurangi suhu ruang) Bina Nusantara LANGKAH – LANGKAH PENGELOLAAN MAKANAN 1. Receiving 2. Storage 3. Preparation 4. Cooking 5. Holding 6. Cooling 7. Reheating Bina Nusantara BADAN PENGAWAS Badan yang mengaweasi tentang makanan di Indonesia : Badan POM (Pengawasan Obat & Makanan) Di Amerika Serikat : FDA (Food & Drug Administration) Bina Nusantara SOP SOP = Standard Operating Procedures SOP are required for all HACCP plans. They provide the acceptable practices and Procedures that your service organization request you to follow. SOPs are only effective if they are followed! We will more difine standard operating Procedures in detail and provide an example of one. It is important for you that understand that SOPs play a large role in your HACCP plan and the safety of your Facility and the food served. Bina Nusantara SOP The US Department agricultur (USDA, has organized the SOPs in a Consistan format. This format included a description of the purpose, scope, keywords, Instruction, monitoring, corrective action, verification and record keeping. This format also indicates dates for implementation, review, and revision and requires as signature Verifying each action has taken place. Following are two examples of food safety Standard operating procedures for purchasing and reciving. The sample of SOPs can you read at binus maya : Purchasing and Receiving SOPs Bina Nusantara HAZARD PADA MAKANAN Tiga jenis Hazard yang perlu diperhatikan : 1. Biologi - Tikus, kecoa, semut, dsb - Mikrobiologi (parasit, jamur, bakteri, virus, dll) 2. Kimia - Bahan pewarna, pengawet - Residu dari bahan pembersih 3. Fisika - Peralatan makan - Peralatan memasak - Api Bina Nusantara HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) Merupakan standar berupa prosedur sistematis yang mengatur tentang keselamatan Pangan’ Fungsinya untuk menjamin keselamatan makanan dari mulai perkebunan / Pertanian sampai pada saat dikonsumsi Bina Nusantara MATERIAL BERBAHAYA - Seperti pada industri lain pada perhotelan juga menggunakan beberapa material yang mengandung material berbahaya - Pada setiap bahan berbahaya harus diperhatikan tentang keterangan kandungannya yang tertuang dalam Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) - Karena itu sistem informasi yang baik diperlukan untuk mengenali bahan berbahaya & beracun (B3) yang terkait : * bahaya yang terkandung * intruksi & prosedur penggunaan * dampak dan resiko yang mungkin terjadi * penanganan dalam mengatasi apabila keadaan darurat Bina Nusantara