Document 14985844

University of Nevada, Reno
2012-13 Faculty Senate
September 20, 2012
RSJ 304
Process for Consideration of Consent Agenda Items:
All items on the Consent Agenda are action items. A single vote for the consent agenda passes all
items listed on the agenda. Any senator may request an agenda item be pulled for discussion and
held for a separate vote.
Prior to a vote on the consent agenda, the Chair will open the floor for comment from senators
including requests to pull items.
Once all items to be pulled have been identified, the Chair will call for a vote on the remaining
Consent Agenda items.
Discussion and action on items pulled will be managed individually.
Request to Approve the August 30, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Additional Charge for the Bylaws and Code Committee
RFA for Spring Bylaws 2011
Response to RFA Spring Bylaws 2011
Additional Charge for the Salary and Benefits Committee
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
September 20, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #1
August 30, 2012 Meeting Minutes
1. Roll Call and Introductions:
Present: Jamie Anderson (SOM), Pat Arnott (COS), Todd Borman (IT), John Dell (DHS), Sue Donaldson
(COOP), Patricia Ellison (CABNR), Catherine Goring (SOM), Keith Hackett (Pres), Rosemary McCarthy
(JO)< Glenn Miller (CABNR), Elissa Palmer (SOM), Anna Panorska (COS), Crystal Parrish (DEV), Mark
Pingle for Rafik Beekun (COBA), Chuck Price (SS), Todd Renwick (VPAF), David Ryfe (Ex-Officio), Amy
Shannon (Lib), David Sanders (EN), Deborah Shindell (DHS), Patricia Swager for Gerald Ackerman (SOM),
Shanon Taylor (COE), George Thomas (CLA), Robert Wang (SOM), Claudene Wharton (Pres), Leah Wilds
(CLA), Stephanie Woolf (VPR), David Zeh (Chair).
Absent: Mariah Evans (CLA), Swatee Naik (Chair-Elect), and Vannessa Nicholas (Prov).
Senate Vacancies: 1 (CLA), 1 (COS).
Guests: Orion Cuffe (GSA), Kent Ervin (COS), Heather Hardy (Prov), Michelle Kelley (HR), Jean Regan
(DHS), Thomas Schwenk (DHS), Hank Stone (NSHE).
Chair David Zeh’s opening remarks:
Zeh welcomed senators back to campus, and started the meeting with 2 quotes:
“Truth is the intersection of Independent lies” by Richard Levins and the second quote: “You can prove
anything with facts” by Homer Simpson. He implied that this was relevant to the formula funding discussion
that would be happening later. Zeh gave an overview of the agenda and then said that President Marc Johnson
was not able to attend, so Executive Vice President and Provost Heather Hardy would present in his stead.
2. Visit with Executive Vice President and Provost Heather Hardy:
Provost Hardy, presenting for President Johnson, said that President Johnson has been asking the question of the
various leadership groups across campus. “Given what the formula may turn out to be, do we stay on this
quality path or do we reverse our trajectory and go for bigger numbers?” In light of the formula, quantity would
be rewarded. The consensus was that quality was the most important issue. Better students created better
learning experiences and a better environment. It was pointed out that Athletics was at a recruiting disadvantage
this year with the new Academic Index and the inability to utilize special admits. Board of Regents’ Policy
dictates the minimum GPA; however we use a higher Academic Index (AI) when enrolling students. Those
students with an AI below 60 were encouraged to go to a community college to prepare for the university. What
is the data on student success if their AI is lower than 60? Approximately 30% graduate if their AI is below 60.
Better quality undergraduates lead to better quality graduate students. The university has fewer graduate
students this year and the formula was more heavily weighted for graduate programs, so it would be important
to increase those numbers with quality graduate students. The loss of graduate stipends was cited as an issue
leading to fewer graduate students. Sixteen new assistantships were provided for newly hired individuals and
Provost Hardy said those were the first in the past several years. Her goal would be to increase the number of
assistantships and the amount of the stipends provided to each.
