SYLLABUS – Monday/Wednesday, SPRING ‘16 4/4 : Overview Prep: Goals; DRBQ Project Information 4/6 : Discuss Project Information/Assignment; Focus/Names exercise Prep: Chapter 1 in GIC(Guide to Interpersonal Communication); watch 2 videos; 5 Personal Applications (3 from GIC and 1 from each video) 4/11: Student-as-Teacher(S.A.T.) chapter 1 and videos; discuss syllabus Prep: Self-Introduction Speech and Speech Plan 4/13: Submit Speech Plan at beginning of class; Self-Introduction Speech Prep: Response Paper; Chaps 2 & 3 in GIC and 1 video; 5 Personal applications (2 from Each chapter and 1 from video); DRBQ Issue Speech information and sample outline 4/18: S.A.T. of chapters 2 & 3 and video; discussion/questions re: Issue Speech and outline Prep: Outline and Issue Speech 4/20: Issue Speech (submit outline at the beginning of class); exchange contacts with Support Team Prep: Response Paper; DRBQ Speech materials; chapter 4 in GIC 4/25: S.A.T. of chapter 4; questions/discussion re: Speech materials; meet with support team Prep: DRBQ Speech materials; reading in PSP; watch videos; get agreement done 4/27: Discussion of PSP, Speech materials and videos; ***DEADLINE for Agreement***; teams Prep: Outline and Project Presentation 5/2 : Project Presentation and Outline Prep: Response Paper (from today’s speakers) 5/4 : Project Presentation and Outline Prep: Response Paper (from today’s speakers); read ALL of Guide to Group Communication 5/09: S.A.T./Discussion of GGC Prep: DRBQ Group Discussion/Presentation Assignment; 2 topics with 3-part analysis 5/11: Discussion/questions; Group Meetings’ process/explanation; brief group meeting Prep: Whatever your group decides/needs 5/16 : Groups Meet Prep: Allocate reading in chapters 7-10, 12-14 in PSP; DR Points document 5/18: Groups Meet Prep: Whatever your group decides/needs; 5 main elements from reading in PSP 5/23: Submit copy of Elements at beginning of class; Groups meet; Discuss implementation of elements from PSP to team and team’s topic Prep: Individual working outline w/copies for instructor and team 5/25: Submit working outline at beginning of class Prep: Finalize group presentation and outlines 5/30: HOLIDAY (Memorial Day) 6/01 : Groups 1 and 2 Presentations with group outline and final individual outlines (working outline must be stapled behind the final individual outline) Prep: Response Paper and Peer Reviews from today’s groups 6/06: Groups 3 and 4 Presentations with group outline and final individual outlines (working outline must be stapled behind the final individual outline) Prep: Response Paper and Peer Reviews from today’s groups 6/08: Return of group papers; ***DEADLINE for Agreement*** Prep: Final Project Presentation and Outline 6/13: Final Project Presentation; CCP Documentation due Prep: Final Project Presentation and Outline 6/15: Final Project Presentation FINAL PERIODS: 11:30 class = Monday, 6/20 at 11:30 1:30 class = Monday, 6/20 at 1:45