HCIL Data Dictionary: Maintained by Todd Carlough February 07, 2000 toddc@wam.umd.edu Number: db1: 1-100 Scanned and entered by Hyunmo Kang, 9/99 db2: 101-208 Scanned and entered by Todd Carlough 10/99 db3: 208-279 Scanned and entered by Todd Carlough 10/99 We will number in ascending order and write the number on the back of the photo Collection: Photos that all pertain to a similar subject, place, or time. CollectionID: Number representing Collection Identity Name: Small number of words and numbers describing group. Description: Full description of group. Includes full name of activity, approximate date of event(s) and location of event(s). Keyword: Short keywords that discribe persons, locations or objects contained within the photo. StartingDay: Number representing either the exact starting day of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the starting day. Entered in DD format. StartingMonth: Number representing either the exact starting month of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the starting month. Entered in MM format. StartingYear: Number representing either the exact starting year of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the starting year. Entered in YYYY format. EndingDay: Number representing either the exact ending day of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the ending day. Entered in DD format. EndingMonth: Number representing either the exact ending month of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the ending month. Entered in MM format. EndingYear: Number representing either the exact ending year of the collection(if known) or the closest approximation of the ending year. Entered in YYYY format. City: City location of collection. Entered in string format, e.g. College Park State: State (or Province) location of collection. Entered in SS format, e.g. MD Country: Country location of collection. Entered in abbreviated form when known, or in string format if not known, e.g. France, or USA RepresentativePhotoID: Number of the photo that best represents the Collection. Not necessarily the first picture. Default is first in linkage list. Photo: List of all the photos in the database. PhotoID: ID number of the photo, ascending from 1. Date: If exact date is known enter in 3 fields: Year in YYYY, Month in MM and Day in DD If only partial info is known, fill in what you know – this is how we are dealing with uncertainty for now If no date is known leave blank- date will be inherited from Collection Location: Entered in three columns, Location City, Location State and Location Country. Enter information in the correct field. State can be either State or Province. Unknown values are entered as ??. Invalid values such as State of London, England are left blank. Keyword: Keywords relating to objects or people in picture. e.g. University of Maryland, Birthday Cake Rating: Rating from 0 to 9 based on: 1) Clarity of Picture 2) Amusement Value 3) Importance of Picture Picture: Copy of picture contained within the Microsoft Access database. Permissible values are: Package Color: Permissible values are: Color, B/W Locale: Permissible values are: Outdoor, Indoor Contents: Permissible values are: Group snapshot, Group still, Portrait still, Single Snapshot, Landscape URL: Link reference to picture Thumbnail: Link reference to thumbnail of the picture. KnownPeopleCount: Numeric value of known people in photo. Person must be identifiable. Name does not necessarily have to be known. Value ranges from 0 to total number faces known in picture. Linkage: Table linking a photo with a collection. Multiple listings in different collections for a photo may occur. E.g. collection ID# 1, Photo ID# 3 and Collection ID# 5, Photo ID#3. CollectionID: Foreign key to associate with Collection. PhotoID: Foreign key to associate with Photo. LinkageID: Number to represent the order in the collection that the given picture occupies. XY: Upper left corner of box that holds thumbnail in collection viewer Size: Size of thumbnail width in pixels Appearance: List of all the appearances of every individual in every photo. AppearanceID: Number labeling each appearance of every person. PhotoID: ID of the photo the person appears in. PersonID: Number labeling each person. XY: Upper left corner of box that has name of person, absolute XY pixel address on full size image Person: List of all people’s names in database. PersonID: Number labeling each person. FamilyName: Person’s last name, e.g. Carlough GivenNames: Person’s first name and middle names, e.g. James Todd Version: Table containing the version number of the database. VersionNumber: Number identifying the version of the database, e.g. 1.1 The Entity-Relationship Diagram we are implementing with this schema is shown below: Collection Photo Person CollectionID CollectionName Description StartingYear StartingMonth StartingDay EndingYear EndingMonth EndingDay Location Keyword RepresentativePhotoID PhotoID StartingYear StartingMonth StartingDay EndingYear EndingMonth EndingDay Location Rating Event Picture Keyword Color Locale Contents PeopleCount URL PersonID FamilyName GivenName Version VersionNumber Linkage Appearance LinkageID CollectionID PhotoID AppearanceID PhotoID PersonID XYCoordinates