Document 14993264

: Psikologi Sosial dan Intervensi Psikologi
: 2009/2010
Social Cognitive Theory
Pertemuan 9 & 10
• Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan pemahaman mengenai
social cognitive theory (C2)
Bina Nusantara
1. Pemahaman mengenai social cognitive
Physicalistic theory of human agency
In social cognitive theory
people are agentic operators in their life course, not
just onlooking hosts of brain mechanisms orchestrated
by environmental events. The sensory, motor and
cerebral systems are tools which people use to
accomplish the tasks and goals that give direction and
meaning to their lives (Harre´ & Gillet, 1994).
Bina Nusantara
2. Model of Human Nature and Causality
• Psychodynamic theory
Human Behavior is commonly viewed as motivated
from within by various needs, drives, impulses, and
Human behavior is the manifestation of the dynamic
interplay of inner forces, most of which operate below
the level of consciousness
Bina Nusantara
Trait Theory
• Empasizes the internal determination of behavior.
• It posits that human actions are gorvened bu traits,
which are regarded as broad enduring dispositions to
behave in certain ways.
• Bandura  if behavior is largely the product of a
disposition, then action should be fairly consistent across
situation and stable overtime
Bina Nusantara
Radical Behaviorism
• Skinner proposed a theory that depicts behavior as
being controlled jointly by genetic endowment and
environmental contingencies
• Radical behavior do not deny that inner events are linked
to behavior, but they express little interest in them
because they are assumed to be caused by external
Bina Nusantara
Social cognitive theory
• Social cognitive theory subscribes to a model of
emergent interactive agency (Bandura, 1986, 1997).
Persons are neither autonomous agents nor simply
mechanical conveyers of animating environmental
influences. Mental events are brain activities, not
immaterial entities residing apart from neural systems.
• However, materialism does not imply reductionism. In a
non-dualistic mentalist, thought processes are emergent
brain activities that are not ontologically reducible
Bina Nusantara
• One must distinguish between the physical basis of
thought and its functional properties. Cognitive
processes are not only emergent brain activities; they
also exert determinative influence. The human mind is
generative, creative, proactive, and self-reflective not just
• People operate as thinkers of the thoughts that serve
determinative functions. They construct thoughts about
future courses of action to suit ever-changing situations,
assess their likely functional value, organize and deploy
strategically the selected options, evaluate the adequacy
of their thinking based on the effects which their actions
produce and make whatever changes may be
Bina Nusantara
a. Symbolizing capability
• By drawing on their knowledge and symbolizing powers,
people can generate innovative courses of action
b. Forethought Capability
• Most of their behavior, being purposive, is regulated
by forethought. The future time perspective
manifests itself in many ways
Bina Nusantara
c. Vicarious Capability
• The capacity to learn by observation enables people
to acquire rules for generating and regulating
behavioral patterns without having to form them
gradually by tedious trial and error
d. self-regulatory capability
• People do not behave just to suit the preferences of
other. Much of their behavior is motivated and
regulated by internal standards and self-evaluative
reaction, which serve to influence subsequent
Bina Nusantara
e. Self-Reflective Capability
• The capability for reflective self-consciousness. This
enables people to analyze their experiences and to
think about their own process
• So the nature of human nature are generative
symbolization, forthought, evaluative self-regulation,
refletive self-consciousness, and symbolic
Bina Nusantara
3. Triadic reciprocal causation
• In this model of reciprocal causality, internal personal
factors in the form of cognitive, affective and biological
events; behavioral patterns, and environmental events
all operate as interacting determinants that influence
one another bidirectionally
Bina Nusantara
Bina Nusantara
4. Incentive Motivator
• In this model of reciprocal causality, internal personal
factors in the form of cognitive, affective and biological
events; behavioral patterns, and environmental
events all operate as interacting determinants that
influence one another bidirectionally
• Generality and stability of change
• Disincentive and deterrents
• Legal sanctions and deterrence
Bina Nusantara
Vicarious Motivators
Vicarious rewards
Vicarious punishment
Operative mechanisms
Informative function
Bina Nusantara
Motivational function
Emotive function
Valuational functio
Legal deterrents though
vicarious influence