CONSENT AGENDA Process for Consideration of Consent Agenda Items:

University of Nevada, Reno
2011-12 Faculty Senate
March 15, 2012
RSJ 304
Process for Consideration of Consent Agenda Items:
All items on the Consent Agenda are action items. A single vote for the consent agenda passes all
items listed on the agenda. Any senator may request an agenda item be pulled for discussion and
held for a separate vote.
Prior to a vote on the consent agenda, the Chair will open the floor for comment from senators
including requests to pull items.
Once all items to be pulled have been identified, the Chair will call for a vote on the remaining
Consent Agenda items.
Discussion and action on items pulled will be managed individually.
Request to Approve the February 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Checkbox Privacy Guidelines
Request to Approve the University Administrative Manual Revisions:
vetted by the UAM Committee & the Executive Board
Please note that additions are underlined and in color
Deletions are noted in the margin
12,49,52, & 53 University Committees
2,636 Postdoctoral Fellows
2.683 Faculty Holidays
March 15, 2012 Consent Agenda Packet
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
March 15, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #1
February 16, 2012 Meeting Minutes
1. Roll Call and Introductions:
Present: Pat Arnott (COS), Rafik Beekun (COBA), Mike Bennett (A & F), Todd Borman (IT), Susan Donaldson
(Ext), Isabelle Favre (CLA), Catherine Goring (SOM), Keith Hackett (Pres), Erik Herzik (Ex-Officio), Julie
Hogan (DHS), Stephen Lafer (COE), Kam Leang for Yanyao Jiang (EN), Rosemary McCarthy (JO), Amy
McFarland (SOM), Amy McFarland for Elissa Palmer (SOM), Glenn Miller (CABNR), Swatee Naik (COS),
Vannessa Nicholas (Prov), Louis Niebur (CLA), Crystal Parrish (DEV), chuck Price (SS), Maggie Ressel (LIB),
David Ryfe (Chair), Valerie Smith (VPR), Jonathan Weinstein (COS), Claudene Wharton (Pres), Leah Wilds
(CLA), David Zeh (Chair-Elect).
Absent: Kami Larson (SOM), Marjorie Vecchio (CLA).
Guests: Jane Bessette (COBA), Marc Johnson (Pres), Thomas Schwenk (DHS/SOM), Jessica Younger
2. Visit with Regent Trachok:
Regent Trachok thanked the senate for inviting him and said that he was here to answer questions that they
might have. He has a law practice here in Reno, teaches an International Trade Law course in California, and
he has been writing a textbook for International Trade Law. He graduated from UNR and his father was head
football coach for many years. He felt that the budget of UNR and NSHE was stabilizing.
Trachok said that we needed to focus on alternate funding sources, including increasing the financial
participation of alumni. Tuition would need to have the right balance to continue to grow and he hoped that the
faculty had ideas on how to facilitate this growth. Trachok felt that his job as regent was not to defend only one
institution, but to see that all the institutions were equitably funded. The regents were responsible for setting
policy for the institutions.
Trachok was asked about the PEBP $43 million reserve, to which he responded that he was not well versed in
that area.
There was some discussion regarding multi-institutional interdisciplinary programs, some involving DRI and
UNLV and perhaps TMCC. Those programs could be in jeopardy during budget crisis, they could be
considered low hanging fruit. This would probably need to be raised at the regents’ level.
Trachok was not sure when merit pay would come back and how that would be handled when it returned.
Trachok felt that the university needed to be represented to the community as helping to make this a university
town. The university and faculty needed to reach out to the community.
Trachok said that performance measures were important, but should not be the only thing considered, they
needed to focus on educating students.
3. Visit with President Johnson:
The presidents from the Mountain West institutions met with the Conference Commissioner and there was
discussion of some form of consolidation with Conference USA. One of the reasons for the merger was
conference stability. There would be sixteen teams which would still allow for a conference if some teams
dropped out. They should have something together within a month if they decide to formalize the merger.
