Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Short Course, IEEE Bipolar / BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, 9 October 2011, Atlanta, Georgia 100-1000 GHz Bipolar ICs: Device and Circuit Design Principles Mark Rodwell, UCSB Munkyo Seo, Teledyne Scientific Collaborators: Teledyne HBT Team: M. Urteaga, R. Pierson, P. Rowell, B. Brar, Teledyne Scientific Company Teledyne IC Design Team: J. Hacker, Z. Griffith, A. Young, M. J. Choe, Teledyne Scientific Company UCSB HBT Team: V. Jain, E. Lobisser, A. Baraskar, J. Rode, H.W. Chiang, A. C. Gossard , B. J. Thibeault, W. Mitchell UCSB IC Design Team: S. Danesgar, T. Reed, Eli Bloch, H-C Park, J-H Kim , Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Motivation / Overview DC to Daylight. Far-Infrared Electronics Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright How high in frequency can we push electronics ? 10 9 10 mm-wave 30-300 GHz 10 10 11 far-IR (sub-mm) 0.3-3THz mid-IR 3-30 THz 12 10 Frequency (Hz) 10 13 near-IR 30-450 THz 10 14 optical 450-900 THz microwave 3-30 GHz 10 ...and what would be do with it ? 0.3- 3 THz imaging systems 0.3-3 THz radio: vast capacity bandwidth, # channels 0.1-1 Tb/s optical fiber links 15 THz Transistors: Not Only For THz Circuits Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 500 GHz digital logic → fiber optics THz amplifiers→ THz radios → imaging, sensing, communications precision analog design at microwave frequencies → high-performance receivers Higher-Resolution Microwave ADCs, DACs, DDSs Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright ICs to 600 GHz : Teledyne and UCSB 570 GHz fundamental VCO M. Seo, TSC CSIC 2010 Vtune VBB VEE Vout 430 GHz low-noise amplifier M. Seo, TSC other ICs by J. Hacker 204 GHz static frequency divider (ECL master-slave latch) Z. Griffith, TSC CSIC 2010 340 GHz dynamic frequency divider M. Seo, TSC IEEE MWCL 2010 300 GHz fundamental PLL M. Seo, TSC IMS 2011 40 GHz op-amp with 54 dBm IP3 at 2 GHz Z. Griffith, TSC IMS 2011 220 GHz 48 mW power amplifier T. Reed, UCSB CSIC 2011 Other ICs in design: 30-40 GS/s track/hold optical PLLs coherent optical receivers 340 GHz arrays Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright At High Frequencies The Atmosphere Is Opaque Mark Rosker IEEE IMS 2007 THz Bipolar Transistors: Where Next ? array transmitters: critical for sub-mm-wave radio / radar Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 340 GHz 670 GHz 1080 GHz Preceived N receive N transmit 2 R e 2 Ptransmit 16 R 32 x 32 array → 60-90 dB increased SNR →vastly increased range 100 increasing f , f max , ( I bias / Cload ) 80 60 40 20 0 6 10 10 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 Frequency, Hz 11 10 12 10 32 nm / 3 THz node, beyond Stage Voltage Gain, dB Stage Voltage Gain, dB HBT / HEMT integration for mixed-signal 100 decreasing g m , x ( Rin || Rload || Rout ) 80 gain @ 100 MHz design frequency 60 40 20 0 6 10 10 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 Frequency, Hz 11 10 12 10 III-V NFET vs. Si PFET active loads: much lower Cload/Ibias LSI @ 128 nm node: scaled interconnects high packing density → speed, power Transition to production R&D→ pilot → foundry design tools, reliability, scaled interconnects CMOS control integration: 3-D, flip chip Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Bipolar Transistors: Models, Scaling Laws, State of Art, Roadmaps Bipolar Transistor: Structure & Models Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Rbe / gm gm qI E / nkT Cbe C je g m ( b c ) b Tb2 / 2 Dn Tb / vthermal c Tc / 2v"sat" nkT 1 nkT base collector C je Cbc Rex Rcoll 2f qI E qI E Base-Collector Distributed RC Parasitics Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Rex contact,emitter / Aemitter emitter length LE Rspread sWe / 12 LE Rgap sWgap / 4 LE Rspread,contact sWbc / 6 LE Rcontact contact,base / Abase_ contacts Ccb ,e Aemitter / Tc Ccb , gap Agap / Tc Ccb ,contact Abase_ contacts / Tc RbbCcb Time Constant, Fmax , Simple Hybrid- model Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright