Facilitating social transformation through equity in education STUDENT SUCCESS EQUITY PLAN (SSEP) Annual Update Form Our Educational Master Plan states that we will “Improve the student success rates of all ethnic, gender and disability groups for all major indicators of student outcomes so that they will be comparably high with no more than 5% variance between each group”. This form is intended to help guide our process and aid us in working together toward this common goal. Please respond to the following questions, make 2 copies, and return one to the Director of the Equity Office and one to your Equity Core Team Liaison by June 30, 2014. Much of this information can be found in your program review documents. Report Quarter/Year: _________________________________________________________________________ Division/Department/Work area: _________________________________________________________ Equity Core Members: __________________________________________________________________ Coordinator (person responsible for calling the meetings):______________________________________ I. STUDENT PLANNING and DATA GATHERING a. What information has the Equity Core Team gathered? a. What are critical issues facing your most vulnerable students? b. How has faculty prepared to meet or address these needs? b. What has the division/department work area already accomplished toward student equity? c. What student outcomes are you analyzing or intending to analyze? Please rank order all that apply: 1 Facilitating social transformation through equity in education d. What obstacles/challenges is your Equity Core Group encountering? II. NEXT STEPS a. Please list below the top four critical areas to be addressed: b. Of these four areas, which would you prioritize as needing the most attention next year and why? c. As you integrate Student Success and Equity planning into your Program Review document, what are you planning to accomplish over the next year? By end of ____________________. 2