Document 14986054


Matakuliah : F0174 / Audit Laporan Keuangan Berbasis


Tahun : 2008

Information Technology Controls

Pertemuan 11-12

Bina Nusantara

Top Management Control

Pengendalian oleh pimpinan tertinggi:

Senior manajemen di perusahaan bertanggungjawab terhadap fungsi sistem informasi berhadapan dengan banyak tantangan, seperti perkembangan hardware dan software

Pimpinan manajemen harus dapat mengantisipasi implikasi perkembangan teknologi terhadap fungsi sistem informasi dengan melihat perkembangan

1. Planning

2. Organizing

3. Leading

Bina Nusantara

4. Controlling


Evaluating The Palnning Function

Top manajemen harus membuat master plan untuk bagian sistem informasi yang meliputi 3 tugas:

1. Mengetahui kesempatan dan masalah yg dihadapi

2. Mengidentifikasi sumber daya yang diperlukan

3. Membuat strategi dan taktik yang diperlukan untuk peroleh sumber daya

Bina Nusantara

Jenis perencanaan:

Jangka Panjang:

1. Current Information Assesment

2. Strategic Direction

3. Development STartegic

Jangka Pendek:

1. Progress Report

2. Initiatives to be undertaken

3. Implementation Scheduler

Bina Nusantara

Need for a Contingency Approach to Planning

Perencanaan sisfo melibatkan banyak bagian organisasi.

Hal yang mendasari perencaan bagian organisasi meliputi 2 faktor:

1. Strategi penting yang ada pad aportofolio sekarang dan yang sedang berjalan

2. Strategi penting yang ada dalam portofolio sisfo yang akan digunakan pada masa yang akan datang

Bina Nusantara

Evaluating Organization Function

Fungsi pengorganisasian adalah menemukan, mengalokasikan dan mendapatkan sumberdaya yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan serta ditetapkan pada fungsi perencanaan.

Beberapa fungsi pada pengorganisasian yang harus dipertimbangkan bagi manajemen adalah:

1. Resorcing the information Systems Function

2. Staffing the Information System Function

3. Centralization Versus Decentralization of the Information

System Function.

4. Internal organization of Information System Function

5. Location of the Information Systems Function

Bina Nusantara

Evaluating The Leading Function

Kepemimpinan sistem manajemen yang kompleks yang dibuat untuk mempengaruhi tingkah laku individu atau group individu. Proses kepemimpinan untuk mencapai tujuan diharapkan mempertimbangkan:

1. Motivating Information System Personel

2. Matching Leadership Styles with Information System Personel

3. Effectively Communicating with Information System Personel

Bina Nusantara

Evaluating The Controlling Function

Fungsi kontrol adalah melakukan perbandingan antara hasil yang dicapai sesungguhnya dengan yang direncanakan.

Beberapa hal yang dipertimbangkan dalam pengendalian:

1. Overall Controll of Information System Function

2. Technology Diffution and Controll of of Information System


3. Controll of Information System Function

4. Control of user of Information System Function

Bina Nusantara

System development Management Controll

Management pengembangan sistem bertanggungjawab terhadap fungsi analisa, disain, pengembangan, implementasi dan maintenance sistem informasi.

Dalam banyak hal manajer menempatkan fungsi ini sebagai karya seni walapun telah banyak bimbingan prkatis yang disediakan tapi hasil kerja pengembangan sistem sistem yang baik tetap saja tergantung pada wawasan intuisi dan pengalaman setiap individu sistem analis dan desainer.


