Managing The Classroom (Being a good Communicator) Pertemuan 13 Matakuliah

: E1122 - Psikologi Pendidikan
: 2007
Managing The Classroom
(Being a good Communicator)
Pertemuan 13
Speaking with the class and students
• In speaking with your class and students,
one of the most important things to keep
in mind is to clearly communicate
• Clarity in speaking is essential to
good teaching
Bina Nusantara
You and I messages
• You messages, undersirable messages in which speakers
appear to judge people and place them in a defensive
• I messages, desirable messages that reflect the speaker’s
true feelings better than judgement ‘you’ messages
Bina Nusantara
• ‘You’ communication does not always literally include the word
• ‘You’ messages bog down conversation with judgement of the other
• ‘You’ implied when someone says, ‘that was a really stupid
thing to say’, or ‘stay out of my life’
• ‘I’ messages reflect the speaker’s true feelings better than judgement
‘you’ statements
• ‘I’ messages help to move the conversation in a more constructive
direction by expressing your feeling without judging the other
• ‘I’ implied when someone says, ‘I’m angry that this has gotten so
negative’ or ‘I don’t like it when promises get broken’
Bina Nusantara
Some good strategies for speaking clearly with
your class include:
• Using grammar correctly
• Selecting vocabulary that is understable and appropriate for the level
of your students
• Applying strategies to improve students ability to understand what
you are saying, such as emphasizing key words, rephrasing, or
monitoring students comprehension
• Speaking at an appropriate pace, neither too rapidly nor too slowly
• Being precise in your communication and avoiding being vague
• Using good planning and logical thinking skills as underpinnings of
speaking clearly with your class
Bina Nusantara
How people deal with conflict:
• Aggressive style run roughshod over others. They demand, are
abrasive, and act in hostile ways. Aggressive individuals are often
insensitive to others rights and feelings
• Manipulative style try to get what they want by making people
feel guilty or sorry for them. Rather than take responsibility for
meeting their own needs, they play the role or the victim or the
martyr to get people to do things for them
Bina Nusantara
• Passive style are non assertive and submissive. They let others run
roughshod over them. Passive individuals don’t express their feelings
and don’t let others know what they want
• Assertive style express their feelings, ask for what they want, and
say ‘no’ to things they don’t want. When people act assertively, they
act in their own best interests. They stand up for their legitimate rights
and express their views openly
Bina Nusantara
Barries to effective verbal communication
• Criticizing. Harsh, negative evaluation of another person generally
reduce communication
• Name-calling and labelling. These are ways of putting down the
other person. Students engage in a lot of name-calling and labelling.
• Advising. Advising is talking down to others while giving them a
solution, to a problem
• Ordering. Commanding another person to do what you want is
often not effective because it creates resistance
• Threatenin. Threats are intended to control the other person by
verbal force
• Moralizing. This means preaching to the other person about what
he or she should do. Moralize increases students guilt and anxiety
Bina Nusantara
Guidelines for delivering a
• Connect with the students. Talk directly to the audience
• State your purpose. Keep this focus throughout the talk
• Effectively deliver the speech. Use eye contact, supportive
gestures, and effective voice control
• Follow appropiate conventions. This includes using correct
• Effectively organize the speech. Include an introduction, main
body, and
• Include evidence that supports and develops your ideas
• Use media effectively
Bina Nusantara
Listening skills
Effectively managing your classroom
will be easier if you and your students have
good listening skills.
Listening is a critical skill for making
and keeping relationships
If you are a good listener, students, parents, other teachers,
and administrators will be drawn to you
Active listening means giving full attention to the speaker.
Focusing on both the intellectual and the emotional content of the message
Bina Nusantara
Nonverbal Communication
• Facial expressions and eye communication. People’s faces
disclose emotions and telegraph what really matters to them. A smile,
a frown, a puzzled look all communicate
• Touch, can be a powerful form of communication. Touch
especially can be used when consoling someone who has undergone a
stressful of unfortune experience
Bina Nusantara
• Space, each of us has a personal that
at times we don’t want others to
• Silence, in our fast-paced, modern
culture we often act as if there is
something wrong with anyone who
remains silent for more than a second
or two after something is said to them
Bina Nusantara