The NSHE presidents and the superintendent of schools met and discussed a move to have high school
juniors take the ACT test with diagnostics instead of a proficiency exam. This would give them a better idea of
what was needed for each student to be college ready and allow time in their senior year to fix it.
The president would bring a debt reduction and remediation cost plan proposal for the Fire Sciences Academy
to the March Board of Regents meeting. This plan would include reducing the construction debt and hopefully
free up some of the $6.50 student fees. They now have a closing date with the National Guard, who would pay
$10 million for the property; the remediation should cost about $4.1 million. With the payment and the use of
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some other monies this should allow the university to use approximately $4.00 of the student fee money for
capital projects on campus.
Governor Sandoval was on campus last week and had a cluster approach to economic development that he
identified and the university would see how it was able to contribute to those goals.
The university was beginning a search for the Dean for the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural
Resources. This would help to stabilize the college for students, faculty, and the community.
There was no plan to close the main station farm, but they were looking to rezone 104 acres and would be
sending out an RFP to take over Wolf Pack Meats. An open forum was scheduled for February 21, 2012 and
then on March 14, 2012 the rezoning plan was set to go to the City Council. The main reason for rezoning was
to protect the property from being included in the flood plain. Wolf Pack Meats has been operating at a deficit
for a while and having an outside entity take it over would be beneficial to the community and to the university.
The Chancellor was looking at redesigning the funding formula, this would apply to state funds only and the
chancellor would be reporting to the regents regarding this. The teaching formula would include output
measures and both the teaching and research formula would include weighted student credit hours.
Questions and Discussion:
While the Fire Science Academy seemed like a good idea to some at the time it was created, there was no
financially stable way to keep it going.
When property values increase, some of those funds could be used toward paying down more of the Fire
Science Academy debt if the regents approved.
The university would be looking towards economic growth clusters that were identified by EDAWN. Those
clusters included: supply chain management, manufacturing, back office business and/or call centers,
geothermal energy, and ecommerce. They took life sciences off the list, but if you look at the food
manufacturing, food growing, environmental science, medical remedies and bio based energy, we could
probably do something in the bio sciences as well. The Governor had a broader range plan. The Governor
would like to put money into the Knowledge Fund and then the universities could compete for those funds.
4. Visit with Vice President for the Division of Health Sciences and Dean for the School of
Medicine – Dr. Thomas Schwenk:
Dr. Schwenk came from the University of Michigan. He came to UNR School of Medicine and was enamored
of the school and the potential. The basic sciences were taught in Reno and about two thirds of the clinical
practice existed in Las Vegas. He was committed to resolving the North and South issues. They were looking
to grow undergraduates in nursing and the medical school. We don’t have all of the specialties that students
want so we only keep about 40% for residency. For those students who complete their residency in Nevada
about 80% remain in the state. The school of medicine needed to increase their branding and identity.
Teaching nurses and doctors together was not an upcoming trend and it was difficult due to a limited
curriculum from their accrediting agency.
5. Election of the Nominating Committee:
This committee selects the candidates for the 2012-13 Executive Board. Glenn Miller was nominated from the
floor. Elected were:
Pat Arnott, Amy McFarland, Louis Niebur, and Maggie Ressel
6. Consent Agenda:
Bylaws and Code Committee Charges
Salary and Benefits Committee Charges
UAM Revisions
1-18-12 Meeting Minutes
The minutes were pulled from the agenda.
MOTION: Ressel/Naik. To approve the remainder of the consent agenda.
ACTION: Passed unanimously
The minutes were pulled from the agenda to be amended to read: “In the past, if a student’s GPA was under
2.0 they could continue taking classes, now they must have a GPA of 2.0 or better or they go on probation.”
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MOTION: Donaldson/Price. To approve the amendment to the minutes.
ACTION: Passed unanimously
7. Chairs Report:
Commission Update:
The commission was meeting twice a month, they talked with all the major units and they all have strategic
plans, but the concern was that there was no grand scheme. Bruce Shively prepared a budget projection for
the commission. The investment in economic development would be a long term project. Next month the
commission would begin looking at students and issues regarding the pool of applicants. Demographics have
been changing and this would affect the future pool of applicants for the university.
