
Writing Assignment 1
Peer edit in class Thursday, May 2nd.
First draft due Thursday, May 9th.
Max, in Kark Pillemer’s “Honestry and Trust” article states that, “Trust keeps us
together in marriage, as families, as social groups, in business negotiations, as a
nation. Betray that for personal gain or pleasure and you lose more than your
integrity; you weaken the fabric of society.”
However, Tim Mazur points out different views towards lying. One view he
describes is utilitarian ethics. “Utilitarians base their reasoning on the claim that
actions, including lying, are morally acceptable when the resulting consequences
maximize benefit or minimize harm. A lie, therefore, is not always immoral; in
fact, when lying is necessary to maximize benefit or minimize harm, it may be
immoral not to lie.”
Writing prompt:
Paragraph 1: What is one kind of lie that you find unacceptable? Why?
Paragraph 2: In contrast, what is one lie that you might find acceptable? Why?
For Writing Assignment #1, you must answer the questions above. Your
answers will come from the articles and your own knowledge and personal
experience. You will write two paragraphs. Each paragraph must answer one
part of the prompt.
1. Brainstorm ideas and use the information from the discussion to develop
your writing.
2. Make sure each paragraph starts with a topic sentence and ends with a
concluding sentence.
3. Make sure you use lots of details, explanations, descriptions and examples
to support your ideas.
4. You must use one paraphrase from the reading on this topic in each
paragraph. Highlight them in yellow.
5. Write the original sentences from the articles at the end of the
6. Remember, you are writing body paragraphs in this class. Therefore, you
don’t need to write an introduction.
7. Writing assignments must be double-spaced with one-inch margins.
8. A typical paragraph is about one-half page (150-200 words).
9. Use a 12 point font on the computer or write very neatly!