Personal risk assessment form - lab ~28kb

Personal Risk Assessment and Safety Induction Form
Lab & Workshop Personnel
NAME (block capitals)…………………….……………..
DATE issued……………………………….
Please return form to Dr Andrew Watt, Departmental Safety Officer, at Begbroke.
This form must be completed by all new arrivals (employees, visitors, graduate students etc) in
consultation with their supervisor before starting work, and returned within two weeks. The objective is
to ensure proper assessment, guidance and training is provided and that new arrivals are made aware
of Department procedures and rules. Forms should be reviewed annually but a new one may be
submitted at any time to reflect changes in work type or risk category. Please read the footnotes1 for
guidance on the risk categories involved. If you need further risk assessments/training you MUST
contact the person(s) specified in the Departmental Safety Policy (DSP) as referred to in the table
below. This must be done within two weeks of completing the form.
Will your work
If “Yes”, give details and refer to
the relevant appendix in the
Departmental Safety Policy
page in
X-ray machines
Hazardous gas,
chemicals or dust
10, 14, 15
Display screen
equipment (more
than 1hr/day)
Manual handling
/ lifting heavy
Electrical Work
Cryogenic liquids
LSP, page
Gas cylinders
Work out of the
Other significant
risk (specify)
If yes, you MUST contact Dr Andrew
Watt for further advice.
Risk Categories
Where work may not be undertaken without senior supervision;
Where work may not be started without advice from the Academic Supervisor. Advice should include the
method of work and the safeguards to be used;
Where the risks are such that extra care must be observed, but where it is considered that the worker is
adequately trained and competent in the procedures.
Health and Safety Personal Registration and Risk Assessment Form
Laboratory Supervisor (LS) must provide the new member with safety information shown in the check
list below (tick off each section when completed to indicate discussion has taken place). This checklist
enables LS to provide a systematic and standardised safety induction for their workers.
1 – Sources of safety information
Department website: for
 Laboratories Safety Policy (LSP) – All laboratory workers MUST read this document
 Department Safety Policy
 Safety forms (Waste disposal form, Risk assesment form etc)
University Safety Office web site:
Material Safety Data Sheets – suppliers must supply and most are online, e.g.
Key safety contacts: advice can be sought from Andrew Watt (DSO) or Linda Curson (ASO)
2 – Risk Assessments
 Explain what risk assessments are already in place that may affect the individual and take
them through the assessments
 Explain what new assessments may be required for the work to be undertaken and how
you will provide support and assistance in this process.
 Assessments must cover emergency procedures - ensure members know how to deal
with accidents and that all safety equipment (e.g. spill kit, HF antidote gel, etc) is in place.
 Ensure all aspects of experiment or task are clearly understood before starting work
3 – Rules
Departmental Laboratory Code of Conduct – These are set out in the LSP. All
researchers must read these safety rules and declare acceptance by signing this form.
Laboratory Local Rules – These are set by the LS where the researcher works. LS must
explain what these are and ensure they are understood and adhered to. These rules will
cover all stages of works; before, during and after, and will cover, as a minimum:
 Plan: complete risk assessments and ensure all required items are available;
 Training: complete necessary training, both local, departmental and Safety Office;
 Housekeeping: all research workers are responsible for good housekeeping; this includes
tidying up & cleaning as you go along and at end of day.
 Emergency Procedures: all workers are expected to know how to deal with incidental
spills (as considered in COSHH assessment). For major spills, stop the activity (if
possible), evacuate all persons from the area, close the lab door and call for help.
4 – Training
All users must be provided with the relevant training or directed to the relevant courses
which they must attend.
Cumpolsury training:
 All new members must attend the Department’s Safety Talk
 All hydrofluoric acid users must attend the Department’s HF Safety Talk
 All laser users must attend the University training session as advertised on Safety Office
web site
Training for lab specific procedures & equipment use must be provided by the Lab
Personal Risk Assessment Form - updated September 2015
Health and Safety Personal Registration and Risk Assessment Form
5 – Waste disposal
 Before starting work, ensure procedure for disposal of hazardous waste is understood
and implemented (as required in COSHH). Seek advice from Mimi Nguyen if unsure (do
not undertake experiment without understanding how to dispose of the waste that will be
 Develop effective waste management, ensuring frequent disposal, (do not allow
accumulation & do not allow generation of unknowns).
6 – Manual handling
 Identify any significant manual handling activities and ensure the individual understands
what equipment is available and how to use it. A risk assessment should be followed for
significant risk activities. Safety Office training is available.
7 – Use of private electrical equipment
 Any new equipment brought into the department MUST be tested before use. Contact
details for PAT tester
8 – Lone working
 Explain what activities they may and may not do whilst lone working (during the day or out
of hours).
 Security Services (89999) if working late at night – they are there to help if you are in
 If there is no response from Security Services and there is a serious problem, dial 999.
9 – Fire
 Explain what to do in the event of hearing the fire alarm.
 Explain what to do if they discover a fire.
 Show at least two alternative routes out of the building.
 Show them the location of the assembly point.
 Show them an emergency call point.
10 – First aid
 Explain how to find a first aider.
 Show where the first aid boxes are located
11 – Accident reporting
 Explain when and how to report accidents.
 Explain where to find the accident report book.
12 – Reporting faults & Others
 Reporting faults: Be alert to unsafe equipment, procedures or actions and raise attention
to them so that corrections can be made as soon as possible. Report to your lab manager,
 Others: Please explain any other safety information relevant to the worker’s area of work.
Personal Risk Assessment Form - updated September 2015
Health and Safety Personal Registration and Risk Assessment Form
Declaration of Worker: Where NO has been given as an answer in the personal risk
assessment, it is in the belief that the work I shall be doing will expose me to no significant
hazard. I make this declaration, having read the Departmental Safety Policy, and I recognise
that, in the case of uncertainty, my supervisor or the Departmental Safety Officer is available to
offer advice. If YES has been given as an answer, I recognise that is my responsibility, where
appropriate, to contact the person listed in the Departmental Safety Policy, or the Departmental
Safety Officer in cases of uncertainty, to organise the required risk assessments and training.
This must be done within two weeks of completing the form.
I have:
 Read and understood the Laboratory Safety Policy;
 Completed and understood the Personal Risk Assessment and Safety Induction form;
 Understand and will comply with the Safety Code of Conduct ( as detailed in the LSP) .
Name (print) ……………………………………………................
Room ………………………..…
Status (e.g. visitor/post grad student/member of staff) ……..………………………………………
Signed …………………………………………………………..…
Date ……………………………
Declaration of Supervisor: Having specialist knowledge in the field of work to be carried
out by the applicant, I believe that he/she has properly declared the circumstances under which
his/her work will be undertaken. I furthermore have indicated the category of risk involved, and
have named the person(s) who will immediately supervise work of Risk Category A. I will ensure
the worker completes all further risk assessments and/or training before the work commences.
I have also discussed procedures for key safety topics as outlined in the Safety Induction
Checklist in accordance with the Department’s Safety Policy and Laboratory Safety Policy.
Name (print) ………………………………………………………
Date ……………………………
Departmental Administrative record
DSO Approval:
Signed …………………………..………
Date form received for central filing: ……………….……..
Personal Risk Assessment Form - updated September 2015
Date ………………..………….