Ahmad Hammad

Ramallah - West Bank
Work # 02/2961860,1
Cell: 055529446,052/830169
Home# 04/2436906
Fax 02/ 2961857, 8, 9
E-mail: aabuhammad@gov.ps
Ahmad H. Y. Abu Hammad
Personal Information
Date of birth
September 9th 1964
Place of birth
Other E-mails
aabuhammad@gov.ps, Hammad64@yahoo.com,
Academic & Professional Experience
Ph.D. Student 1999
Agricultural University of Norway, Oslo- Norway.
M.Sc. In Soils and Irrigation – Minor Soil Physics (1990-1993)
University of Jordan – Faculty of Agricultural Engineering – Department of
Soils and Irrigation ( Today changed to Dept. of Environmental Resources).
Bachelor in Agricultural Engineering – Minor Soils and Irrigation (1986-90)
University of Jordan – Faculty of Agriculture Engineering – Department of
Soils and Irrigation ( Changed to Dept. of Environmental Resources).
Under Graduate Basic Sciences, Hydraulics, Hydrology, Water Resources,
Irrigation Engineering, Drainage Engineering, Soil - Plant Water Relationship, Geology, Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry,
Soil Genesis and Classification, Soil Fertility, Soil Conservation and
Management, Soil Survey and Land Use
Irrigation Science Theory, Water Resources Planning and
Management, Advanced Irrigation System Design, Soil - Plant and Water Analysis, Advanced Soil Physics, Advanced Soil
Fertility, Experimental Design and Analysis
Hydrogeology, Water Quality, Hydrology, Water Distribution, Advanced Soil
Hydrology, Soil Erosion, Land Degradation & Desertification.
Additional Professional & Research Activities
- Soil Moisture Conservation Under Arid and Semi Arid
- Irrigation Systems Efficiency.
- Soil Classification in the West Bank.
- Land use and Land Capability Classes in the West Bank.
- Natural resources, protection and environmental impact
Training &
Special courses
- Courses in Word Processing, Statistical and Analytical Softwares
(Word, SPSS, Page Maker, Excell, and Access).
- Training on Geographic Information System (GIS), Including PAMAP,
MapInfo, AutoCad, ArcView, CorelDraw and Ground Water for Windows
- Training on Remote Sensing using GIS and Aerial Photo - University of
- Advanced training on ArcView (Avenu, Spatial analyst … )
- Participation in the Regional Seminar on the Optimization of Water in
Agriculture. 21- 24 of November 1994. Ministry of Water and Irrigation,
- Participation in the Seminar of Renewable Resources in the
Mediterranean Economics - Including water, soil, biomass and forests.
20-21 of February 1995. Held at the Joint Research Center - ISPRA Site
/ Italy. Organized by the European Commission.
- Courses in Planning Theory and Landscape - Ministry of
Planning and International Cooperation. West Bank. 1996.
- A series of courses in Environmental Impact Assessment –
Palestinian Environmental Authority. West Bank, 1998-1999.
- 5 days of intensive training on “ Monitoring and Evaluation of
Projects”. The training included the design of a monitoring and
evaluation system as a case study. In addition, the preparation of Project
Planning Matrix (PPM) and Plan of Operation for different case studies
has been practiced. Ministry Of Planning & International Cooperation.
18-22 June 1999.
Professional Planner, Physical Planning & Institutional
Building Project - Ministry of Planning & International
Cooperation (June 1995 - Present)
Responsible for planning and creation of national as well as regional plans
with regard to land use and natural resources that are related to urban and
rural development. Member of the Environmental Task Force (ETF);
responsible for the identification of natural resources to be protected from
random development as part of the Emergency Natural Resources
Protection Plan for the West Bank (Specifically the identification of land
classes for agricultural use). Responsibilities also include the initiation of
Base Map and an Environmental Database using the GIS system as part of
the pre preparation for the Regional Plan that is taking place. Was leading a
team working on “Regional Planning of the Palestinian Rural Communities”.
Also was responsible, with a team, for Spatial Planning of the Palestinian
Built-up Areas using Arc View GIS and a well structured-linked database.
Beside, participated in the preparation of the first Regional, National and
Strategic Plans of the West Bank and Gaza under the umbrella of the
Ministry of Planning.
Director, Water Research & GIS Units - Applied Research
Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ) (December 1993 -May 1995)
Responsible for planning and design of the Soil Data Base as part of the
Environmental Data Base project. Utilizing the Geographic Information
Systems (GIS) as a tool for transforming digital data into a spatial format.
