Planning and Instruction Pertemuan 8 Matakuliah : E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2007
Planning and Instruction
Pertemuan 8
Learner – Centered Principles
Learner-centered lesson planning and instruction move the focus
away from the teacher and toward the student
student’s perception of a positive learning environment and
interpersonal relationship with the teacher, factors associated
with learner centered instruction, were important in enhancing
students’ motivation and achievement
Bina Nusantara
Cognitive and Metacognitive Factors
• Nature of learning process. The learning of complex subject
matter is most effective when it is an intentional process of
constructing meaning form information and experience
• Goals of the learning process. The successful learner, over
time and with support and instructional guidance, can create
meaningful, coherent representations of knowledge
• Construction of knowledge. The successful learner can link
new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways
• Strategic thinking. The successful learner can create and use
repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex
learning goals
Bina Nusantara
• Thinking about thinking. Higher-order strategies for selecting
and monitoring mental operation facilitate creative and critical
learners can reflect on how they think and learn, set reasonable
learning of perfomance goals, select potentially appropriate learning
strategies or methods, and monitor their progress toward these goals
• Context of learning. Learning is influenced by environmental
factors, including culture, technology, and instructional practices
Bina Nusantara
Motivational and Affective Factors
• Motivation and emotional influences on learning. What and
how much is learned is influenced by the learner’s motivation.
Motivation to learn, in turn, is influenced by the individual’s
emotional states, beliefs, interests and goals, and habits of thinking
• Intrinsic motivation to learn. The learner’s creativity, higherorder thinking, and natural curiosity all contribute to motivation to
learn. Intrinsic motivation is stimulated by tasks of optimal novelty
and difficulty, relevant to personal interests, and providing for
personal choice and control
• Effects of motivation on effort. Acqiuisition of complex
knowledge and skills requires extended learner effort and guided
practice. Without learners motivation to learn, the willingness to exert
this effort is unlikely without coercion
Bina Nusantara
Developmental and Social Factors
• Developmental influences on learning. As individuals
develop, there are different opportunities and constraints for
learning. Learning is most effective when differential developmental
within and across physical, intellectual, emotional and social
domains is taken into account
• Social influences on learning. Learning is influenced by
social interactions, interpersonal relations, and communication
with others
Bina Nusantara
Individual Differences
• Individual differences learning. Learners have different strategies,
approaches, and capabilites for learning that are a function of prior experience
and heredity.
• Learning and diversity. Learning is most effective when
difference in learners linguistic, cultural, and social backgrounds are
taken into account
• Standards and assessment. Setting appropiately high and
challenging standards and assesing the learner as well as learning
progress-including diagnostic, process, and outcome assessment-are
integral parts of the learning process
Bina Nusantara
Some learner-Centered Instructional Strategies
Discovery Learning
Discovery learning is learning in which students construct an
understanding on their own.
In discovery learning, students have to figure out things for
 discovery learning is especially effective in science class
 guided discovery learning. Learning in which students are encouraged
to construct their understanding with the assistance of teacher guided
questions and directions
Bina Nusantara
Problem Based Learning
Emphasizes real-life problem solving. A problem – based
curriculum exposes students to authentic problems like those that
crap up in everyday life
 Approach that focuses on a problem to be solved through small-group efforts.
 Student identify problems of issues that they wish to explore,
then locate materials and resources they need to address the issue
or solve the problems.
 Teachers act as guide, helping students to monitor their own
problem solving efforts
Bina Nusantara
Essential Question
Essential Question are question that reflect the heart of the curricullum.
The most important things that students should explore and learn
 for example, in one lesson the initial essential question was ‘what flies?’
students explored the question by examining everything from birds, bees, fish,
and space shuttles to the notion that time flies and ideas fly
 essential question like these perplex students, cause them to think, and
motivated their curiosity
Bina Nusantara