Captain Calculator Rita Chu Bhuvan Jain Michelle Kam Dan Nguyen Vincent Sparacino Lucas Wu Intended Use To review and test elementary school children on their arithmetic skills + - x / Captain Calculator New Game Load Game Two Players How to Play Quit Game Press <Enter> to continue Captain Calculator New Game Load Game Two Players How to Play Quit Game Press <Enter> to continue Captain Calculator New Game Load Game Two Players How to Play Quit Game Press <Enter> to continue New Game Enter Name Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back New Game Enter Name Vince Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back New Game Select Difficulty Easy Medium Easy – Addition, Subtraction and Multiplication with single digit numbers Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back Hard New Game Select Difficulty Easy Medium Hard Medium – Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and division using single and double digit numbers Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back New Game Choose Your Character Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back New Game Choose Your Ship Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back New Game Bomb Settings Timer ON Timer OFF Bombs will automatically Fall until it hits a rock New Game Bomb Settings Timer ON Timer OFF Bombs will Fall by pressing The Down key New Game Ready to Go? Name: Vince Difficulty: Medium Timer: ON Press <Enter> to continue or <Backspace> to go back Instructions Press <Enter> to skip 1. Try to destroy all rocks by moving the torpedo to the correct column before it falls! 2. Move your ship by using the arrow keys on your keyboard 3. If the torpedo doesn't match any equations, toss it into the trash bin! Press <Enter> to continue Instructions Press <Enter> to skip 1. Try to destroy all rocks by moving the torpedo to the correct column before it falls! 2. Move your ship by using the arrow keys on your keyboard 3. If the torpedo doesn't match any equations, toss it into the trash bin! Press <Enter> to continue Instructions Press <Enter> to skip 1. Try to destroy all rocks by moving the torpedo to the correct column before it falls! 2. Move your ship by using the arrow keys on your keyboard 3. If the torpedo doesn't match any equations, toss it into the trash bin! Press <Enter> to continue Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 0 next: 6 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 5*4 2*3 12 / 4 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 0 6 next: 4 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 5*4 2*3 12 / 4 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 0 6 next: 4 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 5*4 2*3 12 / 4 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 0 next: 4 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 5*4 2*3 12 / 4 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 1 next: 4 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 5*4 2*3 12 / 4 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 1 next: 4 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 10 / 2 7 *2 3*8 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 1 4 next: 9 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 10 / 2 7 *2 3*8 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 1 4 next: 9 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 10 / 2 7 *2 3*8 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 next: 9 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 10 / 2 7 *2 3*8 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 next: 9 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 4 * 9 2/2 5*3 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 9 next: 3 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 4 * 9 2/2 5*3 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 9 next: 3 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 4 * 9 2/2 5*3 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 next: 3 9 4 * 9 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 2/2 5*3 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 next: 3 Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save 2*7 1*3 6 /2 Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 PAUSED Resume Restart Game Load Game Main Menu Quit 2*7 1*3 6 /2 next: Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save Press <H> To View Help Screen Level: 0 Player: Vince Difficulty: Medium Destroyed: 2 Game Over View Summary Restart Game Load Game Main Menu Quit 2*7 1*3 6 /2 next: Press <SpaceBar> To Pause and Save Press <H> To View Help Screen Summary You Correct Equation Answered Answer 2 * 3 5 6 10 / 2 8 5 7* 5 35 35 2 * 8 16 16 7/ 1 7 7 Summary Testing with and without users gave us a feel for what we had done right and what we had done wrong Strengthened our positives Corrected the negatives using feedback from testing Change #1 Problem: No user feedback on what they answered correctly/incorrectly Fix: Added “Summary” page at end of level listing the number and types of problems answered incorrectly/correctly Design Principle: Help & Documentation Change #2 Problem: Support lacking for students who want to learn and not test themselves or students with learning disabilities, who need longer time between bomb drops Fix: Provide an “untimed” option that lets the user control the time at which the bomb drops Design Principle(s): Universal usability, User control & freedom Change #3 Problem: Lack of color made it less lively and less like a computer game Fix: Added more color to the game and made the characters more expressive, with emotions Design Principle: Aesthetic and minimalist design Change #4 Problem: Lack of documentation on what the trash option meant Fix: Added an instruction side before the game play screen start that told the user what it meant Design Principle: Help and Documentation Positives - The users enjoyed the aesthetic style of the - game: characters, vehicles, layout, etc. (Aesthetic and minimalist design) They understood most aspects of the game without going through the tutorial (Consistency and Standards They enjoyed the ability to choose their characters and vehicle (User control and freedom)