PIMA COMMUNITY COLLEGE EAST CAMPUS FALL 2014 Management 110 HUMAN RELATIONS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY CRN11176 Instructor: Don Roberts East Campus Phone: 206-7633 Campus: droberts@pima.edu Office: Bldg 01 Room 35 Home Phone: 749-4630 Home: uncledon@pobox.com Course Web Site: http://ecc.pima.edu/~uncledon/ Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:00a.m. to 8:40a.m. Course Text: Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, 12th Edition, 2014, Andrew J. DuBrin, Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey07458. Course Objectives: 1. Identify and relate the major events that form the basis for the practice of human relations in Business and Industry in the United States. 2. Apply psychology, sociology, and anthropology research and theories into a usable strategy in every day human interactions in business and industry. 3. To associate how our interactions with others in various organizations affect efficiency and productivity. 4. Determine and choose the best strategies for successfully dealing with others in the organization. 5. Identify three theories that will help us to motivate subordinates, contemporaries, and our superiors, 6. Determine how you relate to the organization. 7. Identify and employ leadership skills. Grading Policies: Your grade is your responsibility. I will award the grade that you earn. I assign points as outlines on page 6, Grade Report. The grade report is attached and is included in this syllabus so that you can record your own grades on each activity. By recording your grades you can follow your progress and answer the question “How am I doing, what is my course grade”? All graded materials will be returned to you so that you can measure your progress. Pleases, use the grade report to track you progress in this course. 1 I will issue an "I" (Incomplete) grade under conditions as follows: Incompletes will be given only in cases of genuine emergency and then only if an absolutely minimal amount of work needs to be completed. Incompletes are NOT awarded simply because a student doesn’t come to class for the last several weeks or because a student doesn’t take the last examination. If there is a genuine emergency that may cause a student to be unable to complete the class the instructor must be notified in writing before November 12, 2014. At least four-fifths 4/5s of the course materials must have been completed satisfactorily. Genuine emergencies are events such as a death in the immediate family or serious medical problems. Leaving Tucson before the last day of class, medical or dental appointments or visiting friends and relatives do NOT constitute emergencies. See Classroom Guidelines, item # 9. I reserve the option to drop you from the class in the event you fail to attend three (3) consecutive sessions without prior coordination. If you are absent four or more classes, I reserve the option to drop you from this course. In the event that this occurs after November 12, 2014 I will determine your grade based on the course grading criteria contained in this syllabus You will earn points for the following activities as indicated: Your failure to return a receipt acknowledging receipt of this syllabus will result in my withdrawing you from this class. You must acknowledge that you understand the contents of this syllabus. You must return the attached receipt September 2, 2014 acknowledging receiving this syllabus. 1. Exams: I will grade each exam to determine the correct percentage. I will then multiply that percentage by the by the point value assigned to that exam to determine the points you earned. Those who fail to achieve a 50% score will receive a zero for that exam. Test items will be objective multiple choice and/or true and false, and completion. I will test on materials presented in class including materials presented by guest lectures, assigned readings and videos. In the event you miss a scheduled exam, I will allow you to make up that exam within one week; however, I will reduce that grade by 10%. This policy is in fairness to others who take the exam when scheduled. YOU MUST TAKE A MAKE-UP EXAM PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED CRITIQUE OR IN THE CASE OF EXAM FIVE PRIOR TO December 12, 2014. After this date there will be no makeups! In the event you fail to make-up the exam within the time limit your grade for that exam will be zero. If you must miss an exam, for a valid reason, I will allow you to take the exam before the regular scheduled date for that exam. In my class you should never miss a scheduled critique. A critique is an integral part of the learning process. Please attend exam critiques as scheduled. NOTE: I grade exams on a percentage correct basis, the numbers correct divided by the total number of questions on that exam. The percentage will be multiplied by the number of points allotted for that exam to determine the number of points you earned. A 2 PERCENTAGE SCORE OF LESS THAN 50% WILL BE AWARDED ZERO POINTS FOR THAT EXAM. The next page is the course Grade Sheet. All graded material will be returned to you and you are responsible to record grades and monitor your progress in this course. NOTE: Critiques are an important part of learning the material. If you attend the critiques as scheduled and successfully redo the exams, you will be allowed to increase you grade by 5% on the first four exams. If you fail to take the exam as scheduled you will not be eligible to participate in the exam redo. This option is valid only if you are present in class for the scheduled critique. 2. Attendance: To understand and apply the principles of good human relations we need to relate. In order to relate effectively, we need your physical presence in class; therefore, attendance is a factor in your grade. For each class you fail to attend you will lose one point. If you are tardy you will lose one-half a point. I will make allowances in this area on a case-by-case basis. I will begin taking attendance Tuesday, August 26, 2014. I reserve the right to drop you from this class if you fail to attend any four class periods. You have the responsibility to come to each class prepared. To be prepared you should have read the assign chapter and outside readings. You should be prepared to discuss answers to the case studies at the end of each chapter. 