Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques Paul R. Wilson

Uniprocessor Garbage
Collection Techniques
Paul R. Wilson
FromSapce/Tospace before
Ft after
Too much
3mb vs. 6mb
The Two-Phase Abstraction
1. Detection
2. Reclamation
Why Garbage Collect at All?
Memory leaks
Continued use of freed pointers
Why Garbage Collect at All?
Hard coded program limits
Who is responsible for deletion?
Extraneous copies
Liveness and Garbage
There is a root set which is defined as
Anything reachable from a live pointer
is also live
Everything else is garbage
The Root Set
The Root Set
Static global and module variables
Local Variables
Variables on any activation stack(s)
Everyone else
Anything Reachable From a live value
Reference Counting Advantages
Implicitly distributes garbage collection
Real Time guarantees with deferred
Keep a list of zeroed objects not yet
Memory efficiency, can utilize all available
memory with no work room
Reference Counting Pitfalls
Conservative- needs a separate GC technique
to reclaim cycles
Expensive- pointer reassignment requires:
Zero Check
Stack Variables frequent creation/destruction
Can be optimized to some extent
Reference Counting
Ref counting, unreclaimable
Deferred Reference Counting
Defer deletion of zero counted objects
Periodically scan the stack for pointers
Mark-Sweep Collection
Starting From the root set traverse all
pointers via depth/breadth first search.
Free everything that is not marked.
Non-Copying issues
Same as for traditional allocators
Memory block size management
Locality of reference- interleaved new/old
General issues- work proportional to
heap size
Copying Advantages
Memory locality preserved
Lots of copying!
Stop and Copy
How to update multiple pointers to the
same object?
Forwarding Pointers
Mark/Sweep is proportional to the amount of live
data. Assuming this stays roughly constant,
increasing memeory will increase efficiency.
Non Copying Version
Allocated with a color
Does not require pointer rewriting
Supports obscure pointer formats, C friendly
In place collection
Conservative estimates
Useful for languages like C
Pointers can be safely passed to foreign
libraries not written with Garbage
Collection in mind
Incremental Tracing Collectors
The ‘Mutator’
The reachability graph may change
From the garbage collectors point of view
the actual application is merely a coroutine
ir cuncurrent process with an unfortunate
tendency to modify data structures that the
collector is trying to traverse
Floating Garbage
Can’t survive more than one extra round
Real Time Garbage Collection
Incremental Tracing Collectors
In Place Collection
Many readers single writer(mutator)
As a Copying Collector
Multiple Readers Multiple Writers
Tricolor Marking
Objects that will be retained after the current
Initial color for an object subject to collection
Object has been reached, but not its descendents
Wave front effect
A violation of the Coloring
Read Barrier
Detects an attempt to read a white
object and immediately colors it gray
Write Barrier
Traps attempts to write a pointer into
an object
Some algorithms
Snapshot-at-beginning write barrier
Black-only read barrier
Baker’s read barrier
Dijkstra’s write Barrier
Steele’s write Barrier
Baker’s Read Barrier
Allocates Black
Grey Objects cannot be reverted to
Immediately Invalidates fromspace
Any pointer access to fromspace causes
the GC to grey the target object by
copying it to tospace if necessary and
updating the pointer.
Baker’s Non Copying Scheme
Real Time Friendly
Black Only Read Barrier
When a white object in fromspace is
touched it is scanned completely.
Replication Copying Collection
Until copying from from space to to space is
completed, the mutator continues to read
from from space.
Write updates must be trapped to update
Single simultaneous ‘flip’ where all pointers
are updated.
Expensive for standard hardware, but cheap
for functional languages
Real time considerations
Read Barriers add an unpredictable cost per
pointer access
Nilson background scavenger, reserve only
Write barrier may be more expensive overall,
but the cost per access is well bounded
Guaranteeing progress allocation clock, frees
per allocation
Statically allocate troublesome objects
Writer barrier more efficient on
standard hardware
Snapshot at the Beginning
Catches pointers which try to escape from
white objects
If a pointer is replace in a black object, the
replaced pointer is first stored. All overwritten
pointers are saved via a write barrier.
All objects that are live at the beginning of
collection remain live
Allocate Black during collection round
Incremental Update
Reverts black to gray when an object is written to,
Incremental Update with WriteBarrier(Dijkstra)g
Catches pointers that try to hide in
black objects
Reverts Black to gray
If the overwritten pointer is not pointed to
elsewhere then it is garbage
Allocated white. Newly allocated objects
assumed unreachable
Motivation for a new Strategy
Most objects are short lived
80% to 90% die within a few million instructions
Objects that don’t die quickly are more likely
to live a while
Long lived objects are copied over and over
Excessive Paging in Scanning if the heap
must exceed available physical memory
Generational Garbage Collection
Generational gc before
Generational gc after
Gc memory usage
Variations of generational
Intergenerational references
Write barrier
Old to younger
Young to old
Advancement policies
Advance always
 Advance after 2 rounds
Counter in the header field?
Advance always? Semispace in the last generation
3 spaces