Quick Review of Apr 24 material

Quick Review of Apr 24 material
• Sorting (Sections 13.4)
• Sort-merge Algorithm for external sorting
• Join Operation implementations (sect. 13.5)
Size estimation
Nested-loop method (and cost)
Sort-Merge Join (and cost)
Hash Join (and cost)
Indexed Join (and cost)
3-way Join
Remaining Material
• Read over sections the remainder of chapter 13 on your own (you are
responsible for the material)
• We’re going to look at section 14.3 today (following slides)
• We’ve covered a significant part of the material in chapter 14 already,
mixed in with the chapter 13 material in the class notes. Read through
chapter 14 yourself; you are responsible for the material.
• We have five classes remaining (counting today)
the bulk of it will be spent on chapter 15 (15.1-5, 15.9)
additional material will be sections 16.1 (lock-based protocols)
and section 17.4 (log-based recovery)
if possible, we will attempt to finish up in time to use May 13 as a review
May 15? Optional Study Class?
Transformation of Relational
• (Section 14.3)
• Two relational algebra expressions are equivalent if they
generate the same set of tuples on every legal database
– Important for optimization
– Allows one relational expression to be replaced by another without
affecting the results
– We can choose among equivalent expressions according to which
are lower cost (size or speed depending upon our needs)
– An equivalence rule says that expression A is equivalent to B; we
may replace A with B and vice versa in the optimizer.
Equivalence Rules (1)
In the discussion that follows:
Ex represents a relational algebra expression
y represents a predicate
Lz represents a particular list of attributes
 and  are selection and projection as usual
• cascade of selections: a conjunction of selections can be deconstructed
into a series of them
12(E) = 1(2(E))
• selections are commutative
1(2(E)) = 2( 1(E))
Equivalence Rules (2)
• cascade of projections: only the final ops in a series of projections is
L1(L2(…(L3(E))…)) = L1(E)
• selections can be combined with Cartesian products and theta joins
(E1 X E2) = E1 |X| E2
1(E1 | X|2 E2) = E1 |X|12 E2
• joins and theta-joins are commutative (if you ignore the order of
attributes, which can be corrected by an appropriate projection)
E1 |X| E2 = E2 |X| E1
Equivalence Rules (3)
• joins and cross product are associative
(E1 |X|1 3 E2 ) |X|2 E3 = E1 |X|1 (E2 |X|23 E3)
(where 2 involves attributes from only E2 and E3.)
(E1 |X| E2 ) |X| E3 = E1 |X| (E2 |X| E3)
(E1 X E2 ) X E3 = E1 X (E2 X E3)
(the above two equivalences are useful special cases of the first one)
Equivalence Rules (4)
• selection distributes over join in two cases:
– if all the attributes in 1 appear only in one expression (say E1)
1 (E1 |X| E2) = (1 (E1 )) |X| E2
– if all the attributes in 1 appear only in E1 and all the attributes in 2
appear only in E2
1 2 (E1 |X| E2) = (1 (E1 )) |X| (2 ( E2))
(note that the first case is a special case of the second)
Equivalence Rules (5)
• projection distributes over join. Given L1 and L2 being attributes of E1
and E2 respectively:
– if  involves attributes entirely from L1 and L2 then
L1L2 (E1 |X| E2) = (L1 (E1)) |X| (L2 ( E2))
– if  involves attribute lists L3 and L4 (both not in L1  L2) from E1 and E2
L1L2 (E1 |X| E2) = L1L2 (L1L3 (E1)) |X| (L2L4 ( E2))
Equivalence Rules (6)
• union and intersection are commutative (difference is not)
E1  E2 = E2  E1
E1  E2 = E2  E1
• union and intersection are associative (difference is not)
(E1  E2)  E3 = E1  (E2  E3)
(E1  E2)  E3 = E1  (E2  E3)
• selection distributes over union, intersection, set difference
 (E1  E2) =  (E1)   (E2)
 (E1  E2) =  (E1)   (E2)
 (E1  E2) =  (E1)  E2
 (E1 - E2) =  (E1) -  (E2)
 (E1 - E2) =  (E1) - E2
Chapter 15:
• A transaction is a single logical unit of database work -for example, a transfer of funds from checking to savings
account. It is a set of operations delimited by statements of
the form begin transaction and end transaction
• To ensure database integrity, we require that transactions
have the ACID properties
– Atomic: all or nothing gets done.
– Consistent: preserves the consistency of the database
– Isolated: unaware of any other concurrent transactions (as if there
were none)
– Durable: after completion the results are permanent even through
system crashes
ACID Transactions
• Transactions access data using two operations:
– read (X)
– write (X)
• ACID property violations:
– Consistency is the responsibility of the programmer
– System crash half-way through: atomicity issues
– Another transaction modifies the data half-way through: isolation
– example: transfer $50 from account A to account B
T: read(A); A:=A-50; write (A); read (B); B:=B+50; write (B)
Transaction States
• Five possible states for a
– active (executing)
– partially committed (after last
statement’s execution)
– failed (can no longer proceed)
– committed (successful
– aborted (after transaction has
been rolled back
Transaction States
• Committed or Aborted transactions are called terminated
• Aborted transactions may be
– restarted as a new transaction
– killed if it is clear that it will fail again
• Rollbacks
– can be requested by the transaction itself (go back to a given
execution state)
– some actions can’t be rolled back (e.g., a printed message, or an
ATM cash withdrawal)
Concurrent Execution
• Transaction processing systems allow multiple transactions
to run concurrently
– improves throughput and resource utilization (I/O on transaction
A can be done in parallel with CPU processing on transaction B)
– reduced waiting time (short transactions need not wait for long
ones operating on other parts of the database)
– however, this can cause problems with the “I” (Isolation) property
• Scheduling transactions so that
they are serializable (equivalent
to some serial schedule of the
same transctions) ensures
database consistency (and the
“I” property of ACID)
• serial schedule is equivalent to
having the transactions execute
one at a time
• non-serial or interleaved
schedule permits concurrent
Serial Schedule
• To the right T1 and T2 are on a
serial schedule: T2 begins after
T1 finishes. No problems.
Interleaved Schedule
• This is an example of an
interleaved concurrent schedule
that raises a number of database
consistency concerns.