Web Services

Web Services
Igor Wasinski
Olumide Asojo
Scott Hannan
What are Web Services ?
 “Web Services are a set of communication
protocols and technical standards -- HTTP, Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Universal
Description Discovery and Integration (UDDI) and
Extensible Mark-up Language (XML) -- that enable
applications to share information via the Internet.
Web services enable more efficient application-toapplication integration and form the foundation of
service-oriented architectures.”
Web Services
 A method of making various applications
communicate with each other automatically
over the Internet. (Layman’s term.)
Why Use Web Services ?
 To provide easy online self service to
 To provide a wider variety of products and
services with minimal overhead i.e. lower
operating costs.
 Better handling real time transactions with
customers. E.g. Cell Phone activation
 Application integration within and across
organizational boundaries.
More Benefits of Web Services
 Open the door to new business opportunities by
making it easy to connect with partners.
 Deliver dramatically more personal, integrated
experiences to users via the new breed of smart
devices—including PCs.
 Save time and money by cutting development
 Increase revenue streams by easily making your
own Web services available to others.
Web Services in the organization
 For web services to meet business
demands of a company, service blueprint
needs to be created.
 A key objective of any self-service blueprint
is to align the business strategy, process,
and applications.
 Every self-service blueprint is conceptually
segmented into four layers
Service Blueprint Layers
Service Blueprint Layers
The focal point layer defines the real business impact
that needs to be accomplished.
The services layer defines the critical composite
processes that support the focal point. Customers prefer
to deal with holistic end-to-end processes, not piecemeal
The process layer is where the core business processes
are defined and then digitized, using various applications
to implement new customer experiences and support the
services strategy.
The integrated enterprise applications layer is the
foundation and infrastructure of a business—the
technology plumbing and wiring that links the systems,
databases, and applications.
Practical Side of Web Services
There are four main issues that organizations
need be aware of before they considering
the adoption or implementation of web
service technology. These issues are
Design, Development, Scalable Deployment
and Support.
Design Issues
 Scalability and Availability : Web Services and
Applications have to deal a large number of user
and must be designed to as such. One popular
design is using Clusters or Grid
 Invocation and Run-Time Instantiation : Web
service applications need to be carefully designed
to run in multi-tenant mode or be deployed with a
dedicated instance if it is intended for use by
several user groups.
 Configuration Management : Clear guidelines and
policies are needed for assignment, tracking and
management of unique version numbers for each
software build.
 Composition Management: Since most web
service applications are made up of simpler web
services which may be physically hosted on
different machines on the net and can be from a
variety of service providers it is very important to
keep track of what services are being used
Deployment of Web Services
 Monitoring service level agreements (SLA)
for web services is more complicated than
other classical types of software because of
the fact that web services are composed of
other services each with its own individual
Support Issues in Web Services
 Deployment Support : It is important to have a well
defined methodology to deploy patches and fixes.
 Provisioning : This involves turning on and turning
off services
 Network Identity : It is important for each user to
have a unique identity.
 Security : Authentication, authorization, auditing
and encryption should be key issues and need to
be well supported
McAfee VirusScan on
Desktop (after virus
definition update)
Desktop Client
Reporting Web service
activate desktop client
client calls web service
web service returns status
status shown on screen
Desktop Client (on port 80) transmits the following XML to the web service
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<VirusUpdateCheckinExpanded xmlns="http://tempuri.org/VirusUpdateNotifierWS/Service1">
Desktop Client (on port 80) then receives the following XML from the web service
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"