Proposed Revisions for Updating the Software Guidance in MIL-HDBK-881A: Work Breakdown Structures for Material Items OUSD(AT&L)/SSE-USC/CSSE Workshop on Integrating Systems and Software Engineering under Competitive Prototyping with the Incremental Commitment Model Washington, DC, July 14-17, 2008 Overview of Objectives • Existing MIL-HDBK-881a guidance, including Section 3.2.2. and Appendix B, treats software as a component of a subsystem (i.e, third tier WBS item) – ISPAN, NECC, GCSS-A are examples of acquisition programs that, because of stand alone nature of the software content, have had to look beyond MIL-HDBK-881a to development meaningful WBS • MIL-HDBK-881a up for revision • Software Cost Control Working Group objective – Provide a set of recommended changes/updates to improve guidance with respect to software development best practices – Software Cost Control Working Group drafted initial set of recommendations SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 2 Task Overview • Revision objectives: – Software neutral – Correct errors • Key modifications in wording: – Replace 'material item' with ' acquisition program' – Add words to make 'artifacts' equal to 'products' – Include words that make 'product-oriented' and 'DoDAF architecture' interchangeable WRT to creating a WBS • Results – Compiled a Comment matrix – Drafted a new Appendix B (Software) • During final review and clean up, the working group was made aware of 90’s effort (draft MIL-HDBK-171) SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 3 NDIA Participation • The Software Cost Control working group would like to provide an industry-coordinated set of recommendations • We will be requesting industry members of NDIA review the our suggested changes and provide feedback (i.e., validation): • NDIA review objectives: – Ensure recommended changes are improvements from industry perspective – Request additional changes and refinements within the defined scope – Obtain additional examples to include in Appendix B SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 4 Summary/Next Steps • Software Cost Control working group is finishing up internal review results – Incorporation of working group feedback – Drafting an executive summary of need for update • Provide Comment matrix to NDIA WBS (Industry participants) and other identified parties for review and comment by end of July – Collect feedback and consolidate into a single baseline by MidSeptember • Submit Comment Matrix to MIL-HDBK-881a custodian (Debbie Tomsic, ARA) by end September SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 5 Questions/Discussion Contact Information: Chris Miller SSE/SSA Support Software Engineering & Systems Assurance ODUSD(A&T) Systems & Software Engineering SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CENTER OF EXCELLENCE, DUSD(A&T) Slide 6