Matakuliah Tahun : E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan : 2007 Motivation, Teaching, and Learning Pertemuan 10 What is Motivation? The processes that energize, direct and sustain behavior • If students don’t complete an assignment because they are bored, lack of motivation is involved • If students encounter challenges in researching and writing a paper, but persist and overcome hurdles, motivation is involved Bina Nusantara PERSPECTIVES ON MOTIVATION - The Behavioral Perspectives - The behavioral perspective emphasizes external rewards and punishments as keys in determining a student’s motivation Incentives are positive or negative stimuli or events that can motivate a student’s behavior In the classroom teachers use include numerical scores and letter grades, checkmarks or stars for competently work Bina Nusantara - The Humanistic Perspectives A view that stresses student’s capacity for personal growth, freedom to choose their destiny, and positive qualities Maslow’s concept (HIERARCHY OF NEEDS), that individual need must be satisfied in this sequence, psychological, safety, love and belongingness, esteem, and self actualization Self actualization, the highest and most elusive of Maslow’s needs, is the motivation to develop one’s full potential as a human being Bina Nusantara HIERARCHY OF NEEDS SELF ACTUALIZATION ESTEEM: feeling good about oneself LOVE & BELONGINGNESS: security, affection, attention SAFETY: ensuring survival, job, money, PSYCHOLOGICAL: hunger, thirst, sleep, sexual Bina Nusantara - The Cognitive Perspectives This interest focuses on such ideas as student’s internal motivation to achieve, their attribution (perceptions about the causes of success and failure, especially the perception that effort is an important factor in achievement) and their beliefs that they can effectively control their environment Recommends that students should be given more opportunities and responsibility for controlling their own achievement outcomes (Perry, Turner, & Meyer, 2006) Bina Nusantara Competence motivation, the idea that people are motivated to deal effectively with their environment, to master their world, and to process information efficiently The concept of competence motivation explain why humans are motivated to achieve science and technological innovation Bina Nusantara - The Social Perspectives - Are you the kind of person who is motivated to be around people a lot? Or would you rather stay home and read a book? The need for affiliation or relatedness is the motive to be securely connected with other people This involves establishing, maintaining, and restoring warm, close personal relationships Bina Nusantara Students in schools with caring and supportive interpersonal relationships have more positive academic attitudes and values and more satisfied with school One of the most important factors in students motivation and achievement was their perception of whether they had a positive relationship with the teacher Bina Nusantara EXTRINSIC AND INTRINSIC MOTIVATION • Extrinsic motivation is ofter influenced by external incentives such as rewards and punishments. Involved doing something to obtain something else • Intrinsic motivation involves the internal motivation to do something for its own sake. • Four types of intrinsic motivation: (1) self-determination and personal choice, (2) optimal experience and flow, (3) interest, (4) cognitive engangement and self responsibility Bina Nusantara 1. Self determination and Personal choice • Student want to believe that they are doing something because of their own will, not because of external success or rewards • Researchers have found that students internal motivation and intrinsic interest in school tasks increase when students have some choice and some opportunities to take personal responsibility for their learning Bina Nusantara 2. Optimal Experiences and Flow Student’s perceived level of their own skill Low Student’s perceived Low Apathy level of challenge High Anxiety Bina Nusantara High Boredom Flow 3. Interest • Research on interest has focused mainly on how interest is related to learning • Interest is especially linked to measure of deep learning, such as recall of main ideas and responses to more difficult comprehension questions, than to surface learning, such as responses to simple questions and verbatim recall of text Bina Nusantara 4. Cognitive Engagement & Self Responsibility • The importance of creating learning environments that encourage student to become cognitively engaged and take responsibility for their learning • The goal is to get students to become motivated to expend the effort to persist and master ideas rather than simply doing enough work to just get by and make passing grades • Especially important is to embed subject matter content and skills learning within meaningful contexts, especially real world situations that mesh with student’s interests Bina Nusantara