Funding Formula:
Chancellor Klaich has been working with the Governor on a new funding formula. Klaich has also been working
with Dennis Jones from the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems (NCHEMS). The new
formula was calculated on performance based metrics. A faculty work group has been named and Rafik
Beekun would be the university’s representative.
Notary Public Policy (University Administrative Policy):
The policy stated that a notary public could not do personal business on company time. There was an issue
with a Notary charging someone for this during work time. Ryfe would talk with the President regarding this
policy asking for a less punitive policy.
University of Nevada Cooperative Extension (UNCE):
The Executive Board met with Dean Karen Hinton, regarding reorganization of the college, due to curricular
review. UNCE did receive some bridge money to cover about half of the budget cut, and would ask for an
enhancement, but they were not sure who they should be asking.
Senate Committees:
Guy Hoelzer will chair the 2012 Bylaws and Code Committee, and David Sanders will chair the 2012 Salary
and Benefits Committee.
 Presidential search has a soft application deadline of March 15, 2012.
 Athletic Conference Merger – we would continue to compete with Mountain West Partners
through July 2013. There will be no negative impact to revenue next year and it should be
enhanced in the future with the conference merger.
 Technology Transfer Office: patents were expensive and most were not money generating
enterprises, they were looking to make a shift from patents to cultural development. Julie Hogan
asked if someone from the OSPA office could speak to the senate about their organizational
plan and how they would implement it.
 The university would be looking at recruiting more students from California. Students want the
college experience which includes athletics, most want a strong core in liberal arts and science,
and most like the personalized attention they can get here.
 We cannot compete with the larger higher ranked institutions for international students.
8. Career Development Update – Jane Bessette:
They have taken over many of the activities that the university career development office used to do. They will
be having a career fair April 4, 2012 and would like faculty to get the word out to their students.
 We will be doing our career fair prep event on March 29 at which community professionals will be in
attendance to conduct resume critiques and mock interviews with students. This is a drop in event
from 11 am – 2 pm in JCSU Ballrooms. You can find the flyer at
The All Majors Career & Internship Fair will be Wednesday, April 4 from 10 am – 3 pm with a
networking reception the evening prior (4/3 from 4 -6 pm). You can find the flyer at
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We have a series of job search workshops being presented by local Human Resources
professionals starting this week leading up to the career fair; 30 Minutes to Success. You can find
the flyer at
 Last but not least, we have purchased a series of webinars which are available to all students
conducted by various career experts that are available on demand until August. You can find the
list of topics and instructions for accessing them at
Claudene Wharton thanked Jane for her hard work.
9. New Business:
The university will have an Earth Day held up at the Joe Crowley Student Union April 22, 2012. This will be an
educational event
Meeting Adjourned 4:10 pm
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
March 15, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #2
Checkbox Privacy Guidelines
The University of Nevada, Reno IT department discontinued the license for CheckBox, the survey tool
used by the faculty senate office for various voting and survey purposes. The senate office elected to
purchase its own version for use and would like to incorporate UNR’s survey software privacy
guidelines below:
Checkbox Web, Survey Software
Privacy Guidelines
Faculty Senate
University of Nevada, Reno
1. Will cookies be stored on participants' computers?
i. Cookies and sessions are used to keep track of user credentials (logins) and/or survey item data. Sessions
expire when the browser is closed.
2. Will IP addresses be collected?
i. IP addresses and survey results are collected by Checkbox software and are stored in secured database that
has encryption turned on between the client and the database.
3. Where will IP addresses be stored?
i. IP addresses are stored in the database as part of the record of the respondent.
4. Who will have access to the IP addresses?
i. The Faculty Senate Manager and Administrative Assistant in the Faculty Senate office have access to this
information due to their responsibilities as software or system administrators, but they do not release this
5. What is the retention period for survey results?
i. Two years, unless requested otherwise by the user.
6. Please remit any questions to
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UNR Faculty Senate Meeting
March 15, 2012
Consent Agenda Item #3
Link to the UAM Revision Packet:
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