Justin Simmons Mike Stein Bryan Edelman Alex Fosdick SPACE WOLVERINES CAPSTONE SPRING 2010 MISSION STATEMENT Design and implement an automated beverage dispensing system System eliminates the need for human servers On demand beverage dispensing for users WHY? Crowded/Long Lines Customer Satisfaction Money Theft Regulated Volume SYSTEM OVERVIEW Beverage dispenser will monitor and control its environment Owners can Users will control and limit access monitor system status track customer trends be registered have their beverage purchases tracked be billed automatically Two operator interfaces PC with GUI Handheld unit with touch screen LCD CASE STUDY- 5 GUYS BURGERS AND FRIES Beverage Dispensing Unit (BDU) Wireless Control Unit (WCU) Computer Module (CM) 1 CM Longmont (Medium Volume) 1 CM Fort Collins (High volume) Master Database 1 CM Aurora (Low volume) BEVERAGE DISPENSING SYSTEM (BDS) Beverage Dispensing Unit (BDU) •System Data Acquisition: •Temperature, Pressure, Volume •System Regulation •User Interface •Database Access Computer Module (CM) Wireless Control Unit (WCU) •Displays Current State •Control System •Home Database •Statistics Regarding Usage •Graphical User Interface •Displays Current State •Control System •User Interface •Database Access PHYSICAL SYSTEM FOR DISPENSING UNIT Used Refrigerator Refillable Sankey Keg Shell CO2 Tank Dual Gauge - Adjustable Pressure Regulator Keg Tap Misc. Hosing and O-rings Spout FLOW DIAGRAM (BDU) BDU dispenses liquid UI Shows Approval Yes System Monitors State (Idle) User Places Cup User Swipes Card BDU Signals Host PC Is User in Database? No UI Shows Error DISPENSING UNIT 3-Track Card Reader BEVERAGE DISPENSING UNIT (BDU) Custom PCB Microcontroller Wireless Transceivers Magnetic Card Reader (3-track reader) Interactive (Graphic LCD/LED’s) External Data Memory (Flash) Database Accesses Nordic/ZigBEE Prompts Database for User Authenticity (MySQL) Servos/Motors for Controlling System State (TBD) Starting/Stopping Flow Drink Tilt (Motor controlled/Counterbalance) BDU CONTINUED Temperature Analog Devices Temp Sensor ± 0.50C accuracy, 16-bit I2C or SPI 0.06250C resolution Digital Potentiometer used for control temp I2C Pressure Detection Multiple CO2 pressure transducers or SPI 0 – 30 psi and 0 – 1800 psi Volume Detection Flow meter (SwissFlow Meter) Force sensor FlexiForce Sensor 0-100 lb. range FLOW SENSOR Track the flow for each beverage pour Calculate the remaining volume of the system SwissFlow Sensor Type 800 Designed to measure liquid flows for a large variety of liquids Flow is measured by a turbine in the flow path Infrared beam is used to detect rotation of turbine High sensitivity: ± 6000 pulses/liter SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE (BDU) Wireless Communication 3-Track Magnetic Card Reader Get_Temp( ), Get_Pressure( ),Get_Volume( ) Ambient Lighting Control Status LED Control Regulation of BDU (temperature, pressure, etc.) Get_User_Info( ) Data Acquisition Send_Drink_Request( ), Wait_For_State( ) Set_Temp( ), Set_Pressure( ) Drink Delivery Dispense_Drink( ), Monitor_Flow( ) OBSTACLES WITH DISPENSING UNIT Pressure Determination Analog How Dual Pressure Gauges to Convert this to a Digital Signal Calculations Using System State? Gauge System Difficulty Flow Meters Effect on Beverage Slow in Keeping Accurate Measurements Pours, Foamy Dispensing We are Electrical Engineers, not Mech E’s WIRELESS CONTROL UNIT External Flash WIRELESS CONTROL UNIT (WCU) Custom PCB Microcontroller 