Document 14992928

Study Program
: S0673 / Building Construction II
: 2007
Meeting 7
Learning Outcome
By the end of this meeting, expected student will be
able to :
• Student can explain elementary floor construction
and mount from wood along with its.
Bina Nusantara
Outline Items
• Items 1
: Elementary floor construction.
• Items 2
• Items 3
: Floor level construction of wood
: Link mains log Detail and log child.
Bina Nusantara
Floor Construction
Floor represent pallet area an room as place execute all
activity. From construction facet, floor divided to the two
kinds of, that is:
* Elementary floor
Floor residing in and made to correlate direct above land of
* Storey floor
Is made do not in direct correlation to floor.
Floor have to can shoulder laboring burden and have to be stiff
enough, do not vibrate. Physically floor have to can exploit
and look after natural condition of environment that
happened for the requirement of dweller.
Bina Nusantara
Elementary Floor Construction
Conditions :
Burden Floor
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Base have to be solid /
ossify and stabilize
and also flatten.
Geology have to free
from organic
materialss of.
Condensation / repair
of ground earn with
giving sand.
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In the situation land which is water level of its high land,
land can improve with giving plastic sheet above repair
of land is then piled up by sand, new of installation of its
Cover of floor can made from natural stone, tiling of Pc,
terrazzo, ceramic, wood, materials or carpet of synthetic
Bina Nusantara
For Heavy Burden.
• Garage or roadway, floor construction can be made as
follows :
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For the construction of concrete block.
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For cover of ceramic materials.
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Storey Floor
Floor storey construction consist of :
Floor area
Wall / floor logs
Columns / pillars.
Burden at floor :
1. Weight alone :
- Floor plate weight
- Weight of floor cover
Bina Nusantara
2. Burden life weight :
- People
- Furniture / stationery
- Rain
Burden at floor log :
- Weight it self + Weight of floor plate  Dead load
- burden good for at for the width of shouldered area 
Life Load
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Burden at column
- Roof burden
- burden effect of total reactions of floor logs.
Burden at foundation
- Accepted burden is itself column weight and column.
Bina Nusantara
Besides dead load and live load also there are load effect
of earthquake and wind. At calculation of structure often
there are :
•Fixed Load = dead load + live load .
•Whereas Load = Fixed Load + Load effect of
earthquake and wind.
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• Floor converged by wall.
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• Floor converged by columns
(Mushroom construction)
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• Floor with its logs
Bina Nusantara
Construction Materials
1. Floor storey construction can be made of :
Entirely from same materials :
• pillar, log, floor from wood.
• pillar, log, floor from steel.
• pillar, log, floor from concrete.
2. Combination material with concrete and wood :
• Pillar is from concrete, floor and log are from wood
• Pillar and logs are from concrete, floor is from wood.
Bina Nusantara
3. Combination material with wood and steel :
• Pillar is from steel, log and floor are from wood, especial
logs from steel.
• Pillar and entire log from steel, only floor is made of
4. Materials concrete combination with steel, in general
which is often used :
• Pillar from steel and concrete material
• Floor from concrete material
Bina Nusantara
Election of materials for the construction of floor mount this
depended from :
• Function / usefulness of itself building.
• Structure form of itself building.
• Location / place founding of building.
Bina Nusantara
Common Function of Floor Support.
• Dissociating rooms / chambers by leveling off.
• Removing burdens at wall.
• Supporting boundary wall which do not continue
• Adding stability a building with forming one unity together
with wall.
• Preventing to creep echo voice
• Weaken bound voice
• Insulation to transfer of temperature.
• Propagating the amount of burden wide of larger ones.
Bina Nusantara
Floor Construction Condition
• Floor have to enough power.
• Fulcrums at wall have to in such a manner so that wide
of supporting is big enough.
• Yoke floor have to wall in such a manner so that prevent
limber wall.
• Floor materials have to good quality and have to earn to
be done easily.
• Floor have to easy treatment.
• Construction have to earn well guaranted its strength
during old ones.
Bina Nusantara
Wood Floor Construction
Benefit :
• Light materials, making/workmanship can be done swiftly.
• Wood price lower compared to other materials price.
• Wood have insulation energy which do well by good
enough insulation energy and heat to echo voice and
bound voice
• As place for attached easy channel.
• Solving of floor, that way also installation of plafond
enough easy to and modestly.
• Workmanship of repair and installations of reinforcement
can be done by easy.
Bina Nusantara
Its loss :
• Stability a building with wooden floor is small.
• Flammable wood.
• Surface of floor scraggly and timeworn easy to, till need
• For high building, applying of wooden floor do not be
• Needed treatment so that wood do not light upon white
• Size measure unfold limitedly.
Bina Nusantara