Fostering Learners’ Collaborative Problem Solving with RiverWeb

Fostering Learners’ Collaborative
Problem Solving with RiverWeb
Roger Azevedo
University of Maryland
Mary Ellen Verona
Maryland Virtual High School
Jennifer G. Cromley
University of Maryland
Maryland Virtual High School (MVHS)
National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Susan Ragan, Stacey Pitrech, Marylin Leong
David Curtis
National Science Foundation (NSF)
University of Maryland
Myriam Tron
Present Study
Context - MVHS - NCSA - UMCP
Framework and Curriculum Design Principles
Research Questions
Future Directions
RiverWeb - Water Quality Web-based Simulation
RiverWeb Notebook
RiverWeb - Scatterplots & Help
Framework & Curriculum Design Principles
Standards based
Meaningful problem space that provides intellectual
challenges and sustains engagement
 Driving Q’s, sub-questions, anchoring event
Larger community of experts that defines the language
and methods of the larger community
 AAAS benchmarks, State & county science objectives
The accepted method of the scientific community for
solving problems
 Asking Qs, data collection, organization, and data
analysis, sharing and communicating data
Framework & Curriculum Design Principles
Learning tools
Tools that support students in intellectually challenging tasks
 Data collection, communication, modeling
Interaction among students, teachers, and community
members to share information and negotiate meaning
 e.g., small-group meetings
Representations of ideas and concepts that can be shared,
critiqued, and revised to enhance learning
 e.g., concept maps, scientific models
Methods provided by teachers, peers, and on-line resources
Research Questions
How do students use multiple representations (e.g., graphs,
scatterplots) during scientific reasoning?
How do students use math, biology, and chemistry concepts to
reason about watershed problems?
What is the nature of students’ misconceptions about dynamic
What is the nature of students’ discourse during scientific
reasoning? (e.g., observations, explanations, use of supporting
How does RiverWeb support collaborative scientific reasoning
and argumentation?
How and when do students utilize scaffolding provided by the
teacher, peers and/or digital resources?
16 9th grade students, 2 Honors biology classes
Introduction to the interdependence of living organisms
Students audio- and videotaped on 2 separate
occasions over a 1 week period
1 environmental science teacher - complete participant
Regular classroom teacher and visiting teacher
2 researchers acted as complete observers
10 hrs of video and audio (2 student-pairs x 2 x 75 min)
Method (2)
In-depth examination of students’ emerging
understanding of science phenomena
Data sources
10 hrs of video and audio (8 student-pairs x 2 x 75 min)
notebook entries, prediction statements, pretest and
Data Analyses
Quantitative (pre- and posttests, quality of notebook
Nature of collaborative problem solving (e.g.,
reasoning chains)
Nature of teachers’ scaffolding during science activities
Overall, students exhibited the following difficulties:
inability to establish whether the differences observed are due to
cause-and-effect or are based on a relationship between variables
lack of understanding of definitions and concepts (e.g., runoff)
difficulty reading and comparing multiple representations
incomplete co-construction of knowledge
Students engage in long reasoning chains as they jointly solve
problems presented in the work sheets and notebook by accessing
multiple representations and other WQS features.
Teachers provide individualized levels of scaffolding.
Students create incorrect analogies and/or use incorrect visual
representations of complex concepts.
Engaged students are metacognitively aware of their performance
and will address deficiencies by deploying various strategies.
“Flexible” application of educational research
Theoretically-based and empirically-driven
Evolution and scaling-up of “computers as cognitive
tools” theme
Self-regulation learning model
Role of modeling and visualization tools for science
Teachers’ professional development
Future Directions
Investigate the role of self-regulated learning (SRL)
during students’ complex science learning with RiverWeb
examine effects of teacher-set goals vs. learner-generated
sub-goals on students’ emerging understanding of scientific
Understand the nature and role of classroom discourse
during science inquiry activities
Build additional RiverWeb features
Content assistants
Hypothesis-testing area
Explore the use of AI techniques
 model SRL and explanation-based coach