EWRT 200.19 Winter 2015 J. Quigley

EWRT 200.19
Winter 2015
J. Quigley
Critical Thinking: Developing E in PIE
1. What do you think the quote is about?
2. What specific words of the quote help you understand the meaning?
3. Does the quote use a particular tone? What is it? What language or conflict in
the quote leads you to this interpretation?
4. Does the quote use any metaphors? If yes, explain.
5. Does the quote present any contradictions or conflicts? If yes, explain.
6. How does the speaker of your quote feel about what they are saying?
7. Identify 3 themes in the quote.
8. What is the relationship between your quote and your Point?
9. If you don’t yet have a Point, what Point could you create about a character
from this Quote?
10. Does your quote follow MLA citing format correctly?