Bina Nusantara

Pendekatan yang digunakan saat mengaudit sub sistem pengembangan sistem:

1. Approaches to Auditing Systems Development

2. Evaluating The Major Phases In The Systems

Development Process

Bina Nusantara

Approaches to Auditing Systems Development

Pendekatan untuk mengaudit pengembangan sistem

Ada tiga tipe yang dilakukan auditor terhadap proses pengembangan sistem yaitu:

1. Concurent audit

2. Postimplementation audit

3. General Audit

Bina Nusantara

Evaluating The Major Phases In The

Systems Development Process

Terdapat 13 fase pengembangan sistem yang harus dievaluasi dan dikontrol auditor:


Problem/oportunity definition


Management of the change process


Entry and feasibility assesment (penilaian)


Analysis of existing system


Formulation of strategic requirement


Organizational and job design


Information processing systems design


Application software acquisition and development


Hardware/system software acquisition

10. Procedure Development

11. Acceptance testing

12. Conversion

13. Operatin and Maintenance

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

Programing Management Controls

Cara cara yang dipergunakan untuk memimpin pengembangan atau pembelian software yang bermutu tinggi terdapat beberapa fase:

1. The Program Development Life Cycle:

Untuk mengembangkan atau membeli dan untuk mengimplementasikan program berkualita

2. Organizing The Programing Team

Cara yang dipergunakan untuk mengorganisasi programer akan mempengaruhi nkualitas dari software yang dihasilkan

Bina Nusantara

The Program Development Life Cycle

Karakteristik program berkualitas:

1. Fungsinya tepat & lengkap

2. Memiliki high quality user interface

3. Bekerja dengan efisien

4. Disain & dokumentasi baik

5. Gampang untuk di maintain

6. Tangguh menghadapi keadaan yang tidak normal

6 pedoman untuk fase pengembangan program life cucle:

1. Planning

2. Control

3. Design

4. Coding

5. Testing

6. Operation and maintenance

Bina Nusantara

Organizing The Programing Team

Terdapat 3 cara pengelolaan programer:

1. Chief Programer Team

Organisasi sederhana dengan fokus pada fungsi kontrol yang tersentralisasi

2. Adaptive Team model struktur programer, jumlah personalnya sedikit

3. Controlled Decentralized Teams

Struktur yang menggunakan junior progrmaer yang berada dibawah koordinasi senior programer yang bertindak sebagai pemimpin proyek

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

Data resource management controls

Bina Nusantara

security management controls

Bina Nusantara

operation management controls

Quality assurance management controls

Bina Nusantara

Identifying Information Technology Controls

Business Risk:

Likehood that an organization will not achieve its business goals and objectives.

Both internal & External factor can contribute to the chances of this occurance

Risk may emerge from the external environment, such as the risk of a poor economy. Other risks could rise internally.


Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

The Risk Management Process

Identify IT Risk

Identify IT Risk

Identify IT Risk

Identify IT Risk

Audit Risk

Audit Risk is the likehood that an organization’s external auditor makes a mistake when issuing an opinion attesting to the fairness of its financial statements or that an IT auditor fails to uncover a material error or fraud.

Inherent Risk (IR) Control Risk (CR)

Detection Risk (DR)

Audit Risk = Likehood of material errors or fraud inherent in the business environment


Likehood that

The internal control

System will not

Prevent or detect

Material errors or

Fraud on

A timely basis


Likehood that

Audit procedures

Will not detect

Material errors or

Fraud on

A timely basis

Bina Nusantara

Identifying Information Technology Controls


(Committee of Sponsoring Organization) of Treadway Commission

Internal Control

 is a process, effected by the entity’s board of directors, management, and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding the achievement of objectives in the following categories:


Reliability of financial reporting


Compliance with applicable laws and regulations


Effectiveness and efficiency of operation

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara


Components of Internal Control

• Control environment

• Risk assessment

• Control activities

• Information and communication

• Monitoring

Quality Control Standards

To using internal financial and operational controls, many organizations have sought to improve public confidance in their products and processes by adopting quality control standards.

ISO9000: The international Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Organization introduce ISO9000, 9001, 9002 and 9003.

Six Sigma ISO900 forces managers to document processes. Doing so may lead to process or product improvement, but that’s incidental to certification. Six Sigma, on the other hand, represents a standardized approach to process improvement.