f max f 8RbbCcbi where cb RbbCcbi Ccb ,contactRcontact Vaidyanathan & Pulfrey IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev. Feb. 1999 Ccb , gap ( Rcontact Rspread,contact Rgap / 2) Ccb ,e ( Rcontact Rspread,contact Rgap Rspread ) Rbb true total base resistance Ccbi Ccbx true total Ccb Ccbi : Ccbx ratio set to fit f max from above Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Key 2nd-Order Effects in III-V HBTs: Omitted for Brevity Current - induced velocity overshoot : decreases c Nakajima, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Feb. 1997 Voltage modulation of collector velocity : increases c Partial Ccb cancellati on by collector velocity modulation . Betser and Ritter , IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., April 1999 Urteaga & Rodwell, IEEE Trans. Elect. Dev., July 2003 Degenerate electron injection into base : increases Rex Rodwell, Le, Brar, Proc IEEE , February 2008 Jain & Rodwell, IEEE Electron. Dev. Lett., to be published (2011) 2.5 8 10 2 10 1 10 0 -0.2 V 7 e cb 1 6 0.0 V 5 0.2 V 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 2 inverse current density, 1/J,m /mA 10 -2 10 -3 Equivalent series resistance approximation V = 0.6 V cb 0 0 Fermi-Dirac -1 4 2 0 10 Boltzmann 3 0.5 J(mA/um^2) C /A (fF/m2) 1.5 ec tau , ps 2 2.5 5 7.5 2 J (mA/m ) 10 12.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 V - 0 be e More detailed information regarding III-V bipolar transistor physics and design: 0.1 0.2 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Space Charge, Kirk Effect, Minimum Ccb charging time SiGe HBT InP DHBT Collector Depletion Layer Collapse Vcb,min (qN d )(Tc2 / 2 ) Collector Field Collapse Vcb ( J / vsat qN d )(Tc2 / 2 ) J max 2veff (Vcb Vcb,min 2 ) / Tc2 Note that Vbe , hence (Vcb ) Vce Ccb VLOGIC / I C Acollector Tc VLOGIC VLOGIC Acollector TC IC VCE VCE,min Aemitter 2veff Collector capacitance charging time minimized by setting J = Jmax ...if so, charging time scales linearly with collector thickness. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Space-Charge-Limited Current (Kirk effect) in BJTs Decreased ( f , f max ) , increased Ccb at high J . Increase in Vce , sat with increased J Kirk thres hold increases with increased Vce . dVce Tc2 Rspacecharge dI c 2vsat Aeffective 500 0.6 V cb 400 0.2 V cb 0.0 V where the effective collector current flux area is Aeffective LE WE 2TC f (GHz) cb -0.2 V 300 cb f , -0.3 V 200 100 0 2 cb 4 6 8 2 J (mA/um ) 10 12 e 8 A = 0.6 x 4.3 m jbe 16 -0.2 V I b step = 180 uA 35 12 2 Je (mA/m ) 30 10 6 0.0 V 5 0.2 V 4 3 V = 0.6 V 40 25 Peak f , f 8 t max 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 0 0 cb 2 0 2.5 5 7.5 J (mA/m2) e 10 12.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 V ce (V) 2 2.5 c e cb I (mA) cb V =0V 14 7 C /A (fF/m2) 2 Bipolar Transistor Design We Tb b T 2 Dn 2 b Wbc Tc c Tc 2v sat Ccb Ac /Tc I c ,max vsat Ae (Vce,operating Vce,punch-through) / T 2 c P T LE Le 1 ln We Rex contact /Ae We Wbc contact Rbb sheet 12 Le 6 Le Acontacts emitter length LE Bipolar Transistor Design: Scaling We Tb b T 2 Dn 2 b Wbc Tc c Tc 2v sat Ccb Ac /Tc I c ,max vsat Ae (Vce,operating Vce,punch-through) / T 2 c P T LE Le 1 ln We Rex contact /Ae We Wbc contact Rbb sheet 12 Le 6 Le Acontacts emitter length LE Breakdown is Never Less Than The Bandgap Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Bipolar Transistors: Scaling Laws, Scaling Roadmap scaling laws: to double bandwidth HBT parameter emitter & collector junction widths current density (mA/m2) current density (mA/m) collector depletion thickness base thickness emitter & base contact resistivities InP HBT scaling roadmap change decrease 4:1 increase 4:1 constant decrease 2:1 decrease 1.4:1 decrease 4:1 We Wbc Tb emitter Tc length LE 150 nm device Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Recent InP HBT Results: Urteaga et al, DRC 2011 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Recent InP HBT Results: Jain et al, DRC 2011 30nm emitter, 30nm base, 100nm