It was mentioned that it would be helpful if administration were more nimble and communicative. Hardy said
that several requests for proposals were put out the last time there were one time funds. We were still in a
budget reduction biennium. Chair David Zeh remarked that the economic realities would not change for a while,
but having an institution that has a good reputation and faculty that can attach good students is a reasonable
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strategy. David Ryfe said that while UNR is affordable compared to California schools, it is not necessarily
affordable to Nevada residents. In order to ensure quality instruction, we need be sure faculty were able to
deliver to students; we have the highest student to faculty ratio in the west.
3. Visit with Graduate Student Association (GSA) President Orion Cuffe:
Graduate Student Association President Orion Cuffe reported that graduate student population has been
declining in the past few years. There have been extensive conversations over the past 2 years regarding the
obstacles with graduate assistantships and stipends. The stipends have not increased since 1992 in either number
or amount. Graduate housing has been a problem in the past; however, work will begin on a new facility that
will have 200 units. Cuffe said that they will be actively lobbying the legislature and he felt that student
lobbying was helpful in the past.GSA began planning the Day of Education at the legislature from 8 am to 5 pm
on February 25, 2012. They would bus students to Carson City and were hoping to set up a satellite spot for
those people not able to attend. The legislature implied that graduate students do not stay in Nevada, so GSA
would be creating two portfolios, one that shows businesses in the areas that hire Masters’ and Doctoral
Students and what their needs were and the other portfolio would look at graduates of UNR that were still
working in the community. GSA has programs for grad students that include: travel grants, need-based
scholarships, a computer loan program and used household items for grad students.
Link to GSA programs website:
4. Chair’s report:
 Senate Chair David Zeh reported that there would be informal Campus Communications with the
President, Provost and Faculty Senate Chair on three dates: September 13, 2012, October 30, 2012
and December 5, 2012. They will be held in the Faculty Lounge of the Knowledge Center Room 422
from 4 to 5 pm.
 US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will visit the Latino Research Center in a Town Hall
meeting on September 12, 2012 held in the JCSU Ballroom.
 The Presidential Inauguration is scheduled for 10:00 am Friday, September 28, 2012 on the Quad.
 Provost Search Update:
o Isaacson, Miller was the search consultant and Vice President for Research Marsha Read is
the chair of the search committee.
o 6 semi-finalists have been selected and the committee will conduct intensive interviews.
o On campus finalist visits would be in October and the committee would make a
recommendation to the President.
o The proposed start date is January 1, 2013.
e-Learning Proposal – NSHE doesn’t have capacity with current staff levels and workload
commitments so they hired Richard N. Katz Associates to explore on-line education strategies.
o They would be exploring: opportunities/alternatives, benefits/risks, high-level marketing
viability, funding/revenue generation models, and realistic timelines.
Executive Board Retreat Recap
o The retreat was used to determine the work of the senate through December.
o Four Senate Committees work on the academic year and the Executive Board discussed
charges and membership. Chairs: Catherine Goring Academic Standards; Shanon Taylor,
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Campus Affairs; Peter Weisberg Research and Grants Committee; no chair yet for
Administrative Faculty Personnel Policy and Procedure Committee.
Budget Enhancements UNCE and SOM were not approved by the Board of Regents. UNR was the
only institution to submit enhancement requests.
Possible consolidation of CABNR and UNCE to create synergies and foster collaboration and allow
for a top notch dean. This possibility would be discussed with the units and with the advisory boards
of each unit, as well as the community. Once a proposal was submitted a committee would be
formed to review the proposal and then come to the senate for a full vote.
Annual Leave on Termination
o There has been discussion on a proposal to reduce the maximum amount of annual leave paid
out to faculty upon termination to 24 days. The current liability would be $19 million at 48
days of annual leave paid out.
Found in the Information Items are UAM Revisions that occurred over the summer. These were
approved by the Executive Board unless they felt there was an issue and then they would come
before the full senate.
David Zeh went over the consent agenda procedures. There was no need to pull an item that just had
a grammatical or typographical error, instead, let Michelle or Linda know. If an item was pulled, it
would be discussed and then voted on. Zeh would ask for items the senate wanted pulled. The rest of
the agenda would be adopted.
New faculty orientation was held and Zeh presented and distributed a pamphlet about the senate.
Faculty Senate Representatives for the Research Advisory Council were Pat Arnott and Mariah
Faculty Senate Liaison to the Graduate Council is Ania Panorska.