The term “Six Sigma” refers to a statistical level, implying that tolerance of defects in quality should be controlled to less than six deviation from customer specifications or 3,4 defects per million instances.

Bina Nusantara


Steps in the Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology

Define customers, processes and Boundary Project


Measure current process performance

Bina Nusantara



Analyse data to identify defect causes and oppurtunities

For improvement

Improve processes and prevent problems

Control and monitor improvements


Documenting Information Technology Controls

IT auditor use many tools to document their understanding of IT controls

These tools include:

1. Narrative description

2. Flowcharts, DFD (Grafis method)

3. Internal control questionare


Bina Nusantara

Documenting AIS

• Graphic representation of business processes / events

• Communication

– High light main components of processes

– Relatively easy to understand by all parties

– Understanding existing systems

– Designing new systems

– Easier to compare processes

• Forces discipline (if done correctly)

• SAS 94 suggests them, particularly for complex processes

Bina Nusantara

Universal Modeling Language (UML)

• Designed for use in Object Oriented design and development

– Can be used to document any system

– Not the only choice, but popular and flexible

• Like a map UML:

– Is Visual

– Uses standard symbols to convey information

– Is usually prepared by experts but can be read by anyone

– Can provide high or low levels of detail (globe vs. map of OSU campus)

Bina Nusantara

Data-Flow Diagrams

• A data-flow diagram shows the physical and logical flows of data through a transaction processing system without regard to the time period when each occurs

• Physical devices that transform data are not used in the logical diagrams

• Because of the simplified focus, only four symbols are needed

Bina Nusantara

Symbols used in Data Flow Diagrams

• A square represents an external data source or data destination . The latter is also called a sink

• A circle (or bubble) indicates an entity or a process that changes or transforms data

– A bubble can either be an internal entity in a physical DFD or a process in a logical


• An open-ended rectangle or a set of parallel lines represents a store or repository of data

– The file may represent a view or a portion of a larger entity-wide data base

• A line with an arrow indicates the direction of the flow of data

Bina Nusantara

Physical DFDs

• A Physical DFD documents the physical structure of an existing system. It answers questions such as Where an entity works,

How an entity works, the work is done by Whom , etc.

• Given the very “physical” focus of a physical DFD, it changes whenever the entities, technology used to implement the system, etc. changes

• Physical DFDs have no lower levels

• This limitation makes physical DFDs cumbersome to work with, and usually of limited value

Bina Nusantara

• Logical Data flow diagrams are usually drawn in levels that include increasing amounts of detail

• A top level (or high-level) DFD that provides an overall picture of an application or system is called a context diagram

• A context diagram is then decomposed, or broken down, into successively lower levels of detail

Bina Nusantara

Logical DFDs - II

• Logical Data flow diagrams document the processes in an existing or proposed system ( What tasks )

• Because the logic of a system changes infrequently, relative to its physical nature, a logical DFD will remain relatively constant over time

• Logical Data flow diagrams typically have levels below the level-0 diagram

Bina Nusantara

Bina Nusantara

The Hierarchy of Data-Flow Diagrams

The Hierarchy of Data Flow Diagrams

Context Diagram

Physical DFD

No lower levels

Level-0 logical DFD

Lower levels possible

Level 1 diagram(s)

Level 2 diagrams(s), etc.

A Context Diagram




This is a flow connecting a system with its environment

Bina Nusantara


Process bubble




Relevant Environment comprised of External Entities


(border between a system and its environment)



Diagram Components

Start of Process Events/Triggers Document/



Event A Event D

D = document







Bina Nusantara

Event B Event C

D: (completed)

Sequence (triggers)



Separation based on role

S: (completed)

Event E

Data flows



D: (paid)

F: File 1 T: Table 1

Event F

End of Process

Bina Nusantara

Validation Data