collector f 32 H Gain (dB) 24 = 1.0 THz f = 480 GHz U 28 max 21 20 16 A = 0.22 x 2.7 m2 je 12 Ic = 12.1 mA 8 J = 20.4 mA/m2 e P = 33.5 mW/m2 Vcb = 0.7 V 4 0 9 10 10 11 12 10 10 Frequency (Hz) 10 2 P = 20 mW/m 2 P = 30 mW/m 25 je 15 I b,step = 200 A e 10 5 0 BV 0 1 2 V ce 3 (V) 10 -3 10 -5 Solid line: V Dashed: V 4 5 cb cb = 0.7V 20 = 0V 15 n = 1.19 c 10 n = 1.87 b c 20 -1 b 2 A = 0.22 x 2.7 m I , I (A) 2 10 10 -7 10 -9 I b 5 I c 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Vbe (V) 0 1 J (mA/m ) 30 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Can we make a 1 THz SiGe Bipolar Transistor ? InP emitter 64 2 SiGe 18 0.6 nm width m2 access 18 0.7 nm contact width, m2 contact Key challenge: Breakdown 15 nm collector → very low breakdown collector 53 36 2.75 15 125 1.3? nm thick mA/m2 V, breakdown Also required: low resistivity Ohmic contacts to Si very high current densities: heat f fmax 1000 2000 GHz GHz Simple physics clearly drives scaling transit times, Ccb/Ic → thinner layers, higher current density high power density → narrow junctions base small junctions→ low resistance contacts 64 2.5 1000 2000 PAs 1000 1000 GHz digital 480 480 GHz (2:1 static divider metric) Assumes collector junction 3:1 wider than emitter. Assumes SiGe contacts no wider than junctions Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Interconnects Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright III-V MIMIC Interconnects -- Classic Substrate Microstrip W Zero ground inductance in package Thick Substrate → low skin loss skin 1 r1 / 2 H High via inductance 12 pH for 100 m substrate -- 7.5 @ 100 GHz lines must be widely spaced Line spacings must be ~3*(substrate thickness) H Brass carrier and assembly ground IC with backside ground plane & vias interconnect substrate No ground plane breaks in IC near-zero ground-ground inductance TM substrate mode coupling IC vias eliminate on-wafer ground loops kz Strong coupling when substrate approaches ~d / 4 thickness ground vias must be widely spaced all factors require very thin substrates for >100 GHz ICs → lapping to ~50 m substrate thickness typical for 100+ GHz Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Coplanar Waveguide No ground vias No need (???) to thin substrate Hard to ground IC to package +V +V +V 0V Parasitic microstrip mode ground plane breaks → loss of ground integrity -V 0V substrate mode coupling or substrate losses kz III-V: semi-insulating substrate→ substrate mode coupling Silicon conducting substrate → substrate conductivity losses +V 0V Parasitic slot mode Repairing ground plane with ground straps is effective only in simple ICs In more complex CPW ICs, ground plane rapidly vanishes → common-lead inductance → strong circuit-circuit coupling poor ground integrity loss of impedance control ground bounce coupling, EMI, oscillation 40 Gb/s differential TWA modulator driver note CPW lines, fragmented ground plane 35 GHz master-slave latch in CPW note fragmented ground plane 175 GHz tuned amplifier in CPW note fragmented ground plane Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright III-V MIMIC Interconnects -- Thin-Film Microstrip narrow line spacing → IC density no substrate radiation, no substrate losses fewer breaks in ground plane than CPW ... but ground breaks at device placements InP 34 GHz PA (Jon Hacker , Teledyne) still have problem with package grounding ...need to flip-chip bond thin dielectrics → narrow lines → high line losses → low current capability → no high-Zo lines W Zo ~ o H r1/ 2 W H H Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright III-V MIMIC Interconnects -- Inverted Thin-Film Microstrip narrow line spacing → IC density Some substrate radiation / substrate losses No breaks in ground plane ... no ground breaks at device placements still have problem with package grounding InP 150 GHz master-slave latch ...need to flip-chip bond thin dielectrics → narrow lines → high line losses → low current capability → no high-Zo lines InP 8 GHz clock rate delta-sigma ADC Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright If It Has Breaks, It Is Not A Ground Plane ! signal line line 1 “ground” signal line “ground” line 2 ground plane common-lead inductance coupling / EMI due to poor ground system integrity is common in high-frequency systems whether on PC boards ...or on ICs. