Bylaws & Code 2006-07 Committee Charges 1. The 2001-2002 Bylaws and Code committee created a set of bylaws templates for use by departments and units in creating and updating bylaws. Review those templates, make updates and recommend a scope and method for implementation. 2. Recommend a bylaws review procedure that tracks the progress of bylaws as they proceed through the approval process. Recommend a method to ensure that Bylaws & Code committee comments about unit bylaws become part of the bylaws approval submission, that the respective unit and department committees respond to the comments, and that the committee receive feedback from the units and colleges so that they can evaluate the usefulness of the comments. Tasks: Review Course Buy-Out Policy. Standing Charges 1. Chair serves on the University Policy (administrative manual) Board. Report as necessary to give senators an opportunity to provide input on proposed changes. 2. In consultation with the executive board, review all proposed revisions to the NSHE Code and analyze the potential impact of such revisions on faculty. In the event that those revisions are implemented at the system level, make recommendations regarding whether affected sections of the UNR Bylaws should be reconciled with the Code revisions. In instances where the committee finds a discrepancy between the UNR Bylaws and the Code, and believes that the position taken in the UNR Bylaws is preferable to the position taken in the Code, make recommendations for modifying the Code. 3. In consultation with the executive board, review and make recommendations on new or revised unit and department bylaws.