Areas in DAPS Not Covered

Concepts/Areas In DAPS Not Addressed By The Framework:
Guidance/Reference Documents
o DAPS assumes a methodology; the Framework does not, so it has to be a
lot more vague to encompass everyone
o DAPS often gives a reason/understanding of why a topic is important
Many specifics of what is assumed by the terminology used in the question
o E.g., what regulations to consider for compliance, what is included
in/meant by “analysis”, etc.
o Many issues that are generally included in “risks” in the Framework are
specifically called out in DAPS (e.g., capability gaps, dependencies on
technology developed externally [complementary programs])
Who is responsible
DoD-specific process and artifacts/products
o E.g.,CARD, JCIDS documentation, DoDAF products, threats and
scenarios approved for DIA, government oversight issues, etc.
o Except for impacts due to change requests, the Framework does not
specifically address the impact due to constraints, dependencies, etc. on
schedule, cost, whatever. It is probably assumed to be part of the analysis.
Security challenges, except probably generically as a risk
Lessons learned or process improvement
Specific To DAPS Sections:
1.1.2: Family of Systems/System of Systems
o Most concepts are handled generically in the Framework
2.1.2: Concept of prioritizing/classifying constraints and dependencies
3.3.5: Information Management
o E.g., Integrated Digital Environment (IDE) access, Intellectual Property
(IP), Data Rights
4.1.4: Design Considerations/Environment, Safety, and Occupational Health
4.1.5: Design Considerations/Spectrum Management
4.1.7: Design Considerations/Corrosion
4.1.8: Design Considerations/Human Systems Integration (HSI)
4.3.2: Technical Baselines/Configuration Management
4.4.1: Engineering Tools/Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) tools (Frame
work only addresses modeling and simulation tools)
4.4.3: Engineering Tools/Producibility and Production Planning Tools
o Concept of “Producibility” is not in Framework, though producibility
factors are probably spread throughout the management questions
4.7: Supportability Planning
o 4.7.1: Acquisition logistics
o 4.7.2: Performance-based logistics (PBL)
o 4.7.3: Sustainment
5.2.1: Suitability/Reliability Assessment (except generically as a KPP)
o Reliability requirements achievability
o Materiel reliability (mission reliability and logistics reliability)
o Effect of support approaches, LCC, and ownership cost of varying
reliability values
5.2.2: Suitability/Availability Assessment (except generically as a KPP)
o Materiel availability
o Operational availability (not a KPP)
5.2.3: Suitability/Maintainability Assessment (except generically as a KPP)
o Transition to operations
o Logistics considerations
o Ownership costs (addressed in Framework in total life-cycle costs
question but not specifically as through M&O)
o Quality in operations
5.3.1: Survivability/Live Fire Test and Evaluation Assessment
o Vulnerability
o Lethality
5.4.1: Production/Assessed Manufacturing
o Labor standards
o Facilities
o Maintenance of Production Equipment
5.4.2: Production/Assessed Quality
o Programmatic data on process execution and effectiveness
o Process improvement
6.1: Special Interest Areas/Readiness Levels
Gate-ing process for proceeding, though some is addressed in Framework
as technology maturity