University Courses and Curriculum Committee (UCCC) Representative is Rosemary McCarthy.
Graduation for Spring 2013 will be split into two separate ceremonies by college; half on Friday and
half on Saturday.
A new online catalog was being developed and all department links would need to be updated.
Changes were being made to the student’s drop date for classes, resulting from university liability to
repay Federal Financial Aid Funds.
Special Board of Regents Meeting Recap:
o The Chancellor’s Funding Formula was approved by the Regents.
o There would be a major shift of funding to the southern colleges.
 Discussion in the senate included the shift of money from the northern institutions to
the southern institutions. There will likely be some mitigation from the legislature
over the next two biennia to offset the loss of funding especially to the community
colleges in the north.
o Zeh provided testimony regarding the support of most items but deep concern with the lack
of performance metrics in the performance pool.
o Substantial public comment given in support of restoring funding to Cooperative Extension.
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o Biennial Budget Enhancement Request for both the School of Medicine and Cooperative
Extension were voted down. The Chancellor would prefer not to have any budget
enhancements go forward at this time.
Report on the Commission for the Future of the University of Nevada:
o They would be meeting next week and hoped the report would be presented to the senate at
the December meeting.
5. Retirement: Michelle Kelley and Hank Stone:
Link to PowerPoint Presentation:
The 401a is the faculty retirement plan; the 403b is voluntary retirement plan for all employees. The plan was
very large, with $1.7 billion dollars in the plan. Michelle Kelley was concerned about the complexity of the
plan. There are three vendors, with 289 investment opportunities which can be very intimidating to new faculty.
This NSHE Committee was looking for ways to simplify the plan and to reduce fees. Currently, faculty were
paying on average over half a percent in fees (slide 5). The costs include two basic components, administration
expense and the investment management expense. If invested in their proprietary funds, those fees are charged.
If able to reduce the total fees by 25 basis points, gives an equivalent of an extra half percent contributed to the
individuals plan. The Request for Proposal (RFP) would look at a cost savings on the administration side. They
were also looking at paring down the number of funds that would also decrease costs. There would be four tiers,
based on how much involvement individuals wanted. The retirement plan was not changing, they were only
looking at changing the vendor relationships.
The Retirement Plan Alternatives Committee was looking for information prior to sending out a RFP. The RFP
objectives were to simplify the participant experience and to maximize faculty and staff engagement. The
committee will hold town hall meetings to get feedback prior to writing the RFP. The committee would like to
have the new plan in place by January 2014. Comments can be sent to: Michelle Kelley or Hank Stone or
Consent Agenda:
The following items were on the Consent Agenda:
June 7, 2012 Faculty Senate Meeting Minutes
2011-12 Research and Grants Recommendations
20101-12 Academic Standards Committee Recommendation
2012-13 Research and Grants Committee Charges
2012-13 Campus Affairs Committee Charges:
Zeh said that the 2011-12 RGC and ASC charges were not voted on in their entirety and now the senate needs
to discuss and vote on these remaining recommendations.
The Research and Grants Committee Charges and the Research and Grants Committee Recommendation were
pulled from the consent agenda. The Institutional Review Board Executive Committee and the Indirect Cost
Recovery Committee no longer exist. A better charge would be to institute those committees. Zeh asked if there
were any objections to adopting the rest of the consent agenda, hearing none, the rest of the agenda was
Michelle Hritz, Senate Manager, stated that administration had agreed to build a website with committee
information, so rather than institute a new committee, she would make a commitment that once that was
complete, the charges would be revised so that each of the senate committees liaised with the appropriate
university committees. Zeh spoke to the President about this and said that the University of Montana had a great
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website that showed all the committees and their members and charges. He said that he felt that the president
understood the importance of this and the work to establish one was planned.
MOTION: Wharton/Shannon. Continue with charges for the RGC for the academic year after item number 5
was removed. Sue Donaldson said that ICR Task Force was disbanded after the completing their charges and
recommendations. Ania Panorska asked where the money was supposed to come from for those charges. The
charge was to monitor the RFA to make sure that it was responded to. There was discussion on why an RFA
needed to be monitored. While the money may not be available now, if it kept coming forward when there was
money administration would be aware of the importance of the RFA. Wharton would like to clarify that the
Office of Integrated Marketing was not the correct office listed in the charge rather, it should be the Office of
Media Relations (1iii)
ACTION: Passed unanimously
MOTION: Wharton/McCarthy. To change the Office of Integrated Marketing to the Office of Media Relations
in the charge.
