Document 14980723

Matakuliah : L0064 / Psikologi Industri &
Organisasi 1
: 2007 / 2008
Pertemuan 9 & 10
Learning Objectives
After reading this chapter, you should be able to:
1. Describe the scope of organizational training programs
2. Specify the goals and staffing requirements for
organizational training programs
3. Explain the pre-training environment and attributes of
employees, as well as conditions that facilitate learning
4. Describe fifteen different training methods
5. Understand the need for lifelong learning, career
development, and planning
6. Appreciate the need for evaluation of training programs –
and why many organizations don’t evaluate their
Bina Nusantara
What is “Training”?
• Practical education in a skill, job, or profession
• Big business
– $55 billion annually on formal training programs
– $180 billion annually on informal OJT training
• Training is lifelong
– Won’t stay in same job entire career
Bina Nusantara
Scope of Training Programs
• Corporate education campuses
– Western Electric (Lucent Technologies, Inc.)
• Created the Corporate Education Center to provide courses in
engineering and management
• State-of-the-art equipment
• 300 courses on a 190 acre campus, complete with dormitories
• Provides training on several levels to individuals with promotion
• Training for disabled workers
• Training programs must meet EEOC guidelines and
must be clearly related to job performance before results
can be applied to career decisions
Bina Nusantara
Setting Goals for Training Programs
• Needs assessment
– An analysis of corporate and individual goals undertaken before
designing a training program
• Most companies do not do this due to time and
expense involved
• Organizational analysis
– Can suggest broad training needs that can then be translated
into specific needs of employees or work groups
• Task Analysis
– Identify specific tasks performed and required KSA’s
Bina Nusantara
The Pre-Training Environment
• Includes those decisions and cues that indicate
the value management places on training
programs, such as:
Bina Nusantara
Attitudes toward training
Resources available
Employee participation
Pretraining Attributes of Trainees
• Individual differences in ability
– General cognitive ability is the single best predictor of training success
• Pretraining expectations
– Low self-efficacy hinders training
• Motivation
– Can be increased by allowing them to participate in training decisions
• Job involvement
– Those more involved show greater motivation to learn
• Locus of Control
– Internals tend to do better in training
• Self-efficacy
– Those who believe in their ability to perform a task tend to succeed
– Positively related to motivation to learn and training success
Bina Nusantara
Psychological Factors In Learning
• Active practice
– Active involvement vs. passivity enhances learning
• Distributed vs. massed practice
– Distributed (many, relatively short sessions) is
superior to massed (few, relatively long sessions)
• Whole and Part Learning
– Smaller units of material are easier to master
• Transfer of training
– Enhanced when training environment is similar to the
work environment
– Relevance to job
Bina Nusantara
Psychological Factors In Learning
• Feedback
– Must follow behavior closely to be effective
– People learn more readily when given a clear idea
how well they’re doing
• Reinforcement
– The greater the reward that follows a behavior, the
more easily and rapidly that behavior will be learned
– The longer the delay between the behavior and
reinforcement, the less effective the result
– It should be given frequently during the early stages
of training; then, partial reinforcement will be effective
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• On-the-job training
– Major advantage is economy; also transfer of training
– May be expensive if it takes other workers away from their jobs
to conduct the training
– Has potential of disrupting production
• Vestibule training
– Simulated workspace in a separate training facility
– Relies on skilled instructors
– Greatest disadvantage is cost
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Apprenticeship
– Training method for skilled crafts and trades
– Involves classroom instruction and on-the-job experience
– Average 4-6 years
• Computer-assisted instruction (CAI)
– Trainees learn material at their own pace and receive immediate
feedback on their progress
– Trainees interact with computer terminals
– Decreases training time required and improves transfer
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Net-based training
Involves both Internet and Intranet
Type of distance learning
Offers same advantages as CAI with even more flexibility
20%-35% less than the cost of traditional classroom instruction
• Behavior modification
– Use of positive reinforcement to change behavior
– Steps
• Conduct performance audit
• Select behavior to be changed
• Introduce program of positive reinforcement
– Example: Emery Air Freight
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Job rotation
– Technique that assigns trainees to various jobs and departments
over a period of a few years
– Often used for new college graduates and for training for skilled
and semi-skilled jobs
– Disadvantages include disruption caused by frequent moves
• Case studies
– A method of executive training in which trainees analyze a
business problem and offer solutions
– A limitation is that solutions may not be relevant to the job at
hand (lack of positive transfer)
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Business games
– Used to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills
– Trainees often compete in teams
– Teams deal with corporate problems, and instructors evaluate
their effectiveness
• In-basket training
– Trainee is given a stack of issues to deal with, typical of job
requirements, in set amount of time
– Trainer discusses solutions and provides feedback
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Role playing
– Trainees pretend to perform a role, displaying the behaviors they
believe are appropriate to the situation
– Provides opportunity to practice job related behaviors
• Behavior Modeling
– Trainees attempt to imitate the job behaviors of successful
Trainer provides introduction
Trainees watch a video of supervisor using appropriate procedures
Trainees engage in behavior rehearsal
Trainer and other trainees provide feedback
– Transfers directly to job
Bina Nusantara
Training Methods in the Workplace
• Executive coaching
– One-to-one training sessions between a coach and manager to
improve manager’s performance
• Designed to fit individual needs as they arise
• Often used to follow up poor ratings on 360 degree feedback
• Diversity training
– Teach people to confront personal prejudices that could lead to
discriminatory behavior
– $10 billion spent annually
– Must be long-term program integrated into organizational culture
• Half-day “feel good” sessions fail to promote needed change
– Done poorly, the programs can foster charges of “political
Bina Nusantara
Career Development and Planning
• Lifelong learning approach
• Career development centers
– Offer information on company career paths, counseling, selfanalysis
– Workshops
• Chosen or forced career changes require continual
enhancement and upgrading of our personal package of
• Reasons for staying with company included opportunities
within company for:
– Career growth
– Development
– Learning
Bina Nusantara
Career Development and Life Stages
• People differ in values, goals, and needs at
different stages in life
– Establishment (20 to 40)
• People are becoming established in their careers and
adjusting to work routines, develop self-efficacy (or not)
– Maintenance (40 to55)
• Goals and values change; mid-life crisis; seek new challenge
and satisfaction
– Decline (55 to retirement)
• Planning for retirement and its loss of work and sense of
Bina Nusantara
Career Self-Management Training
• The degree to which a person regularly and
routinely gathers information and formulates or
revises plans for his or her own career, solving
problems and making decisions
• Although initiated by individual, many
organizations provide training in career selfmanagement. Typical program includes:
– Assessing career attitudes, values, plans and goals
– Analyze how goals have been met by current job
– Discuss career strategies
Bina Nusantara
Evaluating Training Programs
• Necessary to measure the worth of a training program
• Assessment examines
– Changes in cognitive outcomes
– Changes in skill-based outcomes
– Changes in affective outcomes
• Companies often do not evaluate training programs due
– Cost and/or lack of assessment skills
– Training “program of the moment” (e.g., failure of timemanagement programs)
– “Feel good” results
Bina Nusantara
Training Challenges for I/O Psychologists
• Identify abilities required to perform increasingly complex
• Provide new job opportunities for unskilled workers
• Assist supervisors in management of ethnically diverse
• Retrain workers displaced by changes
• Help organizations remain competitive in international
• Conduct research necessary to determine the
effectiveness of training programs
Bina Nusantara
Key Terms
Behavior modification
Business games
Case studies
Computer-assisted instruction
Job rotation
Needs assessment
On-the-job (OJT) training
Vestibule training
Bina Nusantara