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright No clean ground return ? → interconnects can't be modeled ! 35 GHz static divider interconnects have no clear local ground return interconnect inductance is non-local interconnect inductance has no compact model 8 GHz clock-rate delta-sigma ADC thin-film microstrip wiring every interconnect can be modeled as microstrip some interconnects are terminated in their Zo some interconnects are not terminated ...but ALL are precisely modeled InP 8 GHz clock rate delta-sigma ADC Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright VLSI mm-wave interconnects with ground integrity narrow line spacing → IC density no substrate radiation, no substrate losses negligible breaks in ground plane negligible ground breaks @ device placements still have problem with package grounding ...need to flip-chip bond thin dielectrics → narrow lines → high line losses → low current capability → no high-Zo lines Also: Ground plane at *intermediate level* permits critical signal paths to cross supply lines, or other interconnects without coupling. (critical signal line is placed above ground, other lines and supplies are placed below ground) Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Modeling Interconnects, Passives in Tuned ( RF ) IC's Interconnects are tuning elements Narrow bandwidths→ precision is critical Initial IC simulation uses CAD-systems' library of passive element models. Final design: 2.5-Dimensional electromagnetic simulation of: lines, junctions, stubs, capacitors, resistors, pads. 150-200 GHz HBT amplifier, Urteaga et al, IEEE JSSCC , Sept. 2003 185GHz HBT amplifier, Urteaga et al, IEEE IMS, May. 2001 1-180GHz HBT amplifier, Agarwal et al, IEEE Trans MTT , Dec.. 1998 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Modeling Interconnects: Digital & Mixed-Signal IC's longer interconnects: lines terminated in Zo → no reflections. Shorter interconnects: lines NOT terminated in Zo . But they are *still* transmission-lines. Ignore their effect at your peril ! L Z 0 , C / Z0 , If length << wavelength, or line delay<<risetime, short interconnects behave as lumped L and C. l /v Design Flow: Digital & Mixed-Signal IC's All interconnects: thin-film microstrip environment. Continuous ground on one plane. 2.5-D simulations run on representative lines. various widths, various planes same reference (ground) plane. Simulation data manually fit to CAD line model effective substrate r , effective line-ground spacing. Width, length, substrate of each line entered on CAD schematic. rapid data entry, rapid simulation. Resistors and capacitors: 2.5-D simulation→ RLC fit RLC model used in simulation. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Network analyzer Calibration... on-wafer LRL Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright On-Wafer Through-Reflect-Line (TRL) Calibration reference plane Through 225um 225um Through line should be long for large probe separation. Minimizes probe-probe coupling. Measurements normalized to the line characteristic impedance. open short 225um 225um Reflect ΔL Line ΔL= 90 deg @center frequency. /8<ΔL<3/8 225um Device Under Test DUT 225um Either open or short needed. Standards need not be accurate. "Open" must have G closer to that of open than that of short. Ports 1 & 2 must be symmetric. Please see also: Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright On-Wafer TRL: Ongoing Issues High-fmax transistors have very small ( Ccb → Y12 → S12 ) Measurements show small background Y12. ...even with extended reference planes. Particular difficulty in extracting Mason's Unilateral gain. → Corrupts fmax measurement, model extraction. Measurements normalized to line Z0. ...line impedance is complex at lower frequencies. → must correct for complex Zo in measurements. excessive line resistance degrades precision. ZO R ( j ) jL j C TRL precision greatly impaired if lines couple to substrate; CPW line standards do not work well. