
TWRT 62: 4 October 2012
A presentation for when the loudmouth
teacher has no voice—All rejoice!
© M. Reber
Never have I been at a loss for words until today
I have utterly lost my voice, but we have work to
I sent an email to you this morning, if you did not
get it, look at it when you get home please
I will need all of your help to get through class
The following slides outline what we need to do
(And yes, I know this is totally absurd….)
Activity 1: Waste Case (1 hour max)
Please sit with your waste case group
Each group will present their work on the
document camera at the front of the room (just
volunteer to go first, second, etc.)-10 min/group
After you have presented EACH document
(letter and press release), lead the class in a
discussion about your strategy and choices
Class members, please ask questions and
provide suggestions to the group presenting
because it will kill me not to give copious and
overstated feedback—please speak for me 
Activity 2: Groups Established for
the quarter (30 min max)
Students need to break into groups of 3 or 4
based on the following criteria:
 Where you live (members should be relatively close)
 No two group members should have completed 63
 Every group must have 1 individual taking 61 & 62
concurrently (and no group should have more than 2
individuals taking 61 & 62). If you have 2 individuals
taking 61 & 62, your group should have 4 members
Please ensure that groups with only 3 members
are TOTALLY committed to finishing this course,
since 1 member dropping would be a major
problem for the 2 members remaining (need 3) 4
Activity 2: Groups Established for
the quarter (cont.)
Who lives in…..:
In San Francisco or on the peninsula?
South of San Jose?
In Mountain View, Sunnyvale, Cupertino?
In San Jose city limits? (North, south, east or west)?
Okay, this will get chaotic now, but please do
your best to organize into groups using criteria
Use the board if it helps to identify who lives
Then do your best to make changes based on
63 completion and 61 concurrent enrollment
Activity 2: Groups Established for
the quarter (cont.)
Please now move to sit together with your group
Exchange contact information and establish the
most effective ways to communicate, both
individually and as a group
Spend 10-15 minutes sharing quotes you liked
from the reading due for today “Group Work and
Collaborative writing” and discuss how you want
to operate as a group
Activity 3: Analytical Reports
(30 min max)
See description of assignment in syllabus
Use as the subject of your report either:
 one of the three case studies provided in the reader
(pgs 125-134): Company Daycare, Selecting a
Forklift, or Relieving a Parking problem
 A real situation from you professional (or even
personal life if appropriate), past or present
Remember you can invent context for your
report (see note in syllabus)
Activity 3: Analytical Reports (cont)
To help you, see provided examples:
 Investigative Report Sample Document (p 123) for a
short, less comprehensive example—yours will be
more detailed (review on your own after class)
 Road Rider example (I will put on the document
camera for you to read to yourself now. I only have
permission to share this document in class, NOT
photocopy it, so you have to read it here.)
Review the rubric (now)—Questions?
Spend 15 min. reviewing Ch 3,8,9,&10 (each group
member should lead the discussion on a different chapter)
Looking Forward…
Draft/peer review due next week
 Meet together physically as a group next Thursday
(NOT at De Anza) to review each other’s drafts—you
pick the location
 As with all peer reviews in my class, write your name
on each document you review and write all over it
 Once everyone has reviewed all the other team
members’ drafts, ONLY THEN can you all talk about
 Take each person’s draft, one at a time, and have a
group discussion
 Complete this review by 10 p.m. on Thurs, Oct 11
Looking forward (cont)…
Remember the final is due on Thurs, Oct 18
Be on time to class
Staple in the following order (from top to
Final analytical report
Draft with peer comments
Prewriting Analysis worksheet (Yes, you have to do
one for this report and each report that follows.
Download from my faculty web page under TWRT 63)
Looking forward (cont)…
Don’t forget to also review carefully:
 Words to the Wise (p 4 of your syllabus)
 General Advice for TWRT (in your reader)
I will hold you accountable for all that
Thank you all for your patience and participation
I know this was totally ridiculous!!
But we got through it
We are ending a bit early so use the extra time
to review all the documents specified and to
work on your draft
Remember a draft is NOT “rough”—it is the best
work you are capable of without feedback from
I sure hope I can talk next week…..