3. Written assignments: I will assign three writing exercises during this term. I will require you to identify and apply motivational techniques to deal with Smug the Plumber and Hotel maids. You will also observe and report on a local business or an organization of your choosing. The organization you observe will not be your employer, past employer, or a family member employer past or present. You will type or print all case studies and reports. I prefer the report be submitted by e-mail to my office e-mail address listed above. Please use a Microsoft word format. I will grade your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you are unable to submit your paper by e-mail you may return your paper in type format. I will not accept hand written reports. The reports must be a single-spaced and a full page in length. Reports will use 12pt or less size type. For Smug the Plumber and the Hotel Maids case studies, I expect you to analyze these cases to determine why workers apparently lack motivation, and what actions you would take to motivate them. Make use of your textbook and/or outside sources to make you points. You will observe (Business Observation) a local business or institution and report what you observe, analyze what you observe, and describe the organizational culture and/or management style used within the organization. I will grade for content and quality, as well as spelling and grammar. I will not grade written assignments that are turned in after dates indicated in the class schedule. 4. The last page of this document is a Syllabus Receipt. You must return the receipt, signed, by Tuesday, September 2, 2014. If you fail to return the receipt I will assume you want me to withdraw you from this class 3 I have attached a sample grade sheet. Please use this grade sheet to record your scores on the various course activities and keep yourself apprised of your progress in this course. I am always available for special help. If you have a special problem I will negotiate so you can satisfactorily complete the course requirements. This is an exciting, dynamic course with application in your everyday life. Remember to keep your eye on the doughnut not the hole. 5. Pima Community College is committed to providing accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner. To request a reasonable accommodation, students must be registered with the campus Disabled Student Resources (DSR) office. Accommodations will be made based on eligibility determined by Disabled Student Resources. Services can be requested at any time during the semester. Requesting services well in advance will help to ensure that resources are available when needed. Please contact a DSR office at 206-4500 or DSRhelp@pima.edu. Uncle Don 4 Class Guidelines As a college student enrolled in an academic course, you are expected to adhere to the standards of behavior outline in the Student Code of Conduct and the Scholastic Ethics Code. Specific Guidelines 1. Learning requires a time investment on your part. A minimum time investment is two to three hours per unit per week (e.g. nine hour per week for a three-unit class) in addition to the time spent in class. 2. If you are absent from the class for any reason, you have assumed the responsibility for learning, on your own, the material presented in that class period, obtaining a copy of the notes, announcements, assignments made in class, and preparing for the next class. 3. You are responsible for knowing the information on the class syllabus given to you by myself, including my name and the class starting time. 4. Outside assignments must be submitted when requested or by due dates, using specified format. 5. You must be officially enrolled to attend class. If you miss more than three classes I may, at my option, withdraw you for lack of attendance. I reserve the right to withdraw you from this class for disruptive behavior, which includes talking during lectures. Please refer to the Student Code of Conduct. 6. Tardiness is a very disruptive behavior. Know what time the class begins and arrive on time. 7. Certain devices – cellular phones, radios tape player and the like – should not be brought into classroom unless cleared by myself. Please set your pager to vibrate. 8. Cheating is grounds for dismissal from class and a grade of “F”. Please refer to Scholastic Ethics Code. 9. Incomplete (I) grades are rarely awarded and are always at my discretion. Very exceptional circumstances must be present, and if you request an “I” grade, you must be currently passing and have completed at least four-fifths (4/5s) of the course. 10. We are not allowed to bring children into classrooms, laboratory or work areas. Children will not be left with working college employees to supervise. Children are not to be left in the library or at other College indoor or outdoor areas unsupervised. Non-registered students are not allowed to attend class or laboratories. 5 GRADE REPORT MANAGEMENT 110 CRN 11176 FALL 2014 TUESDAY & THURSDAY GRADE REPORT FOR: ______________________ 1. Exams: Assigned Earned Exam 1 Chapters 1 through 3 10 _______ Exam 2 Chapters 4 through 8 15 _______ Exam 3 Chapters 9 through 11 10 _______ Exam 4 Chapters 12 through 14 10 _______ Exam 5 Chapters 15 through 17 10 _______ 2. Attendance: lose one point for each missed class and one-half for being tardy 25 _______ 3. Instructors subjective evaluation of students Contributions and participation in class Discussions. 10 _______ Smug the Plumber 5 _______ Hotel Case Study 10 _______ Business Observation 10 _______ 115 _______ 5. Written Assignments: Total Assigned Point Value Points Grade 90 - 120...................A 80 - 89.9..................B 70 - 79.9..................C 60 - 69.9..................D 0 - 59.9..................F Letter Grade Earned _______ 6 SYLLABUS RECEIPT MAN110 HUMAN RELATIONS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY FALL 2014 TUESDAY & THURSDAY CRN 11176 I (PLEASE PRINT) _______________________________________THE UNDERSIGNED ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND UNDERSTAND THE SYLLABUS AND THE CLASSROOM GUIDELINES FOR THE ABOVE DESCRIBED COURSE. Signature_______________________________ Date___________________________________ OPTIONAL QUESTIONS: For us to relate please furnish me with the following information about you. There is a space for you to add any additional information that you decide is important for me to know. I prefer being called: Do you work (circle correct answer) yes or no? If you do work, where do you work and what are your duties? Which High School did you attend? If other than Tucson, please indicate City and State. What are your hobbies? Do you have children living at home? What ages? What do you expect as an outcome of taking this course? What Grade will you work toward in this course? Any other information you would care to provide? I My residence e-mail address is: My home and/or cellular phone numbers are: Cellular phone: Home phone: From your residence computer send me an e-mail to: droberts@pima.edu, Subject: Test and in the body indicate you are a member of MGT110TT with your name. 7