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Verification of 140-220GHz TRL Calibration Through Line S(2,2) S(1,1) S(2,2) S(1,1) S(2,2) S(1,1) Open M. Seo freq (140.0GHz to 200.0GHz) freq (140.0GHz to 200.0GHz) freq (140.0GHz to 200.0GHz) -0.2 dB(S(1,2)) dB(S(2,1)) -0.4 0.4 -25 -0.8 0.2 -30 0.0 -0.2 -1.0 -35 -40 -0.4 -45 -0.6 -50 140 150 160 170 freq, GHz 180 190 200 140 -80 140 150 160 170 freq, GHz 180 190 200 phase(S(2,1)) dB(S(1,2)) dB(S(2,1)) dB(S(1,2)) dB(S(2,1)) -0.6 150 160 170 180 190 200 freq, GHz m10 m10 freq=150.0GHz phase(S(2,1))=-91.553 -100 -120 -140 140 150 160 170 freq, GHz 180 190 200 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Difficulties with 140-220GHz TRL Calibration Data on two layouts of 65 nm MOSFET Measured Y-parameters correlate reasonably with expected device model. 10 MSGMAG_dB_pfg MSGMAG_dB_ibm MAG/MSG, dB 9 Small errors in measured 2-port parameters result in large changes in Unilateral gain and Rollet's stability factor; neither measurement is credible. 8 7 6 ( K<1 ) 5 4 3 2 Y12 appears to be the key problem. 1 0 1E12 9E11 8E11 7E11 6E11 5E11 4E11 3E11 2E11 1E11 IC Sij measurements are fine. Transistor fmax measurements are hard. 20 gain", dB "Unilateral Um_ibm_dB 15 10 Um_pfg_dB Um_pfg Um_ibm gain", linear "Unilateral freq, Hz 20 5 0 -5 U < 0 (!) -10 -15 10*log10|U| (?) 18 16 14 12 10 8 U 6 4 Y21 Y12 2 4G11G22 G21G12 2 0 -20 1E12 9E11 8E11 freq, Hz 7E11 200 6E11 190 5E11 freq, GHz 180 4E11 170 3E11 160 2E11 150 1E11 140 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 50+ GHz Mixed-Signal & ECL design: Principles & Examples High Speed ECL Design Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Followers associated with inputs, not outputs Emitters never drive long wires. (instability with capacitive load) Double termination for least ringing, send or receive termination for moderate-length lines, high-Z loading saves power but kills speed. Current mirror biasing is more compact. Mirror capacitance→ ringing, instability. Resistors provide follower damping. High Speed ECL Design Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Layout: short signal paths at gate centers, bias sources surround core. Inverted thin film microstrip wiring. Key: transistors in on-state operate at Kirk limited-current. → minimizes Ccb/Ic delay. Key: transistors designed for minimum ECL gate delay*, not peak (f, fmax). *hand expression, charge-control analysis 205 GHz divider, Griffith et al, IEEE CSIC, Oct. 2010 Example: 8:1 205 GHz static divider in 256 nm InP HBT. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright mm-wave Op-Amps for Linear Microwave Amplification Griffith et al, IEEE IMS, June. 2011 output power, dBm linear response 50 Feedback Factor, dB Reduce distortion with strong negative feedback 40 20 10 0 8 10 increasing feedback 2-tone intermodulation increasing loop bandwidth 30 9 10 10 10 Frequency, Hz 11 10 Even for 2 GHz operation, loop bandwidths must 20-40 GHz. R. Eden need very fast transistors input power, dBm physically small feedback loop; bias components surround active core. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright mm-wave Op-Amps for Linear Microwave Amplification Griffith et al, IEEE IMS, June. 2011 current-mode analog design ...node impedances kept low with transimpedance loading → high bandwidth Virtual-ground input stage, Miller feedback around output stage, makes feedback insensitive to generator & load impedances. ...critical for stability in a 50 GHz loop ! (what will the op-amp be connected to ?) Zt-stage and loop nesting for high gain even with fast resistor-loaded circuits Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright mm-wave Op-Amps for Linear Microwave Amplification Griffith et al, IEEE IMS, June. 2011 Griffith et al, IEEE IPRM, May. 2008 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 40 GSample/s Sample/Hold *Design* Saeid Daneshgar master-slave track-hold target 40 GS/s, 6 b (??) 