Session 1 INTRODUCTION – Land Surveying Course

: S0663 – Land Surveying
: 2007
Session 1
Definition (1)
General Description
Surveying is the art and
science of taking field
measurements include
horizontal and slope distance,
vertical distances, and
horizontal and vertical distances
Bina Nusantara
General Background
1. Surveys are made to collect data, which can then be
drawn to scale on a plan or map (preliminary surveys
or pre-engineering surveys).
2. Field surveys are made to lay out dimensions taken
from a design plan and thus define precisely the
location of the proposed construction facility.
Bina Nusantara
Definition (2)
– A term used to describe the science and technology of dealing
with earth measurement data.
– Include data collection, data processing, data analysis, and data
Geomatics cover of :
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– Geodetic
– Surveying or Land Surveying
– Remote Sensing
– Photogrammetry
– Cartography
– Geographic Information System/ GIS
– Global Positioning System (GPS)
Geomatics Data Model
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Measurement Units
a. Distance Measurement
Used metric systems, such as meter, kilometer, centimeter, etc
b. Area Measurement
Ex. m2 (square meter), km2 (square kilometer), are (1 are = 100 m2), hectare (1 ha =
10,000 m2)
c. Volume Measurement
Ex. m3 (cubic meter), km3 (cubic kilometer),
d. Angle Measurement
3 types of angle measurement system:
Divided circle in 360 degrees, 1 degree = 60 minutes and 1 minutes = 60
Divided circle into 400 grades (each quadrant = 100 grades), 1 grade = 100
centigrades (1g = 100c) and 1 centigrade = 100 centi centigrades (1c = 100cc)
Divided circle by 2 with  is about 3.1416 or a half of circle perimeter divided
by its radius.
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Measurement Units
Several Equation of angle measurement
1 circle = 360o = 400 grade = 2π rad
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1o = 60’ (minute)
1’ = 60” (second)
1 grade = 100 centigrade (centesimal)
1 centigrade = 100 centicentigrade
1 rad = 57.30o
• Scale on the map is the ratio of distance on the map and true
distance at the earth surface.
• This scale enables to draw wide area on the paper with limited size.
• Example:
Distance between point A and B on the map is 1 cm and true distance at
the earth surface is 1 km. The scale of the map is:
1 cm : 1 km  1 cm : 100.000 cm  1 : 100.000
Bina Nusantara
Scale could be described as:
a. Number ratio, exampe:
“1 : 10,000” or “1 : 250” etc
b. Graphical Scale: a line, use to describe the distance on the map
which equivalent to certain actual distance (e.g. 1 km). This scale
line is usually divided into some parts (normally 10 parts) to facilitate
the map reading. Garis Skala ini biasanya dibagi dalam bagianbagian (biasanya 10 bagian) untuk memudahkan pembacaan peta.
Generally the scale sign lay on the bottom side of map.
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• Example of Graphical Scale:
Graphic Scale
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3 km
Scale functions at map:
• To enable of the wide area of earth surface drawing into
limited paper size.
• Can be used to assist the measurement of actual
distance at the earth surface.
Bina Nusantara
Scale can be divided into 2 types:
a. Large Scale
To draw the small area, example “1 : 10” or “1 : 20” or “1: 50” etc.
Use for detail drawing of a location.
b. Small Scale
To draw the large area, example “1 : 500” or “1: 25,000” etc.
Use for drawing of the wide area of earth surface.
Bina Nusantara
a. Technical Map
– Technical map is made for advance construction design before
the construction execution. Example: technical map for building
construction, road construction, bridge, hydraulic structure,
railway construction etc.
– This map has a scale up to 1 : 10,000, and it is usually adjusted
to the condition of planning construction.
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b. Topography Map
– To describe the high and low of the surface of a region/country.
This map is a detail map of wide area, which use smaller scale
than 1 : 10,000 - 1 : 100,000.
– An example, topography map of Indonesia region with scale of
1 : 25,000, which consists of some pages of topography map to
describe the regions of our country.
Bina Nusantara
c. Geography Map
– A map is used to describe the earth suface condition. This map is
usually made with scale less than 1 : 100,000.
– An example: country map which is made in scale of 1 : 1,000,000.
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• The other maps
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Geology Map
Hydrography Map
Tourism Map
City Map
Irrigation Map
Forestry Map