Application for Research Assistant Position Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory (CBNL) Please fill out and return via email to Undergraduate psychology majors can earn 1 - 3 credits per semester of RA work by enrolling in either PSY 290 or PSY 490 as described on the Department of Psychology website at and Each course may be repeated and the first three hours for each will count within the first 36 hours of the Psychology degree (total of 6 hours). Name: Phone: E-mail: Current year at WKU: Major(s): Overall GPA: Major GPA: Have you been involved in any kind of research before? If yes, please list type of position, name of supervisor/lab, responsibilities, etc. Please tell us a little about your research interests. What would you, personally, like to get out of a research assistant position? What are your plans for after graduation (grad school? med school? work? etc.) Why would you like to be a member of the CBNL research team? What Psychology courses have you taken (including grades received)? 1 Application for Research Assistant Position Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory (CBNL) How many hours can you commit to per week? You earn 1 credit for 3 hours per week, 2 credits for 6 hours per week, or 3 credits for 10 hours per week. ____ Interested in 3 hours per week ____ Interested in 10 hours per week ____ Interested in 6 hours per week ____ Not sure Can you make a 2-semester commitment? ____ Yes, I can commit to 2 semesters ____ No, I can commit to one semester, but beyond that I'm not sure What is your level of familiarity with Macs (1=Never Usedī 10=Use Daily)? Please list someone in the Psychology department who could comment on your abilities (e.g., professors, TA’s). If you don’t feel you know Psychology people well enough, you may list others, explain your relationship to them and provide an email address (or phone if email is not possible). Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Many thanks! Once you return this by email, someone from CBNL will be in touch. 2