ACTION: Passed unanimously.
MOTION: Wharton/Miller. To make the recommendation and RFA of RGC 2011-12 to match the motion
where it changes the Office on Integrated Marketing to the Office of Media Relations.
ACTION: Passed unanimously.
6. Children in the Workplace:
Zeh said that there was concern that if the senate or the executive board did not respond quickly to the UAM
Revisions that there would not be an opportunity have input. A response was sent to administration stating
that the language was too restrictive. Many times it was difficult to get in touch with a supervisor in advance
and also that many time school delays were longer than two hours.
The senate discussed issues from clinical practice where no children were allowed, bringing an infant could
possibly disrupt the work environment, and the protection of minors in the workplace.
MOTION: McCarthy/Borman. To table the discussion until the next senate meeting.
ACTION: Passed unanimously
7. Tom Schwenk: Budget Enhancement:
The request for a budget enhancement began with the Pennington Building opening and the desire to add
both nursing and medicine students. The original plan was to take advantage of the space in Pennington by
increasing the class size of nursing and medicine. The hope was mostly to increase the residency program
which could create more doctors for this area because most residents practice where they completed their
residency training. The plan had been through many variations prior to going to the Regents. Nursing was
carved because covered under the funding formula as an undergraduate program. The regents felt that
tuition should be increased to support this increase. The regents did not choose to either support or deny
this enhancement
8. New business: none
Meeting adjourned 4: 35 pm
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
September 20, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #2
Additional Charge for the Bylaws and Code Committee
Administration has rendered a response to the 2011 UNR Bylaws Request for Action. Charges of the Bylaws and Code
Committee have been modified, to appropriately address the work needed.
Link to the RFA for Bylaws – Spring 2011
Link to the Response for Bylaws – Spring 2011
Bylaws & Code Committee (BCC)
Charges, 2012 Calendar Year
Approved by the Faculty Senate
Purpose: Review and make recommendations regarding revisions to the NSHE Code, the UNR Bylaws, the
Administrative Manual, and other governing documents.
Report due to Executive Board at the beginning of November 2012, for presentation to the Senate in December
Standing Charges:
1. Review BCC charges and recommendations adopted by the Faculty Senate over the prior three years.
Report on the status of these recommendations.
a. Review administration’s response to the UNR Bylaw revisions submitted in Spring 2011
i. Ensure approved language is properly included in the university bylaws repository.
ii. In consultation with administration, incorporate language proposed to allow future
approval. Once completed, make recommendations to the senate.
iii. In consultation with administration, determine if non-approved bylaws have any
future potential for change/approval. Once completed, make recommendations to
the senate.
2. Make recommendations on the future status, organization, structure, and charges of the BCC. Consider
whether the committee is necessary and effective, and how could it be improved.
3. Upon request by the Executive Board:
a. Review possible conflicts between the Code, the UNR Bylaws, major unit bylaws, and/or department
bylaws. Recommendations should be reported to the Executive Board within six weeks after receipt of
any request for review.
b. Review proposed new or revised bylaws from colleges or other major units for potential conflicts with
UNR Bylaws and the Code, and make suggestions for improvement as appropriate. Recommendations
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should be reported to the major unit administrator and the Executive Board within six weeks after
receipt. Due to Code and Bylaw modifications, ensure specific number references are removed and
only NSHE Code or UNR Bylaws are cited within a bylaws document.
c. Review all proposed revisions to the NSHE Code to analyze the potential impact of such revisions on
faculty, and make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding the reconciliation of the UNR
Bylaws and the Code.
i. Review the changes made to Chapter 5 and 6 of the NSHE Code, compare them to the
academic planning process and
1. Recommend changes, as needed, in the University Bylaws, University
Administrative Manual or the Academic Planning Process to comply with the
Code changes. Can this be further defined to align with strategic planning to
guide cuts as well as growth? Recommend an adequate deadline for affected
units to respond to proposed budget cuts.
