Tugas Mahasiswa mengerjakan tugas pribadi, yaitu merefleksikan tahap perkembangan sosioemosional diri sendiri dan melihat lingkungan sosial manakah yang paling berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan sosioemosionalnya saat ini (dipresentasikan di kelas) Soal (hal 95) 1. What four parenting styles did Baumrind propose and which is likely to be the most effective? How do aspects of families such as divorce and ethnicity/socioeconomic status affect children’s development and education? In what ways can school-family linkages be fostered? 2. What are peers and the five peer statuses? What differences can positive or negative peer relations make in a child’s and an adolescent’s development and education? What risks are attached to certain peer statuses? How friendships matter? 3. What is meant by developmentally appropriate education? What transitional problems do students face as they move through different levels of schooling?