Information Understanding Benjamin B. Bederson What is the Problem? University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory How to perceive and interact with information? Detect patterns and outliers Find details without losing global context Concentrate on task (stay “in the flow”) How to scale up to large information sets? Technical problems Perceptual limitations Design problems External Cognition University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Step 1: Recognize human limitations Human Visual Perception University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Step 2: Don’t underestimate the human brain Interaction University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Step 3: Add interaction. If a picture is worth a thousand words, an interactive interface is worth a thousand pictures. Scaling Up University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory How do you show more than fits on the screen? traditional new paradigms abstract link (web) scroll (long documents) overview+detail (e.g., photoshop) zoom (PhotoMesa demo) fisheye distortion (FishCal demo) What is holding us back? University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Performance and computational requirements Increased power, but increased effort Requires learning new approaches => Better performance isn’t enough. We must offer much better performance without many extra costs. Information Understanding University of Maryland, Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory Visualizing Millions of Items Web-Based Surveys Simulation in Engineering Time Series Data Bioinformatics Visualization Browsing Large Trees Data Monitoring with Treemaps Interactive Web Maps