As a TWRT/BUS/EWRT 64 student, you have been assigned to a group of two to four total members.
Throughout the quarter, you work together to complete a project for a real client’s needs. Together you need to develop positive group relations that include policies about how you work together and communicate with each other. To complete the client’s project, you create a plan for dividing the workload and completing the necessary research and intermediate tasks.
This group/project plan is divided into three parts with the following subsections:
Group Policies and Resource
Contact Information
Individual Strengths
Roles and Responsibilities
Group Policies for Communication and Meetings
Group Policies for Issues, Conflicts, and Consequences
Client Management
Client Contact Information
Managing Client Challenges
Descriptions of Deliverables
Individual Members’ Area of
Research or Expertise
At the end of this document, each group member must sign the contract to show your understanding and agreement of the group/project plan.
One key to working effectively in groups is resource management. By identifying your areas of expertise and coming up with some group policies, you use each other’s strengths more efficiently and work together as a cohesive group. When you work together efficiently, you deliver a quality end product for your client. (See Working in Groups and Group Work and Collaborative Writing in the reader.)
Contact Information
Before you can build an effective group dynamic, you need to exchange contact information. In Table 1, identify your email address, two phone numbers, and your preferred method of contact.
Name Email Address
Table 1 Group Contact Information
Phone Number 1 Preference General Availability
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Individual Strengths
This section helps you assess your individual strengths so you can work together efficiently. Use Table
2 to thoughtfully describe each individual’s capabilities.
Name Writing/Editing
Table 2 Individual Strengths
Style/Formatting Technology Other
Roles and Responsibilities
This section determines the roles and responsibilities group members undertake. Some suggestions for roles are: facilitator, administrative recorder/client liaison, and researcher/writer. You may alter or add roles according to individual group members’ strengths, the nature of your client’s project, or the nature of your group members. Based on the previously defined individual strengths and preferences, define roles within your group in Table 3.
Group Member Role
Researcher /
Researcher /
Observes the group to get a sense of how everyone is working together
Monitors the groups’ progress and initiates communication with group members
Sets agendas for meetings in order to accomplish tasks
Completes other assigned tasks as a researcher/writer/editor in addition to responsibilities as a facilitator
Records group meetings, discussions, and decisions
Emails summaries to group members after meetings and discussions
Maintains the project timeline and sends out updated versions to group members and the client
Completes other assigned tasks as a researcher/writer/editor in addition to responsibilities as administrative recorder
Communicates on behalf of the group with the client
Contributes to major and minor assignments
Supports other group members in their tasks
Attends meetings and participates in frequent communication
Contributes to major and minor assignments
Supports other group members in their tasks
Attends meetings and participates in frequent communication
Table 3 Roles and Responsibilities
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Group Policies for Communication and Meetings
Clear and frequent communication is essential to successfully completing any project within your time constraints. In this section, decide how you communicate with each other face-to-face as well as virtually. Keep in mind that you meet in person to discuss issues, determine how to complete assignments, and to collaborate, but you complete much of the actual work remotely. In Table 4 define each of the following:
Communication Medium. Use the examples of communication mediums to discuss different ways you can get in touch with each other. While in-person meetings are one of the most effective ways to get work done, they may not always be necessary or even effective, so come up with additional methods for communicating in addition to face-to-face communication.
Response Time. In the column for response time, include a reasonable, timely period for responding to each communication medium. For example, you may determine that group members must respond to emails with 24 hours or that you will meet on Instant Messenger at a certain time.
In the column for purpose, think about why you would use a particular method for communication. For example, you may decide to use email for simple questions and Instant
Messenger for online group work sessions when you do not meet in person.
Communication Medium
Phone Calls/Conference Calls
Instant Messenger, Skype, and other online communication tools
In-person Meetings
Face-to-Face Collaboration Sessions
Team Website
Table 4 Communication Mediums
Group Polices for Issues, Conflicts and Consequences
This section helps the group decide how to handle issues and conflicts. Some suggestions are entered in
Table 5, but come up with some of your own, too. Ask yourselves these questions as you discuss your group policies and consequences:
What constitutes an issue or conflict?
How are we going to handle issues and conflicts?
What are the consequences for missing meetings, assignments, deadlines, etc.?
At what point do we escalate issues to Professor Reber?
How do we continue completing the project if a member is not contributing or leaves the group entirely?
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Discuss your answers to these questions and complete Table 5. Fill in any other issues or conflicts not listed.
Missed Meeting
Missed Assignment
Group Member
Fighting Group
Conflicting Ideas or Points of View
Loss of Team
Table 5 Group Policies for Issues, Conflicts, and Consequences
When to Escalate the Issue
Throughout the quarter, you complete a project as a group for a real client. Using everything you learned about each other in Group Policies and Resource Management, work together intelligently and efficiently on the client’s project. (See Strategies and Answers to Commonly Asked Questions in the reader). Use material from previous TWRT classes to complete deliverables.
Client Contact Information
Working with a client in TWRT/BUS/EWRT 64 is intended to build your interpersonal skills in work scenarios. As a service-provider, make sure you listen to your client’s wants and needs, communicate frequently, and produce quality products. Be professional in all of your communication with your client.
Use the Client Liaison identified in Roles and Responsibilities to communicate with the client.
Enter the client’s contact information in Table 6.
Client Name Email Address Phone Number(s) Preference General Availability
Table 6 Client Contact Information
During Weeks 3-10, plan to meet with your client once a week. During these meetings you will further define deliverables, ask questions, and provide drafts for review. Remember to include at least two progress meetings with your client and time to review drafts and edit materials.
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Managing Client Challenges
Even the most well-intentioned client can pose challenges to your group. In the event you do face some challenges with your client, be prepared by considering strategies for dealing with possible issues in
Table 7. Come up with some challenges you might face and use the extra space provided to describe strategies for solving the problem.
Client is Unresponsive to
Client it Unavailable for
Client is Unable to Clearly
Express Expectations
Client has Unrealistic
Client is Unable to Use
Client has Inconsistent or
Changing Directives
Table 7 Managing Client Challenges
While in the early stages of the project, identify high-level deliverables based on the initial information you have about the project. Once you have a basic understanding of the deliverables, assess each group member’s strengths relating to the work necessary for completing deliverables.
Descriptions of Deliverables
Identify the major deliverables of the project and fill in a high-level description for each one in Table 8 so you have a basic understanding of the project. In your Pub Plan, you will describe the deliverables in greater detail.
Deliverable Description
Table 8 Deliverables Breakdown
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Individual Members’ Area of Research or Expertise
After you have identified deliverables, divide areas of work or expertise among group members. Each of you should specialize in a portion or subtopic of your project. Use Table 9 to delineate individual members’ area of research or expertise. Refer to the individual strengths you identified earlier.
Group Member Area of Work or Expertise
Table 9 Individual Members’ of Area of Work or Expertise
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Now that you have solidified your group policies and resource management, identified client contact information and deliverables, ensure agreement among you by reading and signing the contract contained in this document.
As a group member in TWRT/BUS/EWRT 64 for __________ (quarter) ______ (year), I promise to fulfill all of my duties, meet deadlines, and interact peaceably with other group members. I understand chronic failure to complete the above assignments by their deadlines, disrespect of my peers or instructor, or failure to comply with group policies may result in disciplinary action including but not limited to: automatic failure for the quarter, loss of points, required attendance at instructor mandated meetings, completing the entire project on my own with no allowances made for reduced scope or resources, and disciplinary action on the part of De Anza College.
I have read, understood, and agreed to the TWRT/BUS/EWRT 64 Group Plan.
________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
________________________________________________________ ______________________
Signature Date
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