Matakuliah Tahun : U0704 / Cinematography for Animation : 2008 COMPOSITION & STAGING Pertemuan 03 3 Bina Nusantara Shot sizes The shot size identifies how large an area will he visible wihtn the frame, here are the five most common shot sizes 4 Bina Nusantara Z axis blocking In a three-dimentional scene, a shot doesn't always have to be just a Close Up or just a Wide shoot, but can have different object or character at different distances from the camera 5 Bina Nusantara Shot/Counter-Shot Specific types of shoots can be put together to help you stage a conversation, interview or other scenes in which two character are facing eacth other The two shot Bina Nusantara The Over The Shoulder Shot 7 Bina Nusantara Positive and Negative Space Bina Nusantara