2. Recommend changes to the University Bylaws, University Administrative
Manual or the Academic Planning Process, specifying the set of procedures to be
used to facilitate the continuation of faculty in employment in “appropriate
qualified professional capacity” within the university, if possible; and if the
employment does not result in the termination of employment of another faculty
member as prescribed in NSHE Code 5.4.7.
d. Review issues of concern to the Executive Board that may require revision to the UNR Bylaws, and
propose revisions to Faculty Senate.
4. Appoint a member of the committee to serve as a full member of the Administrative Manual Policy
Review Board (AMPBR). This member should also serve as a liaison between the AMPBR, the BCC, and
the Executive Board. The committee should work with this member in reviewing proposed changes to the
Administrative Manual.
5. Upon request, serve as a sounding board for the Executive Board on issues related to BCC charges and
Additional Charges
6. Propose UNR Bylaw language requiring review and recommendation of tenure on hire decisions by the
University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
7. After conclusion of the pending UNR Bylaws RFA, make recommendations to make the bylaws gender
8. Make a recommendation as to the definition of a “Dean’s Equivalent” in the Division of Health Sciences.
9. The Code requires a faculty member to request reconsideration and grieve at the level a negative decision
is rendered. Determine what should happen in each academic unit when promotion and/or tenure is
refused at the department level. Should the process stop there, or should it go one at least for a college
review? Make a recommendation for a university-wide standard process.
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
September 20, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #3
Additional Charge for the Salary and Benefits Committee
Salary & Benefits Committee (SBC)
Charges, 2012 Calendar Year
Approved by the Faculty Senate
Purpose: Monitor, review, investigate and make recommendations on salary schedules, health benefits,
system/campus benefits, employment policies.
Report due to Executive Board at the beginning of November 2012, for presentation to the Senate in December
Standing Charges:
1. Review SBC charges and recommendations adopted by the Faculty Senate over the prior three years.
Report on the status of these recommendations.
a. Work with HR (Tim McFarling) to determine the outcome regarding overload benefits
b. Continue to monitor retirement plan investment options and plan performance, in conjunction
with RPAC, and report on the results of vendor reviews when they become available.
c. Continue to monitor the Salary Equity Survey and the impact other forms of supplemental
d. Monitor inclusion of domestic partner benefits at the system level.
e. Continue monitoring bridge funding possibilities.
f. Monitor the principles and RFA requesting creation of a pool for advance funding of annual
leave, in particular, to solve the problem of funding accumulated leave rights for employees on
grant-funded contracts or clinical contracts.
2. Make recommendations on the future status, organization, structure, and charges of the SBC. Consider
whether the committee is necessary and effective, and how could it be improved.
3. Upon request by the Executive Board, review any proposals affecting SBC objectives, and report
recommendations to the Executive Board within six weeks after receipt of any request for review.
4. Upon request by the Executive Board, serve as a sounding board for the Executive Board for issues related
to SBC charges and objectives.
5. Identify other campus-wide committees working on related issues, and upon approval of the Executive
Board, appoint a liaison from the SBC to each. Facilitate communication, as appropriate, between these
committees and the Faculty Senate, and inform the Senate as to whether these committees are duplicating
6. Work with HR to ensure that its website is accurate and up-to-date. Assess and monitor university
practices with respect to educating faculty about the spectrum of existing benefits and make
recommendations in regards to possible improvements.
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Additional Charges:
7. UNR Bylaw 3.3.4 states, “In the event that merit funds were not available in the previous year(s), the
record of the previous evaluation period(s) shall also be considered in awarding of merit increases.”
Investigate how administration plans to implement this requirement if and when merit funds are made
available. Work with administration to create a procedure for applying merit fairly under these
8. Liaise with PEBP Task Force regarding supplemental benefits and report back to the Executive Board
quarterly, or as information is available.
9. Investigate how salary and compensation are affecting recruitment and retention of faculty across the
10. Investigate the utility and appropriateness of the PEBP “wellness” tests and questionnaires. Are the
tests overly invasive? Are the blood tests reasonable? Is the information used appropriately? Is the
timing of the tests consistent with best practices?
Can the trackers and webinars be made more
user friendly? Provide comment to the faculty senate and PEBP Task Force.
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