Supervise a research team in the fields of dry land farming, irrigated
agriculture and water resources. Responsible for identifying topics for
research and the development of proposals for funding. Responsible for the
design, experimental and field work conduction, collection of the input data
and the analysis of these data for final interpretation and report formulation.
Conducted research studies on land use in Palestine including soil
classification, agricultural cropping pattern and land suitability according to
physical, chemical and meteorological properties. Beside,
participated in the preparation of the West Bank- Gaza Land use map based
on analysis of aerial photographs as well as other secondary base maps.
Researcher (January 1991 - December 1993)
Jordan University, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering,
Department of Soils and Irrigation (Currently changed to
Dept. of Environmental Resources).
Member of a research team that conducted applied research which included
experimentation, data collection and analysis concerning water and irrigation
efficiencies in the agricultural sector in the Jordan Valley. This was under the
department's faculty supervision and resulted in a publication entitled
"Comparison between the efficiencies of surface and pressurized irrigation's
in Jordan".
Researcher, (January 1991 - August 1993)
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry
Areas (ICARDA) with Cooperation of the University of
Jordan- Faculty of Agriculture
Involved in applied research in soils and water conservation in arid and semi
arid land in Al-Karak, Madaba and Irbid, Jordan. The duties included the
experimental design, carry out, collection of data and the final interpretation
with the final report. The work was concentrated on two years crop rotations
for two successive years. The two years crop rotation has either wheat-lentil,
lentil-wheat, wheat-vetch and vetch-wheat. Three different tillage with three
different residue management were mixed and introduced in each
experimental plot into a factorial experiment in Randomized Complete Block
Design (RCBD) . Succeeded in Publishing two papers from this research.
Lab. Instructor, part-time, (January 1990 - December 1992)
University of Jordan, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of
Soils and Irrigation
Duties included teaching and supervising Soil Physics, Principles of Soil
Science and Soil Fertility and Fertilizer Laboratories.
Part-time Instructor (June 1994 - September 1994)
Hebron University, Department of Agriculture
Taught a course entitled Soil Fertility and Fertilizer for junior and senior level
Part-time Planner (April 1997 - September 1997)
UNESCO, Bethlehem Municipality
Prepare different current as well as future proposals and plans for the
development of Bethlehem (using GIS) for the project called “
Bethlehem 2000” with the participation of the UNESCO. This project
aims to prepare for the celebration that will take place in the year 2000,
on the occasion of the second millennia of Jesus birth.
Part-time Planner (April 1998 - July 1998)
DORSCH CONSULT Ingenieurgesellschaft – In Cooperation
with Ministry of Planning, Ramallah – West Bank
The work with this Germans’ Consultant Company included data collection
for the water distribution and wastewater collection of the Palestinians’
communities with emphasis on the re-use of the effluent for irrigation. Also
assessed and created GIS maps for the demand and supply of agricultural
water. Beside, have evaluated the environmental compatibility for 38
proposed wastewater treatment plants in the West Bank.
Patents and
“ Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment for the Proposed Sites
of the Border Industrial Parks- West Bank”. Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation. 1996.
“ Emergency Natural Resources Protection Plan for Palestine - West
Bank Governorates - Agricultural Sector”. Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation. 1996.
“ Optimization of Water in Palestine Agriculture - Current and potential
for development”. Applied Research Institute of Jerusalem (ARIJ). 1995.
“ Environmental Profile for the West Bank - District of Bethlehem”. ARIJ.
- “ Landuse in Palestine”. ARIJ. 1995.
“ Comparison between the efficiencies of surface and pressurized
irrigation in Jordan”. IRRI. Journal. Vol. 8. 1994. Netherlands.
“ Tillage - residue management practices, soil moisture and crop yield in
rainfed areas of Jordan”. DIRASAT Journal. The University of Jordan.
1994. Jordan.
“ Tillage - residue management practices and soil physical properties”.
DIRASAT Journal. The University of Jordan. 1994. Jordan.
“ Emergency Natural Resource Protection Plan for Palestine –
Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites in the West Bank Governorates ”.
Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. 1998.
“ Regional Plan for the West Bank Governorates, Agricultural sector,
current and future perspectives.” Ministry of Planning and International
Cooperation. 1998.
“National Policies for Physical Development – the West Bank and Gaza
Governorates” Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation. 1999.
“ Jerusalem’s Architectural Treasures”. Ministry of Planning and
International Cooperation. 1999.
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