4 wire Resistive Touch Panel ADC outputs External Flash/EEPROM Wireless Module – Nordic/ZigBEE 3-Track Card Reader – Serial Battery Powered High Speed for LCD Switch-Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Battery Monitoring IC Additional Buttons for Initial design and debug WCU USER INTERFACE Graphic LCD – 3.5” 18 bit Parallel/SPI 320X240 RGB Built in LCD Controller 172Kbytes Internal RAM Integrated Touch Screen Low Power WIRELESS COMMUNICATION RF Design…no thanks (Time, $, Skills, Tools) nRF24L01 - 2.4GHz Transceiver IC Cheap $8 13.5mA/11.3mA peak RX/TX current 900nA powered down 2Mbps Protocol Stack already written 10Mbps SPI interface w/ interrupt SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE (WCU) LCD Display Touchscreen Set_New_Temp( ), Set_New_Pressure( ) Database Access Get_User_Info( ) Wireless Control Get_Touch_Input( ) 3-Track Reader Refresh_Display( ), Highlight_Selection( ) New_User( ), Add_Drink( ), Remove_Drink( ), Check_User( ), Block_User( ) Power Check_Battery_State( ) FLOW DIAGRAM (WCU) System Displays State (Idle) User makes Yes Selection? WCU Highlights Selection No WCU Updates Screen WCU Receives System Data Database Query? No Yes WCU Accesses Database Send or Receive Data COMPUTER MODULE (CM) COMPUTER MODULE Wireless Module Communicate w/ BDU and Wireless Control Unit Serial connection w/ PC Database Window Contains all valid customer ID’s User Interface Display statistics and system status Ability to control system Pressure, Temperature Internet Status Display DELEGATION OF WORK Task Person Responsible Wireless Control Unit ft. Touchscreen Riley Wireless Communication Riley MySQL Database Riley Pressure Transducers Riley Magnetic Card Reader Riley Flow Sensors Riley Temperature Sensors Riley Board Design Riley GUI design Riley DELEGATION OF WORK Task Person Responsible Wireless Control Unit ft. Touchscreen Alex & Mike Wireless Communication Bryan Database Programming Justin Pressure Transducers Bryan & Mike Magnetic Card Reader Justin Flow Sensors Alex & Justin Temperature Sensors Mike Board Design Alex GUI design Bryan DELIVERABLES Milestone 1 3.16.2010 BDU built, BDU PCB rev 1, BDU Board tested w/ functioning sensors BDU functional w/ wireless comm. All systems tested and working LCD SW development, UI designed LCD interface functional, WCU PCB rev 1, Functional LCD interface w/ wireless comm. Documentation Initial Database set up Wireless comm. development Computer Module Complete Zero all nighters in the last week SUPPLEMENTARY FEATURES Ambient Mood Lighting User Interaction on BDU LCD/Graphic LCD (Nokia 6100) Charging WCU Internet module for remote access to database RISKS AND MITIGATIONS LCD/ touchscreen incomplete Wireless comm. incomplete Difficulties w/ flow sensing & control PCB design and/or population mistakes Pressure Sensor Failure •Switch to smaller, simpler screen or a non-Graphic LCD •Implement control system on personal computer using wired connection (serial) •Measure volume using force sensors •Fix mistakes and order another rev if there is time •Cut traces and hand solder wires •Approximate pressure using system variables BUDGET Item PCB’s (3 boards, 1-2 revs) Price $200.00 Graphic LCD w/ touchscreen $30.00 General Components $50.00 Card Reader (2) $30.00 Force Sensor (2) $50.00 Flow Meter $50.00 Temp Sensor $10.00 Pressure Sensors $50.00 Kegerator (system) $150.00 nRF24L01 Wireless transceiver (3 modules) $25.00 Misc. (Shipping etc.) $100.00 Total $745.00 QUESTIONS???