Checklist for Program Directors and Review Initiators LAUC-SD CAPA Workshop December 2015 October Read LHR’s formal call Identify librarians for whom you are responsible Review their options (provided in the packet) Review which, if any, Secondary Program Directors are involved Check with LHR if you have any questions Note the deadlines on your calendar If you have several reviews to do, set up and share an internal timeline November - December Attend the LHR and CAPA workshops Encourage your candidate(s), especially first-timers, to attend Assemble and read your documentation about each candidate: meeting notes, personnel file, etc. Review the candidate’s comparison/peer group on the Librarian Roster or ask LHR Read the last performance review, especially the UL and CAPA letters Encourage the candidate to complete their Position Description, if not already complete, and Academic Biography as a warm-up to writing their self-review Iteratively revise and agree upon the position description. The position description is an agreement between the Program Director and the candidate. Use the Library Position Description Guidelines and template for current assignment. The Program Director should prepare an updated org chart for the program. Set up a meeting with the candidate. Ask them to be prepared to talk about highlights of the review period. Clarify the 4-6 activities that they intend to focus on in writing their self-review. (This will help to identify to whom the letter requests should go.) Confirm who are Required/Optional Secondary Reviewers You may want to talk about the most likely action, leaving room for new and compelling information that could be uncovered later. Review the process. Encourage the candidate to request redacted letters to help them write the self-review?. Talk to your Program Director or AUL about the action that makes the most sense to you. It is important to get consensus on this. How do they want to be advised? Receive the Request for Letters form and determine who to ask Keep letters to a minimum; they are only needed for significant activities. The Program Director is responsible for requesting letters; for some Review Initiators this might require a meeting. Clearly state what you want the referee to comment on – this language is copied directly into the request from LHR. Submit the letter request form to LHR by the deadline. (Dec. 1) Request Required and/or Optional Secondary Evaluations Required from all Program Directors to whom the candidate officially reports Optional from ‘dotted line’ Program Directors, Work Leaders or Coordinators Any secondary evaluation(s) are shown to and discussed with the Candidate and initialed and dated by the Candidate, the authoring Secondary Evaluator, and the Review Initiator, then forwarded to the home Program Director for inclusion in the packet. January Support the candidate by reviewing and editing drafts of their self-review Guide and coach them about structure, placement of accomplishments in categories, length, and focus. Ensure that the candidate understands and respects the process and meets the deadline for completing the self-review. February Prepare the Review Initiator/Program Director’s evaluation & recommendation Two pages is the desired length. Be concise. Read the final self-review as well as all of the letters; use salient quotes sparingly. Make the decision about the action, and write to support it. Write clearly and accurately. The Review Initiator writes the Candidate evaluation. The Program Director writes the recommendation. Clearly distinguish within the text who is writing which section by a signature at the end of the Review Initiator section and the Program Director section. Plan ahead; leave enough time for each to write their portion. Send the final review document to the candidate to read and schedule a meeting to discuss. The Program Director should expect to be at that meeting. At the Signing Ceremony, discuss outstanding contributions and problem areas, and answer any questions Bring together all the paperwork. Sign and submit the documents in paper and electronic format, as specified by LHR. Do not share the confidential letters with the candidate; be careful of this if you copy the packet. If they have not done so already, encourage the candidate to ask for redacted letters.