Managing The Classroom 1 Pertemuan 11 Matakuliah : E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2007
Managing The Classroom 1
Pertemuan 11
• Effective classroom management maximizes children’s
learning opportunities
• Experts in classroom management report that there has
been a change in thinking about the best way to manage
• The older view emphasized creating and applying rules to
control student’s behavior.
• The newer view focuses more on student’s needs for
nurturing relationships and opportunities for self-regulation
Bina Nusantara
Management Issues in Elementary and
Secondary School Classrooms
• In many elementary school, teachers face the challenge of
managing the same 20 to 25 children for the entire day.
• In middle and high schools, teachers face the challenge of managing
five or six different groups of 20 to 25 adolescents for about 50
minutes each day
• Elementary school students spend much more time with the same
students in the small space of a single classrooms, and having to
interact with the same people all day can breed feelings of
confinement and boredom and other problems,
Bina Nusantara
• Secondary school teachers are more likely to be confronted with a
wider range of problems than elementary school teachers.
• Also because secondary school teachers spend less time seeing
students in the classroom, it can be more difficult for them to
establish personal relationships with students. And teachers also
have to get the classroom lesson moving quickly and manage time
effectively, because class periods are to short
• Secondary school students’ problems can be more long-standing
and more deeply ingrained, and therefore more difficult to modify.
Also discipline problems are frequently more severe, the students
being potentially more unruly and even dangerous.
Bina Nusantara
Six characteristics that reflect a classroom’s
complexity and potential for problem:
Classrooms are multidimensional. Classroom are the setting for
many activities, ranging form academic activities. Teachers have to keep
records and keep students on a schedule. Work has to be assigned,
monitored, collected, and evaluated
Activities occur simultaneously. Many classroom activities occur
simultaneously. One cluster of students might be writing at their desks,
another might be discussing a story with the teacher, and so on
Things happen quickly. Events often occur rapidly in classrooms and
frequently require an immediate response.
Bina Nusantara
Events are often unpredictable. Even though you might carefully
plan the day’s activities and be highly organized, events will occur that you
never expect
There is little privacy. Classroom are public places students observe
how the teacher handles discipline problems, unexpected events, and
frustrating circumstances
Classroom have histories. Students have memories of what
happened earlier in their classroom. They remember how the teacher
handled a discipline problem earlier in the year, which students have gotten
more previllages than other and whether the teacher abides by her promises.
Bina Nusantara
One key to managing the complexity of the classroom is to
make careful use of the first few days and weeks of school.
You will want to use this time to
(1) Communicate your rules and procedures
to the class and get student cooperation in
following them
(2) get students to engage effectively in all
learning activites
Bina Nusantara
Strategies for a Good Beginning of the
School Year
Establish expectations for behavior and resolve student
At the beginning of the school year, students will not be sure what to
expect in your classroom. They might have expectations, based their
experiences with other teachers, that are different from what your
classroom will be like
Make sure that students experience success
In the first week of school, content activities and assignments should be
designed to ensure that students succed
Bina Nusantara
Be available and visible.
Show your students that they can approach you when they need
information. Move around the room, monitor students’ progress, and
provide assistance when needed
Be in change
Even if you have stated your class rules and expectation clearly, some
students will forget and others will test you to see if you are willing to
enforce the rules, especially in the first several weeks of school
Bina Nusantara
Management Goals and Strategies
Help students spend more time on learning and less time
on Non – Goal – Directed Behavior. Effective classroom
management will help you maximize your instructional time and your
student’s learning time.
Prevent students form developing problems. A well managed
classroom not only fosters meaningful learning but also helps prevent
academic and emotional problems from developing.
Bina Nusantara