Social Context and Socioemotional Development Pertemuan 6 Matakuliah

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2007
Social Context and Socioemotional
Pertemuan 6
Bina Nusantara
Infancy / First Year
• The development of trust requires warm, nurturing caregiving
• The positive outcomes is a feeling of comfort and minimal fear
• Mistrust develops when infants are treated too negatively or are
Infancy / 1 to 3 years
• Begin to discover that their behavior is their own
• They assert their independence and realize their will
• If infants are restrained too much or punished too harshly, they
develop a sense of shame and doubt
Bina Nusantara
Early Childhood/
preschool years 3 to 5 years
• As young children experience a widening social world, they
are challenged more than they were as infants
• They need to engage in active, purposeful behavior
• But adults expect children to become more responsible and
require them to assume some responsibility for taking care of
their bodies and belongings
• Developing a sense of responsibility increase initiative
• Develop uncomfortable guilt feelings if they are irresponsible
or are made to feel too anxious
Bina Nusantara
Middle and Late Childhood/
elementary school years 6 to puberty
• Move into the elementary school years
• They direct their energy toward mastering knowledge
and intellectual skills
• At no time are children more enthusiastic about learning
than at the end of early childhood, when their
imagination is expansive
• The danger is developing a sense of inferiority,
unproductiveness, and imcompetence
Bina Nusantara
Adolescence/10 to 20 years
• Try to find out who they are, what they are all about, and
where they are going in life.
• They are confronted with many new roles and adult
statues (such as vocational and romantic)
• Adolescents need to be allowed to explore different
paths to attain a healthy identity
Bina Nusantara
Early Adulthood/20s to 30s
• The developmental task is to form positive close relationships with
• Erikson describes intimacy as finding oneself but losing oneself in
another person
• The hazard of this stage is that one will fail to form an intimate
relationship with a romantic partner of friend and become socially
Bina Nusantara
Middle Adulthood/40s to 50s
• Means transmitting something positive to the next generation
• This can involve such roles as parenting and teaching
• Erikson described stagnation as the feeling of having done nothing
to help the next generation
Late Adulthood/60s onward
• Older adults review their lives, reflecting on what they have done
• If the retrospective evaluations are positive, they develop a sense of
• In contrast, older adults become despairing if their backward glance
are mainly negative
Bina Nusantara
• Authoritarian Parenting, a restrictive and punitive. Exhort
children to follow their directions and respect them, firm
limits, and controls on their children and allow little verbal
exchange associated with children’s social incompetence
• Authoritative Parenting, encourages children to be
independent but still places limits and controls on their
actions. Extensive verbal give-and-take is allowed and
parents are nurturant and supportive associated with
children’s social competence
Bina Nusantara
• Neglectful Parenting, parents are uninvolved in their children’s lives.
The children often behave in socially incompetent ways. They tend
to have poor self-control, don’t handle independence well, and aren’t
achivement motivated
• Indulgent Parenting, parents are highly involved with their children
but place few limits or restrictions on their behaviors. These parents
often let their children do what they want and get their way. The
children usually don’t learn to control their own behavior.
Bina Nusantara