Areas of Parallelograms and Trapezoids! Group (Name): Emily, Julie, Celine, Alma, Meghan 1. (Julie) To find the area of a rectangle, we multiply the length by the width of the figure. Below are three figures all with sides 3 units long and 7 units long. Determine if they all have the same area. Can you multiply the length by width of parallelograms to find the area? 2. (Celine) You can't determine a parallelogram's area by the length of its sides! But you can by the lengths of its PARTS. Look at the parallelogram below. Can you guess the formula? Parallelogram Area= ______ * ______ 3. (Alma) Let's consider it another way. How could you subdivide and recombine this figure to find the area? This explains why the area of a parallelogram is b*h 4. (Emily) Let's try another way. How could you enclose this parallelogram into a rectangle to find the area (b*h)? 5. (Megan) Using this knowledge, how can we find the area of a trapezoid? Is there a way to turn a trapezoid into a parallelogram? So, the area of a trapezoid= (_______ + _______) * ______ __________________ 2 Another way to figure the area of a trapezoid can be seen through this trapezoid and formula B1 ---------------- - B2