256 nm InP HBT ECL ECL TAS TIS layout: ECL buffer. ECL layout: TASTIS. Bias and transmission-line design strongly follows controlled-impedance ECL examples. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright RF-IC design Principles & Examples Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright RF-IC Design: Simple & Well-Known Procedures 1: (over)stabilize at the design frequency guided by stability circles 2: Tune input for Fmin (LNAs) or output for Psat (PAs) 3: Tune remaining port for maximum gain 4: Add out-of-band stabilization. There are many ways to tune port impedances: microstrip lines, MIM capacitors, transformers Choice guided by tuning losses. No particular preferences. 30 U 25 Common-base gain is however reduced by: base (layout) inductance emitter-collector layout capacitance. MSG/MAG, dB For BJT's, MAG/MSG usually highest for common-base. 20 → preferred topology. Common emitter 15 Common base 10 Common Collector 5 0 10 100 Frequency, GHz 1000 Power Amplifier Design (Cripps method) Current, mA For maximum saturated output power, & maximum efficiency Pmax 1 8Vmax Vmin I max device intrinsic output must see optimum loadline set by: breakdown, maximum current, maximum power density. Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 100 80 breakdown 60 200 mW 40 20 100 mW 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 V or V (V) ce ds parasitic C's and R's represented by external elements... ammeter monitors intrinsic junction current without including capacitive currents ...(Vcollector-Vemitter ) measures voltage internal to series parasitic resistances... 8 10 Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright 3-stage 150-GHz Amplifier; IBM 65 nm CMOS Acknowledgement: IBM 5 M. Seo, B. Jagannathan, J. Pekarik, M. Rodwell, IEEE JSSCC, Dec. 2009 0 10 -5 S21(meas) S21(sim) S21 (measured using power sensor) S11 (meas) S11 (sim) S22 (meas) S22 (sim) S21 S-parameter (dB) 5 -10 -15 -20 140 150 160 170 0 -5 S11 (meas) -10 180 K-factor 190S22 200 3 2 1 0 Frequency (GHz) -15 153 GHz-20 153 GHz 140 158.4 GHz 158.4 GHz 153 GHz 158.4 GHz S11 (sim) 150 160 170 180 S21(meas) S21(sim) S21 (measured S11 (meas) S11 (sim) S22 (meas) S22 (sim) Stability factor (K) 140 160 180 140 160 (GHz) 180 Frequency Frequency (GHz) 190 200 Frequency (GHz) Frequency (GHz) Dummy-prefilled microstrip lines Gain 5 20 Pout 0 153 GHz 153 GHz 153.0GHz 158.4 GHz 158.4GHz 158.4 GHz 153 GHz 158.4 GHz -5 15 10 -10 5 PAE 10 Power Power Added Added Efficiency Efficiency (%) (%) 25 25 0 -20 -15 5 -10 -5 Input Inputpower power (dBm) (dBm) 0 5 20 ncy (%) -15 m) Output power (dBm) Output Gain (dB) power (dBm), 10 220 GHz, 48 mW HBT Power Amplifier Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright T. Reed et al, IEEE CSIC, Oct. 2011, to be presented. 4-cell design: Psat >48 mW @ 220 GHz schematic of single cell 8-cell design: not yet fully tested: Psat = ? Technology: Teledyne 250 nm InP HBT Right-side-up thin-film microstrip wiring. Breaks in ground plane minimized. High Frequency Bipolar IC Design Rodwell and Seo, IEEE BCTM Short Course, Oct. 2011, copyright Digital, mixed-signal, RF-IC (tuned) IC designs----at very high frequencies Even at 670 GHz, design procedures differ little from that at lower frequencies: classic IC design extends readily to the far-infrared. Key considerations: Tuned ("RF") ICs Rigorous E&M modeling of all interconnects & passive elements Continuous ground plane → required for predicable interconnect models. Higher frequencies→ close conductor planes→ higher loss, lower current Key considerations: digital & mixed-signal : Transmission-line modeling of all interconnects Continuous ground plane → required for predicable interconnect models. Unterminated lines within blocks; terminated lines interconnecting blocks. Analog & digital blocks design to naturally interface to 50 or 75. Next: TMIC designs for 340 GHz, 670 GHz transceivers.