Document 14993272

: Psikologi Sosial dan Intervensi Psikologi
: 2009/2010
Social change and social problem
Pertemuan 23 - 24
Social change and social problem
Pertemuan 23 & 24
• Setiap tahun, angka kriminalitas di Jakarta kian
• tahun 2002 kasus perjudian naik 61,29 persen dari 248
kasus pada 2001 menjadi 400 kasus pada 2002.
• Sementara kasus narkotika naik 44,29 persen dari 1.831
kasus pada 2001 menjadi 2.642 kasus pada 2002.
• Sedangkan kasus perkosaan naik dari 89 kasus pada
2001 menjadi 107 kasus pada 2002 atau naik 20,22
• jumlah tindak pidana 2002 dibanding 2001 mengalami
kenaikan dari 33.284 kasus pada 2001 menjadi 34.270
kasus pada 2002 atau naik 2,96 persen.
• Salah satu hal yang memicu terjadinya tingkat
kriminalitas karena terbatasnya lapangan kerja yang
tersedia dan semakin membludaknya penduduk di luar
jakarta berimigrasi ke Jakarta.
• lantas hal apa saja selain keterbatasan lapangan kerja
yang memicu tindak kriminalitas?
Crime Prevention
• The Police
– Involves enhanced police activity in high crime areas or in the
targeting of well known offenders
– The way the police handle juvenile suspected of minor offenses,
or apprehended during their commission, and implies a lighter
touch than is used at present
• Surveillance
– Greater surveillance of high-risk areas might be effective in reducing
– But implies a very heavy financial cost if it is to be carried out by the
police themselves
• Voluntary participation cannot easily be initiated or sustained
in areas of high crime
• Voluntary organization with nothing to do other than combat
crime tend to disappear
• Those involved seek different sorts of support from official
agencies according to the type of neighborhood
• Crime prevention by volunteers depends crucially on cooperation with the police
• The more a watch scheme is related to the structure of
community the more successful it is
• The demographic correlates of active involvement are
income, property ownership, education, and length of
residence in the community
• Citizens
– Avoidance behaviors involve people restricting their action in
certain contexts which they would perform in safer ones
• Not going at night
• Going out by day when accompanied
– Access controlled; included locking doors and windows, and
installing extra devices such as burglar alarms
• By employers
– Stores should reward shoppers and employees for reporting
shoplifting, and that prices should be raised or lowered
according to the level of shoplifting, thereby making reporting by
shoppers more likely
• Males admitted higher levels of theft from work
than females
• Employee activities
– Employees in such settings can have major preventive role, and
cites a great deal of evidence that offenders select targets
where employee surveillance is low
Hardening the Target
• The approaches to crime prevention discussed so far
have involved some form of human activity. Another
method is develop a physical device which makes an
offense more difficult, so reducing the profanity of
success and hence repetition
Environment design
• Building should be oriented toward the street so as to encourage
natural surveillance (by residents and passers-by)
• Public and private domains should be clearly distinguished so that
the former could be protected by paid employees
• Outdoor space should be placed in proximity to intensively used
areas, again to encourage surveillance and hence reduce vandalism
Crime Prevention:
Problems and issues
• When one opportunity for crime is blocked, an offender
has available several alternative types of displacement
Geographical (trying to commit it in a different place)
Temporal (changing the time of the offense)
Modus operandi (a change of tactics)
Target (change the objective)
Form (changing the type of crime)
Ideology and their Believes
• Religion from the Latin regare, meaning “to bind together again”
• Is also connected with individuals basic modes of feeling and
thinking from their childhood
• Ethnicity, then incorporates religion as well as language; connected
with shared images of the group’s history
• It establishes an especially sharp sense of “us” and “them”.
• Human Ideologies have not fully replaced divine
directions, then , but rather have combined with them in
sometimes strange and unpredictable ways
Seven threads that woven together compose
large-goup identity
• Shared, tangible reservoirs for images associated with
positive emotion
• Shared “good” identification
• Absorption of others “bad” qualities
• Absorption of (revolutionary or transforming) leaders’
internal worlds
Seven threads that woven together compose
large-goup identity
• Chosen glories
• Chosen traumas
• Formation of symbols that develop their own autonomy