Wisconsin Food Systems Education Framework UW-Extension Community Food Systems Team (CFST) and the Wisconsin Center for Environmental Education UW Stevens Point - College of Natural Resources Madelin Petz Food Systems Education Outreach Specialist, WCEE Jeremy Solin Director (interim), WCEE UW-Extension Specialist What is an education framework? • Foundation for identifying and developing educational materials and programs • Variety of topics • Variety of ages • WCEE frameworks on sustainability, forestry, and energy education What is a food systems education framework? A food systems education framework documents and organizes the broad range of content, skills, and dispositions included in food systems education. A food system includes all of the processes involved in keeping us fed, along with the inputs and outputs generated at each step. * Food systems literacy… having the knowledge and skills to understand and act within a food system and its components. * Cornell University, http://www.discoverfoodsys.cornell.edu/primer.html ☼ Step 1: Food system components and contacts ☼ Step 2: Content, skills, and dispositions - Survey and webinar input ☼ Step 3: Analyze and organize - Concepts and themes - Drafts and revising ☼ Step 4: Scope and sequence - Relate concepts to grade levels - Team workday The Development Process • • Wisconsin specific (input process), but relevant elsewhere Year long project, multiple stages ☼ May – June 2014: Steps 1 and 2 - identify food system components - identify key contacts - develop and distribute survey and webinar ☼ July – September 2014: Step 3 - analyze and organize contributed information - concepts and themes - compare to existing frameworks, share with contributors ☼ November 2014 – April 2015: Step 4 - scope and sequence meeting - compile sections, reviews and revisions, final draft Project Timeline Input Survey • • Food literacy Youth competencies • • Over 500 contacts About 200 responses (teachers, students, food system industry, business, non-profit, farmers, university, waste sector, marketing, food security, food distribution, food processors, etc.) Next Steps in Program Development 1) Compile resources 2) Bridge with standards Compile pertinent and Ag, Food, Natural Resources applicable existing resources Merge with framework concepts to facilitate teaching Identify gaps Environmental Education Health Education Nutrition Science Science NGSS Concepts Standard A.8.4 Lesson Plan A Curricula B Standard ABS1.a.1 Activity Guide C Standard 2.3.A1 Scope and Sequence Other Framework Examples • Forestry Education: http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/leaf/SiteAssets/Pages/Curriculum/LEAF%20Conceputal%20Framework%202005.pdf • Renewable Energy/Energy Education: http://www.uwsp.edu/cnr-ap/KEEP/Documents/Publications/Conceptual_Framework.pdf Thank you! Madelin.Petz@uwsp.edu 715.346.2779