2012 Charges

Bylaws & Code Committee (BCC)
Charges, 2012 Calendar Year
Approved by the Faculty Senate January 19, 2012; Revised September 20, 2012
Purpose: Review and make recommendations regarding revisions to the NSHE Code, the UNR
Bylaws, the Administrative Manual, and other governing documents.
Report due to Executive Board at the beginning of November 2012, for presentation to the
Senate in December 2012.
Standing Charges:
1. Review BCC charges and recommendations adopted by the Faculty Senate over the prior
three years. Report on the status of these recommendations. prior three years. Report on
the status of these recommendations.
a. Review administration’s response to the UNR Bylaw revisions submitted in
Spring 2011 and
i. Ensure approved language is properly included in the university bylaws
ii. In consultation with administration, incorporate language proposed to
allow future approval. Once completed, make recommendations to the
iii. In consultation with administration, determine if non-approved bylaws
have any future potential for change/approval. Once completed, make
recommendations to the senate.
2. Make recommendations on the future status, organization, structure, and charges of the
BCC. Consider whether the committee is necessary and effective, and how could it be
3. Upon request by the Executive Board:
a. Review possible conflicts between the Code, the UNR Bylaws, major unit bylaws,
and/or department bylaws. Recommendations should be reported to the Executive
Board within six weeks after receipt of any request for review.
b. Review proposed new or revised bylaws from colleges or other major units for potential
conflicts with UNR Bylaws and the Code, and make suggestions for improvement as
appropriate. Recommendations should be reported to the major unit administrator and
the Executive Board within six weeks after receipt. Due to Code and Bylaw
modifications, ensure specific number references are removed and only NSHE Code or
UNR Bylaws are cited within a bylaws document.
c. Review all proposed revisions to the NSHE Code to analyze the potential impact of
such revisions on faculty, and make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding
the reconciliation of the UNR Bylaws and the Code.
i. Review the changes made to Chapter 5 and 6 of the NSHE Code, compare
them to the academic planning process and
1. Recommend changes, as needed, in the University Bylaws,
University Administrative Manual or the Academic Planning
Process to comply with the Code changes. Can this be further
defined to align with strategic planning to guide cuts as well as
growth? Recommend an adequate deadline for affected units to
respond to proposed budget cuts.
2. Recommend changes to the University Bylaws, University
Administrative Manual or the Academic Planning Process,
specifying the set of procedures to be used to facilitate the
continuation of faculty in employment in “appropriate qualified
professional capacity” within the university, if possible; and if the
employment does not result in the termination of employment of
another faculty member as prescribed in NSHE Code 5.4.7.
d. Review issues of concern to the Executive Board that may require revision to the UNR
Bylaws, and propose revisions to Faculty Senate.
4. Appoint a member of the committee to serve as a full member of the Administrative
Manual Policy Review Board (AMPBR). This member should also serve as a liaison
between the AMPBR, the BCC, and the Executive Board. The committee should work with
this member in reviewing proposed changes to the Administrative Manual.
5. Upon request, serve as a sounding board for the Executive Board on issues related to BCC
charges and objectives.
Additional Charges
6. Propose UNR Bylaw language requiring review and recommendation of tenure on hire
decisions by the University Promotion and Tenure Committee.
7. After conclusion of the pending UNR Bylaws RFA, make recommendations to make the
bylaws gender neutral.
8. Make a recommendation as to the definition of a “Dean’s Equivalent” in the Division of
Health Sciences.
9. The Code requires a faculty member to request reconsideration and grieve at the level a
negative decision is rendered. Determine what should happen in each academic unit when
promotion and/or tenure is refused at the department level. Should the process stop there,
or should it go one at least for a college review? Make a recommendation for a universitywide standard process.