New Faculty Senator Orientation May 9, 2012 Welcome Senators! David Zeh

New Faculty Senator Orientation
May 9, 2012
Welcome Senators!
David Zeh
Faculty Senate Chair
Chair and Professor of Biology
The Faculty Senate
• UNR Faculty Senate
– elected body of 30-33 faculty members,
representing all major units (colleges and
administrative units)
• Faculty Senate Bylaws provide for operation of
• Leader of Senate is the Chair
– elected from Senate
– serves one year as Chair-Elect, one year as Chair,
and final year as ex-officio Past Chair
Shared Governance
• What is shared governance?
– set of practices under which college faculty and staff participate in significant
decisions concerning operation of their institutions
– academic decision-making should be largely independent of short-term
managerial and political considerations
– faculty and professional staff are in best position to shape and implement
curriculum and research policy, and to select academic colleagues and judge
their work
– the perspective of all front-line personnel is invaluable in making sound
decisions about allocating resources, setting goals, choosing top officers and
guiding student life
• Effective Senate is focused on long-term interests of university, not short-term
interests of individual faculty
• Faculty Senate needs good working relationships with administration to be
effective, but also must be independent of it
• Faculty Senate most effective when its recommendations are clear and
reasonable, with policy alternatives considering both pros and cons
NSHE: Nevada System of Higher
• Nine faculty senates in the system:
• 13 Regents
• Senate chairs advise Regents
Faculty Senate Chair
• Official spokesperson for Senate and
UNR Faculty at large
• Expected to support all senate actions
and represent interests of entire faculty
• Expected to advocate for shared
governance, with attention to both Code
and Bylaws
• Serves on President’s Council
• Meets regularly with Provost
• Represents faculty before Regents and
Chancellor’s Office
• Oversees faculty grievance process
Faculty Senate Executive Board
The Chair is advised by the
Executive Board, consisting of
– Chair-Elect who serves as
– Parliamentarian, elected
– Two at-large members,
elected annually
– Immediate Past Chair and
Senate Manager serve on
Executive Board as ex-officio
What Do Senators Do?
Senator’s Responsibilities
• Attend all regularly scheduled and
special senate meetings. If you are
unable to attend a meeting, assign a
• Familiarize yourself with the Faculty
Senate Bylaws, UNR Bylaws, and
NSHE Code.
• Be prepared for the Senate meetings
ahead of time. Review the agenda, and
read all reports and informational items.
• Report on the business of the senate to
your constituents, and ask them for
input on action items.
More Responsibilities
• Send your ideas for senate
agenda topics to Executive Board
• When retiring or resigning from
senate, assist your unit in its
election to fill vacancy
• Speak up in senate meetings!
– your opinions and input are
Robert’s Rules of Order
• Parliamentarian advises Chair on procedural
• Faculty Senate tradition
– conduct informal and more relaxed meetings
than suggested by Robert’s Rules of Order
• When necessary, Chair will invoke version of
rules of debate
– Chair will announce rules prior to opening
floor to discussion
• Senate charges standing and ad-hoc committees
– committees advise Senate on issues of concern
• Executive Board selects chair and members from
faculty at large
• Executive Board oversees committees, and
reviews all committee reports and
recommendations before they come to Senate
Current Standing Committees
• Academic Standards
• Administrative Faculty Personnel Policies &
• Bylaws & Code
• Campus Affairs
• Executive Board Nominating
• Salary & Benefits
• Research and Grants
Committee Reports
• After review by Executive Board, committee reports are
presented to Senate by committee’s chair
• Committee reports contain both general findings and specific
– available at least a week ahead of Senate meeting
• Committee’s report is first accepted by the Senate, if the
Senate believes the committee has completed its charges
– implies neither endorsement nor approval of its
recommendations, but indicates committee did its job
• Senate may then choose to approve, amend, or reject
specific recommendations
– once approved, these generally become Requests for
Action (RFAs), and are sent to President
The Agenda
• Executive Board sets Agenda in response to
events, requests, and reports
• Agenda sent to Senators at least five days ahead of
• Agenda may be modified during meeting by Chair,
with unanimous consent
• Agenda is not a precise timetable, and we may run
over when the Chair thinks it necessary to let
people have their say
Normal Order of Business
Chair convenes meeting once quorum is met
Roll, introductions
Consent Agenda – including minutes and UAM changes
Committee liaisons are sometimes asked to report
Chair reports
Presentation of reports and items for information or action
New business
Chair adjourns the meeting — motion not needed
Quorum, et cetera
• According to Faculty Senate Bylaws, a quorum is
more than one-half the senate representation
– meetings will convene only when a quorum is
– once quorum is established, it remains, regardless
of number of senators who leave meeting
• Senate meetings are long, and sometimes run over
– please remain patient, and respect importance of
Senate’s business
Do you have the floor?
• If you wish to speak, raise your hand to be recognized by
– Chair-Elect assists Chair by keeping track of who has
raised their hand and in what order, so you don’t have to
keep your hand up
• Chair may sometimes invoke a two-minute rule for
questions or comments
– gives everyone a chance to speak without going too far off
• Please keep side conversations to a minimum
• Visitors may speak to Senate, time permitting, once all
Senators have had a chance to speak
– they must first be recognized by the Chair
Motions and Votes
• Senator (other than Chair) must make a motion to bring most
matters to a vote
– motion must be seconded by another senator
• Seconded motion is discussed before being voted on
• A seconded motion must be voted on or withdrawn before
another motion may be considered, unless a “friendly
amendment” is accepted
• Action items may be tabled until a later meeting, if so moved,
seconded, and approved
• A straw poll or straw vote is not a motion
– it is a method by which Chair can ascertain whether there is
consensus on a topic
• Each senator entitled to one vote and may vote as proxy for
one other senator from same major unit
• Senators may always abstain, and should do so in presence
of any conflict of interest
• The Chair may not vote except to break a tie
• The Chair-elect, Past Chair, and the Senate Manager may not
• The senate usually votes by voice, but the Chair may ask for
a show of hands
• Some votes – e.g., elections of senate officers – are
conducted by secret ballot
• Most votes only require a simple majority of those voting to